
Usermade Missions Selbsterstellte Missionen & Kampagnen für ArmA2

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Alt 11.07.2011, 10:35   #1 (permalink)
Registriert seit: 06.01.2009
Beiträge: 5
Icon5 WarefareBE 2.069 (Probleme)

Habe gesehen das bereits die neue Version heruntergeladen werden kann! Hab ich auch alles gemacht und es geht auch das einzige Problem:

Wenn ich Kommandeur bin kann ich mei HQ nicht aufbauen es zeigt zwar die Konstruktionsmodus an jedoch lässt sich das Gebäude nicht setzen! kann mir jemand weiter helfen?
Jackrkc ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 11.07.2011, 12:19   #2 (permalink)
50 Beiträge100 Beiträge250 Beiträge
Benutzerbild von Dieter66
Registriert seit: 11.08.2004
Ort: Bokel, Schleswig-Holstein
Beiträge: 486

Klappt bei mir auch nicht, wenn ich nur über meinen PC spiele.
Spiele ich allerdings über einen Dedi-Server klappts. Denke mal Benny hat die Mission für Dedi-Server optimiert.
Intel 2600k@4500, Asus P8Z68-V Pro/Gen3, 16GB Corsair 1600, HD7950@1100, 128GB Curical M4 SSD, Corsair P128 SSD, Corsair H80, Win7 Prof 64-Bit, X-Fi Titanium, Syncmaster P2770 (1920x1080)
Dieter66 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 12.07.2011, 14:44   #3 (permalink)
10 Jahre hx3
500 Beiträge1000 Beiträge
Benutzerbild von TeilX
Registriert seit: 24.02.2008
Beiträge: 2.397

Einfach mal beim BIS Forum in den Bennys Warfare threat gehen da hat er den fix gepostet für Lan.

Edit: Habs doch noch gefunden.
Zitat von Benny. Beitrag anzeigen


I'm kind of busy rewriting alot of modules atm, but here's the 069 LAN Fix, replace your initJIPCompatible.sqf with the following content.

Reinitialization bug is fixed in 070 thanks to some ugly fix

//--- Global Init, first file called.
diag_log Format["[WFBE (INIT)][frameno:%1 | ticktime:%2] Init_JIPCompatible.sqf: Executing the JIP script..",diag_frameno,diag_tickTime,time];

//--- Client Init.
if (!isServer || local player) then {
	diag_log Format["[WFBE (INIT)][frameno:%1 | ticktime:%2] Init_JIPCompatible.sqf: Client detected... waiting for non null result...",diag_frameno,diag_tickTime,time];
	waitUntil {!isNull(player)};
	diag_log Format["[WFBE (INIT)][frameno:%1 | ticktime:%2] Init_JIPCompatible.sqf: Client is not null...",diag_frameno,diag_tickTime,time];
	/* Client Init - Begin the blackout on Layer 1 */
	12452 cutText [(localize 'STR_WF_Loading')+"...","BLACK FADED",50000];
	isHostedServer = if (!isMultiplayer || (isServer && local player)) then {true} else {false};
	isClient = true;
} else {
	if (isNil 'EastMHQ' || isNil 'WestMHQ') exitWith {};
	isHostedServer = if (!isMultiplayer || (isServer && local player)) then {true} else {false};
	diag_log Format["[WFBE (INIT)][frameno:%1 | ticktime:%2] Init_JIPCompatible.sqf: Server detected...",diag_frameno,diag_tickTime,time];
	isClient = false;

//--- Server & Client default View Distance.
setViewDistance 1000;

clientInitComplete = false;
commonInitComplete = false;
serverInitComplete = false;
gameOver = false;
townInit = false;
towns = [];

//--- Define which 'part' of the game to run.
#include "version.sqf"

WF_A2_Vanilla = false;
#ifdef VANILLA
	WF_A2_Vanilla = true;

WF_A2_Arrowhead = false;
	WF_A2_Arrowhead = true;

