
Usermade Missions Selbsterstellte Missionen & Kampagnen für ArmA2

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Alt 23.12.2013, 13:16   #1 (permalink)
Benutzerbild von survivorluz
Registriert seit: 27.02.2013
Beiträge: 29
Standard [Coop] Fotos Winterspecial by LuzifR

F O T O S - * Winterspecial'
by LuzifR

Fotos Winterspecial Co-10 (@)


Thirsk Island

Short description
A Blackhawk was shot down during a reconnaissance operation of thirsk island by russian anti-air forces ..again. Your task is to find the Blackhawk and rescue the pilot ..again!

Required Addons
Thirsk Island

Optional Addons
Advanced Combat Environment 2 OA - Core (Optional)
Advanced Combat Environment 2 OA - Extra (Optional)
Community Base Addons (Optional)

Recommended Addons
ASR AI Addons
A.C.R.E - Advanced Combat Radio Environment


Extract the .pbo file(s) to your ArmA2 Operation Arrowhead\MPMissions folder.

Included files

Language: English/German
Players Number (min/max): 1 till 10 players
Modification ACE2 optional
Dynamic-AI-Creator (DAC)
TPWCAS - TPWC AI Suppression System
R3F Revive (if ACE is disabled)
Parameters: Daytime, 3rd Person View, Team Deathmessage
Eagle Wings Effects
Biting dogs
Wintercamo includet

YouTube Video

Forums Topic
BI Forums

Credits & Thanks
Mission made by [CZ75]-LuzifR
Idea by Kaneda and LuzifR
Equipping by M.Blackwell
Settings by Spiderman
Sounds from Domination I44 by Titi
Trailer by M.Blackwell
Thirsk by Raunhofer
CBA by CBA Team
ACE by A.C.E Development Team
Dynamic-AI-Creator by Silola
[R3F] Revive by madbull
TPWCAS by TPW, -Coulum-, fabrizio_T, Ollem
LHD spawner by ArMaTeC
Eject by Matt Rochelle
Breath Fog Script by TPW modified by Xeno
Eagle Wing Effects by Karel Moricky
CLY Heal by Celery
SaySounds Script by LuzifR
Suicide Script by LuzifR
Dog Script by LuzifR
Tested by: G1uus, M.Blackwell, Kane, Gisi, RunForrest, Spiderman, SmartGun, Andi, Stalker, Orly, Pautz, Stesc and LuzifR
TS3-, FTP- and ARMA-Server by The Oldboys
Special Thanks: G1uus for one important tip

survivorluz ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 07.01.2014, 13:05   #2 (permalink)
Benutzerbild von survivorluz
Registriert seit: 27.02.2013
Beiträge: 29

teamdeathmessage removed
r3f-revive fixed
addaction 'detach box' added
survivorluz ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

ace, acre, rescue, tactical, winter

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