
Usermade Missions Der Platz für eure selbsterstellten Missionen und Kampagnen für ArmA3

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Alt 11.08.2013, 00:01   #401 (permalink)
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hello Xeno , just say thanks to your domi . passing hours on playing this! relay enjoyed!
Keep going in this way . love you
piedebeouf ist offline  
Alt 12.08.2013, 12:29   #402 (permalink)
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xeno, do you accept feature requests or maybe help my guysmake a feature?

sometimes side missions spawn too near main targets, sometimes in the very same location. Is it possible to have side mission spawn away from existing main targets?

ive looked at the code. i think the order of side and main missions is set at the very start of the mission, so this makes it complicated?

so the order of side missions is set in an array. when a new side mission is due, its serial number is got from this array. before it's actually spawned, check if it's location is near the existing main target and if it is, skip that sm and move onto the next one in the array.

i realise this might mean we would get through the side mission array quicker but my clan is making loads of new ones. perhaps its possible to add the skipped mission back onto the end of the sm mission array so we can do it later?
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Alt 12.08.2013, 17:43   #403 (permalink)
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Properly chuffed about Domination in Arma3. Just reading through this thread now. Some of my compadres are already here.So pleased you decided you would do this, Xeno. I don't know where I'd be without Domination. Certainly, I wouldn't be a BI customer. So, yes. It's your fault! PS. Apologies for sprechen in Englisch, but your English is WAY better than my German.

Geändert von Tankbuster# (12.08.2013 um 20:40 Uhr).
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Alt 13.08.2013, 09:22   #404 (permalink)
10 Jahre hx3
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Zitat von xqm Beitrag anzeigen

sometimes side missions spawn too near main targets, sometimes in the very same location. Is it possible to have side mission spawn away from existing main targets?

Well, the problem is Stratis. The island is simply not big enough and has not enough good places for side missions. Altis should most likely fix that problem.

Zitat von xqm Beitrag anzeigen

ive looked at the code. i think the order of side and main missions is set at the very start of the mission, so this makes it complicated?

so the order of side missions is set in an array. when a new side mission is due, its serial number is got from this array. before it's actually spawned, check if it's location is near the existing main target and if it is, skip that sm and move onto the next one in the array.

The side mission order is created at mission start on the server (random). It would be possible to pick another side mission which is farther away but that would also mean to completely rewrite the algorithm for it (what if just one side mission is left and it is close to the current AO, just as an example). Don't know if it is worth it once Altis is available (damn, I miss a real OO programming language, it would make such things a thousand times easier).

Zitat von Tankbuster# Beitrag anzeigen

Certainly, I wouldn't be a BI customer. So, yes. It's your fault! PS.

Zitat von Tankbuster# Beitrag anzeigen

Apologies for sprechen in Englisch, but your English is WAY better than my German.

No need to apologize, you can write in English or German in this thread. Most of us germans can read and write both (though I'm not totally sure about that, some germans have difficulties with the german language )

In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.

Geändert von Xeno (13.08.2013 um 09:25 Uhr).
Xeno ist offline  
Alt 13.08.2013, 10:34   #405 (permalink)
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Well, the problem is Stratis. The island is simply not big enough and has not enough good places for side missions. Altis should most likely fix that problem.

The side mission order is created at mission start on the server (random). It would be possible to pick another side mission which is farther away but that would also mean to completely rewrite the algorithm for it (what if just one side mission is left and it is close to the current AO, just as an example). Don't know if it is worth it once Altis is available (damn, I miss a real OO programming language, it would make such things a thousand times easier).

yes, altis will ease or fix this problem. all the same i might see if one of my guys can knock up some code for your approval.

Ooh, and hi tanky!
xqm ist offline  
Alt 13.08.2013, 20:41   #406 (permalink)
10 Jahre hx3
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I'm looking forward to it...

The good thing is, in a few months we will have one plane for each side... maybe.
Hopefully they have cockpits and not just a black screen with a slot.

In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.

Geändert von Xeno (13.08.2013 um 20:43 Uhr).
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Alt 13.08.2013, 21:13   #407 (permalink)
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Anjan-Riot eine Nachricht über Skype™ schicken

Hi Xeno,

ich brauche deine Hilfe und zwar habe ich das mit dem Marker Script scheinbar hinbekommen. Leider nur im Editor.
Hier ist das was ich habe:
#define THIS_FILE "fn_initvec.sqf"
#include "x_setup.sqf"
#define __vecmarker _mxname = _car select 2; \
if (str(markerPos _mxname) == "[0,0,0]"then { \
_mxnamegetPosASL _vec,"ICON",_car select 4,[1,1],_mt,0,_car select 3call FUNC(CreateMarkerLocal);\
nul = [_thisexecvm 'TBBscripts\marker\veh.sqf';\
} else { \
_mxname setMarkerPosLocal (visiblePositionASL _vec); \
nul = [_thisexecvm 'TBBscripts\marker\veh.sqf';\
}; \
_vec setVariable [QGVAR(marker), _mxname];\
GVAR(marker_vecsset [count GVAR(marker_vecs), _vec];