WF_A2_CombinedOps = false;
	WF_A2_CombinedOps = true;

WF_Debug = false;
#ifdef WF_DEBUG
	WF_Debug = true;

WF_Camo = false;
#ifdef WF_CAMO
	WF_Camo = true;

//--- Special, require a clipboard handler on windows (available on dev-heaven).
mysql = false;
#ifdef MYSQL
	mysql =	if (isMultiplayer) then {true} else {false};

//--- Gameplay variables.
paramMobileRespawn = true;
paramBalancing = false;
paramAI = true;
paramAIcom = true;
paramRestrictionKamov = false;
paramShowUID = true;
paramArty = true;
paramArtyUI = false;
paramTrackAI = true;
paramTrackPlayer = true;
paramRes = true;
paramOccup = true;
paramGearRespawn = true;
paramGearRestriction = false;
paramHangars = true;
paramAARadar = false;
paramCounterMeasures = false;
paramVolumClouds = true;
paramICBM = true;
paramHighCommand = true;
paramBaseArea = true;
paramSpawnRestriction = true;
paramUpgradesEast = true;
paramUpgradesWest = true;
paramKickTeamswappers = true;
paramRespawnMASH = true;
paramResReinf = false;
paramOccReinf = false;
paramPurchaseInfDepot = true;
paramHandleFF = false;
paramBoundaries = true;
paramBasePatrols = false;
paramAlice = false;
paramEASA = true;
paramDLCBAF = true;
paramDLCPMC = true;
paramBounty = true;
paramResVehLock = false;
paramExtendedInventory = false;
paramSecondaryMissions = true;
paramUPSMON = false;
paramDefenseCollide = true;
paramKeepCamps = true;
paramUseWorkers = false;
paramMandoMissiles = false;
paramMoneyOnly = false;

