
Usermade Missions Der Platz für eure selbsterstellten Missionen und Kampagnen für ArmA3

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Alt 30.09.2013, 16:10   #621 (permalink)
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Quick note to anyone with the M version, one of the side missions has an error as it calls for a non existent class...


line 23 _objs = nearestObjects [_poss, [GVAR(sm_land_oilpump)], 150];

in preinnit GVAR(sm_land_oilpump) = "Land_Ind_Oil_Pump_EP1";<-- A2

needs to be "Land_dp_bigTank_F";

We added a new line in preinnit GVAR(sm_land_tankbig) = "Land_dp_bigTank_F";
and changed line 23 to be
_objs = nearestObjects [_poss, [GVAR(sm_land_tankbig)], 150];

Just incase we get a oil pump model
Champy_UK ist offline  
Alt 01.10.2013, 14:40   #622 (permalink)
10 Jahre hx3
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Benutzerbild von Xeno
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yes latest dev patch did it. just change simulSetHumidity d_lastovercast;
to: //simulSetHumidity d_lastovercast;
and it should work again.

That was the only way to create clouds on the fly in the game and it's gone now setOvercast does not create clouds it just changes the lighting of the sky.
As already written, currently Alpha 3 does not support any dynamic weather at all.

In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.
Xeno ist offline  
Alt 02.10.2013, 04:53   #623 (permalink)
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Wie hast du die Helmcam von Tajin initialisiert? Ich finde einfach nicht die Datei, in der du die sogenannte "inithcam.sqf" aufrufst. Ich will die etwas neuere Version einbauen.

Und ich habe versucht durch dein Helilift Script durchzublicken, komme aber eben nicht weiter. Wie kann man in deinem Lift Script UGV Stomper Dronen hinzufügen?
Predator.v2 ist offline  
Alt 03.10.2013, 00:09   #624 (permalink)
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Anjan-Riot eine Nachricht über Skype™ schicken

Hier habe ich erklärt wie man Fahrzeuge zum Liftchopper hinzufügt.

Domination @ A3 (DE/EN)

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Alt 03.10.2013, 02:59   #625 (permalink)
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Hat sehr gut funktioniert Anjan, danke!

Jetzt würde es mich nur noch interessieren, wie Xeno die Helmcam initialisiert hat.
Predator.v2 ist offline  
Alt 03.10.2013, 08:51   #626 (permalink)
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Anjan-Riot eine Nachricht über Skype™ schicken

Die inithcam.sqf wird aufgerufen in \x_client\x_setupplayer.sqf.
Suche nach:
Ist fast am Ende des Scriptes.

Die HCam Scripte findest du im \scripte Ordner.


PS: In den Macros kannst du auch sehen wie es aufgerufen wird:
#define __ccppfln(xfile1) call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers #xfile1 

Geändert von Anjan-Riot (03.10.2013 um 09:31 Uhr).
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Alt 03.10.2013, 14:14   #627 (permalink)
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This is the current changelog for the next version...


What's new in 2.99n ?
(mission.sqm updated, lots of scripts changed!)

* Added: Darter UAV to (deployed) MHQ menu
* Added: Two AA armored vehicles as base protection
* Changed: Artillery now uses engine artillery system. Two Scorcher batteries at base will provide fire support (please note that artillery ETA can be much longer now )
* Added: Additional checks to prevent vehicles from falling under the map (and never stop falling)
* Added: Release weapons were missing in ranked weapon cargo
* Added: Missing Titan launchers
* Fixed: Sidemission 47 (was using OA class name for tanks)
* Fixed: Sidemission arty (sm50)
* Fixed: Disappearing MHQ and wrecks (hopefully)
* Changed: Flag side missions do fail now if the player carrying the flag dies or leaves the server
* Changed: Some dubbing sounds are back (yet there is exactly not one town name in the Alpha 3 dubbing pbo files)
* Lots of other changes under the hood, mainly bug fixes and major code cleanup

In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.
Xeno ist offline  
Alt 03.10.2013, 14:29   #628 (permalink) Team10 Jahre hx3
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Benutzerbild von Moerderhoschi
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Hey Xeno,

wann released Du denn die neue Version? Mit heute wird das wohl wahrscheinlich nix mehr oder?

Wenn wir heute Abend ne Runde Domi auf dem Stammtisch zocken welche Version kannst Du denn da empfehlen denn die letzte, 2.99m glaub ich, hat ja die Probleme mit dem Sound und Waffenkisten.