#define __chopmarker _mxname = _car select 2; \
if (str(markerPos _mxname) == "[0,0,0]"then { \
_mxnamegetPosASL _vec,"ICON",_car select 5,[1,1],_car select 6,0,_car select 4call FUNC(CreateMarkerLocal);\
nul = [_thisexecvm 'TBBscripts\marker\ch.sqf';\
} else { \
_mxname setMarkerPosLocal (visiblePositionASL _vec); \
nul = [_thisexecvm 'TBBscripts\marker\ch.sqf';\
}; \ 
Auf dem Server geht das so leider nicht.
Hast du da vielleicht ein Tip für mich?

Anjan-Riot ist offline  
Alt 13.08.2013, 21:19   #408 (permalink)
10 Jahre hx3
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Benutzerbild von Xeno
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Schwer zu sagen was schief läuft ohne die veh.sqf und ch.sqf Scripte zu kennen (und es braucht kein "nul =" um die Scripte aufzurufen )

In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.
Xeno ist offline  
Alt 13.08.2013, 21:28   #409 (permalink)
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Anjan-Riot eine Nachricht über Skype™ schicken

Ah sorry,

hier ist das Script:
if !isdedicated then {
  if (
isnil "fnc_VehMrk_showHint"then {
fnc_VehMrk_showHint = {
hint parseText format["<t align='center' color='#ff1111' size='1.3'>Vehicle Lost!!!</t><br/><br/><t><img size='3' image='%2'/></t><br/><br/><t size='1.2'>%1</t>",
getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _this >> "displayName"),
getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _this >> "picture")

  if (
isnil "eh_VehMrk_showHint"then {
eh_VehMrk_showHint "";
"eh_VehMrk_showHint" addpublicvariableeventhandler {
_this select 1call fnc_VehMrk_showHint;

if !
isserver exitwith {};

private [
_veh _this select 0;
_typ = if (count _this 1then {_this select 1} else {"n_armor"};
_col = if (count _this 2then {_this select 2} else {"ColorBLUFOR"};
_tmr = if (count _this 3then {_this select 3} else {245};

_veh setvariable ["VehMrkWrecked",false];

_pos getpos _veh;
_str format ["VehicleMarker_%1%2%3",typeof _veh,(_pos select 0),(_pos select 1)];

_mrk createmarker [_str,_pos];
_mrk setmarkeralpha 0;
_mrk setmarkershape "ICON";
_mrk setmarkertype _typ;
_mrk setmarkercolor _col;

while {
sleep 2.345true} do {
  if (
isnull _vehexitwith {};
  if (
count crew _veh 0exitwith {};
  if (
damage _veh 0.8exitwith {};

while {
sleep 0.567; !isnull _veh} do {
_mrk setmarkerpos (getpos _veh);
_dmg damage _veh;
_crw crew _veh;
  if (
count _crw 0then {
_man _crw select (count _crw 1);
_txt "";
  } else {
_txt "";
  if (
_dmg <= 0.2then _mrk setmarkeralpha 1 };
  if (
_dmg 0.2then _mrk setmarkeralpha 0.5 };
  if (
_dmg 0.8then {
_mrk setmarkercolor "ColorBlack";
_txt format ["%1 (Wrecked)",_txt];
_wrc _veh getvariable ["VehMrkWrecked",false];
_wrc then {
_tim _tmr - (time - (_veh getvariable "VehMrkWreckTime"));
      private [
_h floor(_tim 3600);
_m floor((_tim/60)-(_h*60));
_s floor(_tim mod 60);
_txt format ["%1 %2:%3:%4",_txt,
        if (
_h 10then {format ["0%1",_h]} else {_h},
        if (
_m 10then {format ["0%1",_m]} else {_m},
        if (
_s 10then {format ["0%1",_s]} else {_s}
    } else {
_veh setvariable ["VehMrkWrecked",true];
_veh setvariable ["VehMrkWreckTime",time];
eh_VehMrk_showHint _veh;
publicvariable "eh_VehMrk_showHint";
      if !
isdedicated then {
_veh call fnc_VehMrk_showHint;
_mrk setmarkertext _txt;
deletemarker _mrk
Ist beides das selbe Script der Unterschied sind die Countdown zeiten.

PS. Wenn ich das null [_this] wegnehme bekomme ich ein Error wegen undefinierter variable _veh und das Script läuft garnicht. An dem Ding verliere ich noch die letzten zwei meiner drei Haare auf dem Kopf.

Geändert von Anjan-Riot (13.08.2013 um 21:39 Uhr).
Anjan-Riot ist offline  
Alt 13.08.2013, 21:33   #410 (permalink)
10 Jahre hx3
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Benutzerbild von Xeno
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x_initvec wird nur auf den Clients ausgeführt. Du musst jetzt auch noch dort wo das Vehikel auf dem Server erstellt wird (mit anschließendem Net Event zu den Clients was x_initvec anstößt) das jeweilige veh.sqf oder ch.sqf ausführen (zumindest lese ich das so auf die Schnelle aus dem Script raus).