//--- Multiplayers Parameter, the order it the same as Parameters.hpp
if !(isNil "paramsArray") then {
	_u = 0;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_MAXGROUPSIZEAI',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_MAXGROUPSIZE',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramKeepAI = false} else {paramKeepAI = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Keep AI Units over JIP.
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramAI = false} else {paramAI = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- AI Enabled.
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramArty = false} else {paramArty = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Enable Artillery.
	if !(WF_A2_Vanilla) then {missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_ARTILLERYCOMPUTER',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1};
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramArtyUI = false} else {paramArtyUI = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Enable Artillery Interface (Artillery Module).
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_ARTILLERYMAXRANGE',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramAIcom = false} else {paramAIcom = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- AI Commander Enabled.
	if !(WF_A2_Arrowhead) then {missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_ALLIES',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1};
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramAARadar = false} else {paramAARadar = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Anti Air Radar.
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramBaseArea = false} else {paramBaseArea = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Base Area.
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_BASEAREAMAX',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_AIDEFENSE',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_DEFENSEMANRANGE',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	//--- Building Limits.
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_BUILDINGMAXBARRACKS',(paramsArray select _u)];
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_BUILDINGMAXLIGHT',(paramsArray select _u)];
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_BUILDINGMAXCOMMANDCENTER',(paramsArray select _u)];
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_BUILDINGMAXHEAVY',(paramsArray select _u)];
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_BUILDINGMAXAIRCRAFT',(paramsArray select _u)];
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_BUILDINGMAXSERVICEPOINT',(paramsArray select _u)*2];_u = _u + 1;
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramUseWorkers = false} else {paramUseWorkers = true};_u = _u + 1;
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramDefenseCollide = false} else {paramDefenseCollide = true};_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_HQDEPLOYPRICE',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_HQDEPLOYRANGE',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramBasePatrols = false} else {paramBasePatrols = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Base patrols.
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramSpawnRestriction = false} else {paramSpawnRestriction = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Restrict the Spawn logic to 2km within a town.
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_SIDESTARTINGDISTANCE',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_STARTINGLOCATIONMODE',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramMoneyOnly = false} else {paramMoneyOnly = true};_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_INCOMEINTERVAL',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_INCOMESYSTEM',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	//--- Funds.
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_EASTSTARTINGMONEY',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_WESTSTARTINGMONEY',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	//--- Supply.
	EastSupplies = (paramsArray select _u);_u = _u + 1;
	WestSupplies = (paramsArray select _u);_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_SUPPLYSYSTEM',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_FASTTIMERATE', paramsArray select _u];_u = _u + 1;
	if (time < 2) then {setDate [(date select 0),(date select 1),(date select 2),(paramsArray select _u),(date select 3)]};_u = _u + 1; //--- Time of Day.
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_WEATHER',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	if !(WF_A2_Vanilla) then {if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramDLCBAF = false} else {paramDLCBAF = true};_u = _u + 1};
	if !(WF_A2_Vanilla) then {if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramDLCPMC = false} else {paramDLCPMC = true};_u = _u + 1};
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramAlice = false} else {paramAlice = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Ambient Civilians.
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramHangars = false} else {paramHangars = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Airport Hangars.
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_UNITREMOVEDLAY',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_ABANDONVEHICLETIMER', paramsArray select _u];_u = _u + 1;
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramExtendedInventory = false} else {paramExtendedInventory = true};_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_FASTTRAVEL',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramHandleFF = false} else {paramHandleFF = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Base Friendly Fire.
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_MAXCLUTTERDISTANCE',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramKickTeamswappers = false} else {paramKickTeamswappers = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Kick teamswappers.
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramBoundaries = false} else {paramBoundaries = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Prevent players from going outside of the map, they're killed after x seconds.
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramMandoMissiles = false} else {paramMandoMissiles = true};_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_MAPCOLORATION',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_INCOMINGMISSILEMAXRANGE',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramSecondaryMissions = false} else {paramSecondaryMissions = true};_u = _u + 1;
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramShowUID = false} else {paramShowUID = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Show User ID.
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_BALANCEPRICE',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_THERMALIMAGING',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramTrackAI = false} else {paramTrackAI = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Track AI (Yellow dots) on map.
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramTrackPlayer = false} else {paramTrackPlayer = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Track players.
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramBalancing = false} else {paramBalancing = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Balance the given units weapon loadout.
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramBounty = false} else {paramBounty = true};_u = _u + 1;
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramUpgradesEast = false} else {paramUpgradesEast = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Upgrades.
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramUpgradesWest = false} else {paramUpgradesWest = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Upgrades.
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_VICTORYCONDITION',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_MAXVIEWDISTANCE',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	if (WF_A2_Vanilla) then {if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramCounterMeasures = false} else {paramCounterMeasures = true};_u = _u + 1}; //--- Countermeasures.
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramEASA = false} else {paramEASA = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- EASA.
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramHighCommand = false} else {paramHighCommand = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- High Command.
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramICBM = false} else {paramICBM = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- ICBM.
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_ISIS',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramUPSMON = false} else {paramUPSMON = true};_u = _u + 1;
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramVolumClouds = false} else {paramVolumClouds = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Volumetric Clouds.
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_RESPAWNCAMPSMODE',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_RESPAWNCAMPSRULEMODE',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_RESPAWNDELAY',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramRespawnMASH = false} else {paramRespawnMASH = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- MASH respawn's enabled.
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramMobileRespawn = false} else {paramMobileRespawn = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Mobile respawn's enabled.
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_RESPAWNPENALTY',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_RESPAWNRANGE',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_RESTRICTIONADVAIR',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramGearRestriction = false} else {paramGearRestriction = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Player have a gear restriction in camps.
	if !(WF_A2_Arrowhead) then {if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramRestrictionKamov = false} else {paramRestrictionKamov = true};_u = _u + 1}; //--- Kamov enabled.
	_u = _u + 1; //--- Town Amount System, leave blank.
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_RESSTRIKER',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramKeepCamps = false} else {paramKeepCamps = true};_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_TOWNCAPTUREMODE',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_CIVILIANFACTION',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramOccup = false} else {paramOccup = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Town Occupation.
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_TOWNOCCUPATIONDIFFICULTY',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_OCCUPATIONEASTFACTION',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_OCCUPATIONWESTFACTION',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramOccReinf = false} else {paramOccReinf = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Town Occupation Reinforcement.
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_RESPATROL',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_TOWNBUILDPROTECTIONRANGE',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramPurchaseInfDepot = false} else {paramPurchaseInfDepot = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Town Milita Purchase.
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramRes = false} else {paramRes = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Town Resistance.
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_TOWNRESISTANCEDIFFICULTY',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_RESISTANCEFACTION',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramResReinf = false} else {paramResReinf = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Town Resistance Reinforcement.
	if ((paramsArray select _u) == 0) then {paramResVehLock = false} else {paramResVehLock = true};_u = _u + 1; //--- Town Resistance Vehicles Lock.
	missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_TOWNSTARTINGMODE',(paramsArray select _u)];_u = _u + 1;