Danke Xeno.


Moerderhoschi ist offline  
Alt 03.10.2013, 14:32   #629 (permalink)
10 Jahre hx3
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Benutzerbild von Xeno
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Hm, ich kann Dir nachher die jetzige Version schicken

In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.
Xeno ist offline  
Alt 03.10.2013, 14:36   #630 (permalink) Team10 Jahre hx3
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Benutzerbild von Moerderhoschi
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Prima ... schankedoen Xeno

Moerderhoschi ist offline  
Alt 03.10.2013, 15:26   #631 (permalink)
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This is the current changelog for the next version...


Nice Cant wait
Champy_UK ist offline  
Alt 03.10.2013, 17:09   #632 (permalink)
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Benutzerbild von INNOCENT&CLUELESS
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Wo gibt es denn die nie gebaute Mission welche von Xeno garKeinGarNie gebaut wird regulär-irregulär nicht zum download? Imma nua PM oder vielleicht könnte ja ein Onex dös irgendwo hinstellen?
Alt 05.10.2013, 01:05   #633 (permalink)
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Benutzerbild von boggler
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Haben die Mission auf unserem Server heut Nacht auf
Spielspaß und Performance getestet. Beides war in vollstem Maße vorhanden, Danke Xeno!
est. 1848

Geändert von boggler (05.10.2013 um 01:12 Uhr).
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Alt 05.10.2013, 20:41   #634 (permalink)
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I still have wrecks vanish in ver n
[HUD]Dorph ist offline  
Alt 05.10.2013, 20:41   #635 (permalink)
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Xeno, wrecks are still disappearing but the marker stays on map. I have it set to -1 in the parameters too.

Dirty Haz
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Alt 05.10.2013, 21:37   #636 (permalink)
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Standard Attack Heli


where can i change the script that i can fly the attack heli at the beginning and dont have to wait 30 minutes? ....

THX for help!!!
Topper1974 ist offline  
Alt 05.10.2013, 22:13   #637 (permalink)
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where can i change the script that i can fly the attack heli at the beginning and dont have to wait 30 minutes? ....

THX for help!!!

look at description.ext file and find "autokick" line, change the value to 0 or when hosting (lobby menu) - look at parameters button (right top corner) find auto kick and change to 0.

Xeno, thx for the updated mission.

I have noticed strange behaviour of isle defense across the map. I can fly 5 meters over ZSU AA and it is only aiming, no shooting. Example I've recorded:

If I edit domination in editor and place ZSU AA they start shooting at flying heli as is meant to be. I can't find a cause... (maybe they spawn without ammo ? CHECKED: vehicle is full of ammo) , regards, xares

Geändert von Xares (05.10.2013 um 22:34 Uhr).
Xares ist offline  
Alt 05.10.2013, 22:37   #638 (permalink)
10 Jahre hx3
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Benutzerbild von Xeno
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I have noticed strange behaviour of isle defense across the map. I can fly 5 meters over ZSU AA and it is only aiming, no shooting. Example I've recorded:

If I edit domination in editor and place ZSU AA they start shooting at flying heli as is meant to be. I can't find a cause... (maybe they spawn without ammo ? CHECKED: vehicle is full of ammo) , regards, xares

There's some (old) remark in the Domina spawnvehicle function:

// Workaround for YAAB (Yet Another ArmA Bug)
// don't spawn a commander in ZSUs, otherwise they don't fire at targets
// introduced in one of the betas before 1.59
if (_vehicle isKindOf "ZSU_Base" && {count _thisTurret > 1}) exitWith {};

It's still using the A2/OA ZSU base class and not the Alpha 3 base class and therefore the function does not exit there. So probably A3 has the same bug as OA, if a commander is in a ZSU the ZSU does not fire at all (at least that's true for ZSUs spawned during the mission).

Zitat von [HUD]Dorph Beitrag anzeigen

I still have wrecks vanish in ver n


In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.

Geändert von Xeno (05.10.2013 um 22:41 Uhr).
Xeno ist offline  
Alt 05.10.2013, 22:41   #639 (permalink)
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THX Xares ... that works!!!
Topper1974 ist offline  
Alt 05.10.2013, 22:44   #640 (permalink)
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Thx Xeno , It explains everything...
Xares ist offline  

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