Zum Testen meiner Panzer habe ich zwei Maps von Cleanrock's CRCTI angepasst.
Die Ost-Seite ist wie gehabt.
West ist mit BW85-Inf und Waffen bestückt plus entsprechendes Heavy-Armor.
Leider konnte ich die normalen Fahrzeuge nicht mit den BW85-Pendants ersetzen. Hierbei sind immer wieder Server / Client-crashes passiert.
BW85 crcti's (based on crcti v1.0)
Everon: 10-Town CTI
SW-Nogova: 5-Town CTI
- West heavy armor is replaced by BW85 counterparts (plus Leo1A5 to counter T80 on east)
- West infantry plus gear is replaced by BW85 counterparts
- West cars are not replaced by BW85 because of issues with jupiter an dingo (server and client crashes )
Required Addons:
BW-Mod: BWMod | Bundeswehr Mod für Armed Assault 2, Armed Assault & Operation Flashpoint
- Basic Pack
- Wolf
- Unimog Pack
- Dingo 1
- Wiesel
- Marder
- Leo1A5
Marseille77 BW85
https://www.dropbox.com/s/uvk8q8x5y0et8ea/Bw85 pack 1.2.rar?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/2er6l872vdo89gg/BW85 Tank Pack 1.2.rar?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/2g3v9wbzzfyjib4/Bw85 veh pack 1.2.rar?dl=0
Modemmaik's M48+M42
M48: modem_M48_v1d
M42: modem_M42_v1
Credits to:
Cleanrock for his CTI version
Marseille77, Sanctuary and Cubus for BW85 Pack and Tank Pack
OFP BWMod Team for their Bundeswehr Mod (reuse perm. by TeRp)
Burns, WGL.Q, Serclaes, Sauerbraten, [GLT]Sarge and King Homer @hx3.de for their support and material
FAB fabrice823 for his tutorials
WGL mod team (OFPC) for their great mod
ACE team (http://ace.usmc-warriors.org/), successors of the former WGL team
BI (Armedassault.com) for their sample models
Wikipedia Project (en.wikipedia.org) for additional information
have fun and good luck,
I will not take any responsibility for crashed harddisks, sleepless nights, problems with your boy/girlfriend.
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