//--- Debug.
if (WF_Debug) then {
	paramUpgradesEast = false;
	paramUpgradesWest = false;
	//paramRes = false;
	//paramOccup = false;

//--- All parameters are set and ready.
initJIP = true;

//--- Advanced squads
missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_EASTSLOTNAMES',[vehicleVarName EastSlot1,vehicleVarName EastSlot2,vehicleVarName EastSlot3,vehicleVarName EastSlot4,vehicleVarName EastSlot5,vehicleVarName EastSlot6,vehicleVarName EastSlot7,vehicleVarName EastSlot8,vehicleVarName EastSlot9,vehicleVarName EastSlot10,vehicleVarName EastSlot11,vehicleVarName EastSlot12,vehicleVarName EastSlot13,vehicleVarName EastSlot14,vehicleVarName EastSlot15,vehicleVarName EastSlot16]];
missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_WESTSLOTNAMES',[vehicleVarName WestSlot1,vehicleVarName WestSlot2,vehicleVarName WestSlot3,vehicleVarName WestSlot4,vehicleVarName WestSlot5,vehicleVarName WestSlot6,vehicleVarName WestSlot7,vehicleVarName WestSlot8,vehicleVarName WestSlot9,vehicleVarName WestSlot10,vehicleVarName WestSlot11,vehicleVarName WestSlot12,vehicleVarName WestSlot13,vehicleVarName WestSlot14,vehicleVarName WestSlot15,vehicleVarName WestSlot16]];

missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_EASTTEAMS',[Group EastSlot1,Group EastSlot2,Group EastSlot3,Group EastSlot4,Group EastSlot5,Group EastSlot6,Group EastSlot7,Group EastSlot8,Group EastSlot9,Group EastSlot10,Group EastSlot11,Group EastSlot12,Group EastSlot13,Group EastSlot14,Group EastSlot15,Group EastSlot16]];
missionNamespace setVariable ['WFBE_WESTTEAMS',[Group WestSlot1,Group WestSlot2,Group WestSlot3,Group WestSlot4,Group WestSlot5,Group WestSlot6,Group WestSlot7,Group WestSlot8,Group WestSlot9,Group WestSlot10,Group WestSlot11,Group WestSlot12,Group WestSlot13,Group WestSlot14,Group WestSlot15,Group WestSlot16]];

//--- Maximum players, try to keep the same amount of player on east & west.
maxPlayers = count (missionNamespace getVariable 'WFBE_EASTTEAMS');

//--- Execute the common files.
ExecVM "Common\Init\Init_Common.sqf";
//--- Execute the towns file.
ExecVM "Common\Init\Init_Towns.sqf";

