
Multiplayer Missionen Selbsterstellte Missionen für mehr als einen Spieler

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Alt 18.02.2009, 02:20   #1 (permalink)
10 Jahre hx3
5000 Beiträge
Benutzerbild von Xeno
Registriert seit: 03.01.2008
Alter: 84
Beiträge: 6.552
Standard Kleine A.C.E. Missionen Zusammenstellung

Mal wieder in Englisch, man verzeihe mir...

I've compiled a small A.C.E. 1.04 mission pack, included missions are:

co@20 Big Chance 1.87
One version with revive and one without

Game mode: MP, coop 1-20
Addon's required: A.C.E., FDF island Podaga (Podaga needs Queens Gambit)
Respawn: Revive/Base
Side: West
Features: A.C.E., Revive, DAC

Welcome soldiers!

This is our big chance. Intel reports, that some high ranked enemy officers visit Podaga today. If we can get in fast we should be able to eliminate those officers.
Other targets are of high value too, eliminate them.
You will be inserted by para drop.
Try to reach and clear the Base south of the bridge, there you'll find vehicles, ammunition and the mobile respawn vehicle.
Eliminate the officers and other targets and clear the areas where you'll find them.
Good luck.

co@24 Attack 1.72
One version with revive and one without

Game mode: MP, coop 1-24
Addon's required: A.C.E., FDF island Podaga (Podaga needs Queens Gambit)
Respawn: Revive/Base
Side: West
Features: A.C.E., Revive, DAC

This is it!
After we have lost east Podaga to the SLA we are now trying to get back in.
Your first task is to clear an old US base that SLA forces seized during their attack.

You will get other objectives during the mission.

co@20 High Mountains 1.84
Revive only

Game mode: MP, coop 1-20
Addon's required: A.C.E.
Respawn: Revive/Base
Side: West
Features: A.C.E., Revive, DAC

Welcome soldiers!

SLA has managed to get a reconnaissance satellite from another country. We know that they control that satellite with 5 radio towers around mount Pico de Perez.

Our goal today is it, to destroy those radio towers. But before we can destroy a radio tower, we have to shut down the satellite terminals. Intel reports, that there is a control near each radio tower.
It is vital, that we first shut down a terminal BEFORE we blow a radio tower. Otherwise the communication will be still established.
One pilot is available. He is the only one who can fly the Mi17.

We have a big problem though... During the landing operations at the beach near Roca del Dror we lost a cargo ship that had all our weapons on bord.
The only weapons we could recover were M16, M240, a few M24, pistols and M136.

Expect a lot of enemy troops.
Good luck.

co@33 Revenge 1.21
Revive only

Game mode: MP, coop 1-33
Addon's required: A.C.E.
Respawn: Revive/Base
Side: West
Features: A.C.E., Revive, DAC

After SLA has driven UN troops out of Sahrani in a blameful battle, US government decided to get the island under control again.
As a result of our hasty abandonment there is still enough of our own military equipment on the island. The first objective is therefore to take back Paraiso airfield, which we used as our basis before we had to leave.
Beside airplanes and helicopters there are other vehicles like tanks too.
Several groups will parajump in the early morning hours near the airport.

Be ware that only the CH-47 respawns (it can lift all your other vehicles when they are completely destroyed). Bring destroyed vehicles back to your base to the wreck repair point to get a new vehicle.

co@25 Battle for Avgani 1.05
by Kid Dynamite

Game mode: MP, coop 1-25
Addon's required: A.C.E., Avgani
Respawn: Base
Side: West
Features: A.C.E., DAC

Iraq, in summer, 2009.
President Obama has asserted his promises and has ordered the retreat of the American troops from Iraq. The retreat is in the full way. Russia used this moment of weakness to form an alliance with Iran and Iraq. Now strong Russian military units have marched in over Iran in Iraq...

The 101st US airborne division, left as protection division, must position itself against the specially qualified and equipped troops of Iraq, the insurgents and the former ally Russia.

The small city of Avgani plays a key role to defeat against the russian troops.
Your unit, 2nd Platoon "B Company " 1st Stryker Infantry Battailon has gone to south Avgani in position.

The purpose of the operation is easy: take Avgani under control!

co@30 Domination! West A.C.E. 3.27
Well, not much to say to that mission

A.C.E. Mission Pack


In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.
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Alt 21.05.2009, 13:17   #2 (permalink)
500 Beiträge1000 Beiträge
Benutzerbild von Terrorzwerg
Registriert seit: 17.04.2009
Ort: Talheim BaWü
Alter: 33
Beiträge: 2.280

Download funzt nicht mehr!
Jung, abgefuckt, kaputt und glücklich. - Check
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Alt 21.05.2009, 13:21   #3 (permalink)
10 Jahre hx3
5000 Beiträge
Benutzerbild von Xeno
Registriert seit: 03.01.2008
Alter: 84
Beiträge: 6.552

Der Server ist wegen Aufrüstung auf bessere Hardware in die ewigen Jagdgründe geschickt worden.

Die Missionen sind nun Bestandteil vom Domination Missionspaket, Download hier:

Domination - Files - DH: Development Unraveled

In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.
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Alt 21.05.2009, 14:04   #4 (permalink)
500 Beiträge1000 Beiträge
Benutzerbild von Terrorzwerg
Registriert seit: 17.04.2009
Ort: Talheim BaWü
Alter: 33
Beiträge: 2.280

Ich danke dir
Jung, abgefuckt, kaputt und glücklich. - Check
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Alt 17.08.2010, 23:33   #5 (permalink)
Registriert seit: 26.10.2008
Ort: Bad Oldesloe
Beiträge: 22
chaosram eine Nachricht über ICQ schicken

Ich würde mir gerne mal wieder die domi 3.70 für ArmA 1 ziehen, komme aber über Deinen Link nicht weiter. Zugriff verweigert! Gibt es irgendwo noch einen Download dafür? Meine Suche war bislang ergebnislos.

Gruß, ChaosRam
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Alt 18.08.2010, 17:36   #6 (permalink)
Registriert seit: 26.10.2008
Ort: Bad Oldesloe
Beiträge: 22
chaosram eine Nachricht über ICQ schicken

Hab's gefunden: - Domination! Mission Pack Co-30 (@)

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