Man sollte, wenn möglich, Scripte so bauen das nicht beides drinne ist, also Client und Server Zeugs.

In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.
Xeno ist offline  
Alt 13.08.2013, 21:56   #411 (permalink)
10 Jahre hx3
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Question: Should I add an option to remove FAKs (from players and spawned AI)?

The medical system in Alpha 3 is plain and simple crap because there is no real need for a medic anymore because of the FAKs.

In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.
Xeno ist offline  
Alt 13.08.2013, 22:00   #412 (permalink)
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Anjan-Riot eine Nachricht über Skype™ schicken

Hmmm ich glaube ich lasse es lieber, das übersteigt mein können. Vielleicht später. Danke dennoch für deine schnelle Hilfe.


PS. FAKs können weg.

Geändert von Anjan-Riot (13.08.2013 um 22:07 Uhr).
Anjan-Riot ist offline  
Alt 13.08.2013, 23:15   #413 (permalink)
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Zitat von Xeno Beitrag anzeigen

Question: Should I add an option to remove FAKs (from players and spawned AI)?

The medical system in Alpha 3 is plain and simple crap because there is no real need for a medic anymore because of the FAKs.


We have done this within our version to promote the Medic role, we have been considering other ways to enable other parts of the mission scripting to draw the teamwork closer

Heres hoping we get an Ambulance After the planes of course :P
Champy_UK ist offline  
Alt 14.08.2013, 09:14   #414 (permalink)
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Zitat von Xeno Beitrag anzeigen

Question: Should I add an option to remove FAKs (from players and spawned AI)?

The medical system in Alpha 3 is plain and simple crap because there is no real need for a medic anymore because of the FAKs.


Hi Xeno, that would be nice as a parameter...

Dirty Haz
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Alt 14.08.2013, 10:23   #415 (permalink)
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Zitat von Champy_UK Beitrag anzeigen

We have done this within our version to promote the Medic role, we have been considering other ways to enable other parts of the mission scripting to draw the teamwork closer

Heres hoping we get an Ambulance After the planes of course :P

To be honest, I'd sooner have a MASH tent than an ambulance. Champy, perhaps in our mission, we should have the ambulance behave like a medic thent, ie, you can heal when you're close to it, but it's only driveable by the medic?
To Xeno's question about the FAKs, I think a greatly restricted supply is the way forward. They are new and it'd be a shame to remove a brand new feature altogether, but a maximum of 1 per life is perhaps a good compromise??

Oh, and Hi Xq! Welcome to the internet.

Geändert von Tankbuster# (14.08.2013 um 10:26 Uhr).
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Alt 14.08.2013, 13:01   #416 (permalink)
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Zitat von Tankbuster# Beitrag anzeigen

I think a greatly restricted supply is the way forward. They are new and it'd be a shame to remove a brand new feature altogether, but a maximum of 1 per life is perhaps a good compromise??

The problem is that all AI units spawn with FAKs so a player just can pick up as much as he wants.
The issue is that FAKs should just stop bleeding (which of course is just visually implemented in Alpha 3 but otherwise does nothing, a unit/player does not bleed out) and not magically heal a player to 80% which renders a medic useless.

The gameplay of Alpha 3 is broken in so many areas, FAKs are just one part.

In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.
Xeno ist offline  
Alt 14.08.2013, 13:12   #417 (permalink)
His Awesomeness!
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Everyone likes M*A*S*H (at least the 4077th )

YouTube Video

(for us tvshow-melancholics Last Day of filming - YouTube)
flickflack ist offline  
Alt 14.08.2013, 13:21   #418 (permalink)
10 Jahre hx3
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Benutzerbild von Xeno
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Now let's hope that they'll add mash tents in the final Alpha 3 release...

In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.
Xeno ist offline  
Alt 14.08.2013, 14:34   #419 (permalink)
10 Jahre hx3
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Benutzerbild von Xeno
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I guess the weather (when using setOvercast) will remain broken in Alpha 3.


Alpha 3's volumetric clouds cannot be instantly changed (it would take up to a few seconds to do a full recompute). Therefore, 0 setOvercast 0 will not have the desired effect. You can use skipTime to get to the desired cloud coverage - even 0.5 seconds will usually do the trick.

I doubt that 0.5 seconds is correct as it usually needs 30 minutes for a setOvercast change (skipTime 0.5 acutally means 30 minutes and not 0.5 seconds).
Anyway, using skipTime is not an option in MP.

Nice! No dynamic weather in A3 because JIP clients may end up with a completely wrong weather and time.

In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.
Xeno ist offline  
Alt 14.08.2013, 18:39   #420 (permalink)
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I guess the weather (when using setOvercast) will remain broken in Alpha 3.

Well theres no surprise there, its a n nother thing overlooked
Champy_UK ist offline  

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