//--- Run the client's part.
if (isClient) then {
	diag_log Format["[WFBE (INIT)][frameno:%1 | ticktime:%2] init_JIPCompatible.sqf: Executing Client Initialization...",diag_frameno,diag_tickTime,time];
	ExecVM "Client\Init\Init_Client.sqf";

//--- Run the server's part.
if (isServer) then {
	if (isNil 'EastMHQ' || isNil 'WestMHQ') exitWith {diag_log Format["[WFBE (FATAL ERROR)][frameno:%1 | ticktime:%2] init_JIPCompatible.sqf: The client has attempted to trigger the server part!",diag_frameno,diag_tickTime,time];};
	diag_log Format["[WFBE (INIT)][frameno:%1 | ticktime:%2] init_JIPCompatible.sqf: Executing Server Initialization...",diag_frameno,diag_tickTime,time];
	ExecVM "Server\Init\Init_Server.sqf";

//--- Fast Get/Set.
_i = 1;
{if !(isNil '_x') then {_x setVariable ["identification", Format["EastSlot%1",_i]]};_i = _i + 1} forEach (missionNamespace getVariable 'WFBE_EASTTEAMS');
_i = 1;
{if !(isNil '_x') then {_x setVariable ["identification", Format["WestSlot%1",_i]]};_i = _i + 1} forEach (missionNamespace getVariable 'WFBE_WESTTEAMS');
Also einfach mission entpacken und copy and paste bei der initJIPCompatible.sqf, wieder packen und los gehts^^
masturbation simulator

Arma 3 Dev" so far we haven't deemed it an issues significant enough for hotfixing and also there haven't been many requests for it." so Arbeitet man

Geändert von TeilX (12.07.2011 um 14:50 Uhr).
TeilX ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 20.07.2011, 12:24   #4 (permalink)
Registriert seit: 06.01.2009
Beiträge: 5
Standard verzweifle

Boah bis ich das habe , habe versucht mit vielen tools die pbo zu entpacken krieg das nicht hin! kann mir nicht jemand diese Dateien ersetzen so das es geht? Wäre sehr Dankbar!
Jackrkc ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 20.07.2011, 20:03   #5 (permalink)
10 Jahre hx3
500 Beiträge1000 Beiträge
Benutzerbild von TeilX
Registriert seit: 24.02.2008
Beiträge: 2.397

Willst wohl unbedingt speichern oder?Dedi auf selben Rechner oder alten laptop ist schon besser als im MP menü selber zu hosten. Für welche Map den oder gleich für das ganze Warfare Be Archiv?Für Arma 2 only,OA oder Arma 2 CO?

So hier erst mal Arma 2 only
masturbation simulator

Arma 3 Dev" so far we haven't deemed it an issues significant enough for hotfixing and also there haven't been many requests for it." so Arbeitet man

Geändert von TeilX (20.07.2011 um 20:20 Uhr).
TeilX ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 21.07.2011, 17:13   #6 (permalink)
Registriert seit: 06.01.2009
Beiträge: 5
Icon5 Thx

Hat wunderbar geklappt :-D
Macht auch richtig fun

Mal eine andere Frage so nebenbei gibt es eigentlich noch so Missions arten wie Chernarus life? oder so ähnlich
Jackrkc ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 22.07.2011, 13:01   #7 (permalink)
10 Jahre hx3
500 Beiträge1000 Beiträge
Benutzerbild von TeilX
Registriert seit: 24.02.2008
Beiträge: 2.397

Naja Cheranus life ähnliches wird wohl nicht geben Gangsta Wars - Bohemia Interactive Forums(nie probiert aber hört sich richtung CL an^^) . Aber MSO 3.42 kannst mal probieren. Multi-Session Operations v3.4 is released! - Bohemia Interactive Forums
masturbation simulator

Arma 3 Dev" so far we haven't deemed it an issues significant enough for hotfixing and also there haven't been many requests for it." so Arbeitet man

Geändert von TeilX (22.07.2011 um 13:04 Uhr).
TeilX ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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