18.03.2009, 22:58 | #61 (permalink) |
Registriert seit: 03.01.2008
Alter: 84
Beiträge: 6.552
Though I allways say no new version anymore... but...
New version 3.50 available... What's new (overview) ? All A.C.E. missions including the ones released as a standalone package are now part of the Domination mission pack again. New Domination! A.C.E. East and... tata... ranked versions. Many things changed... but take a look at the small changelog yourself. (Small) Changelog: ------------------------------------------------ The package now includes the following missions (40): co30 Domination! One Team - West co30 Domination! One Team - West AI co30 Domination! One Team - West Revive co30 Domination! One Team - West Ranked co30 Domination! One Team - Racs co30 Domination! One Team - Racs AI co30 Domination! One Team - Racs Revive co30 Domination! One Team - Racs Ranked co30 Domination! One Team - East co30 Domination! One Team - East AI co30 Domination! One Team - East Revive co30 Domination! One Team - East Ranked co30 Domination! One Team - West Mando co@30 Domination! One Team - West Schmalfelden Edition co@30 Domination! One Team - East Uhao Edition co@30 Domination! One Team - CSLA co@30 Domination! One Team - A.C.E. co@30 Domination! One Team - A.C.E. East co@30 Domination! One Team - A.C.E. Ranked co30 Domination! Two Teams co25 Sahrani Battle v3.22 co25 Sahrani Battle v3.22 Mando co30 Hill Defense 1.61 co32 Returning Home 1.37 co20 High Mountains 1.83 co25 Enemy at the Gates (Corazol) co33 Revenge 1.17 co16 Leviathan Rising 1.36 co17 Wings of Steele 1.63 co18 Green Holidays 1.03 co18 Southern Comfort 1.43 co35 Red Alert 1.0 co35 Red Alert 2 1.71 co@24 Attack [ACE] 1.75 (needs QG for Podaga island from FDF) co@24 Attack [ACE] 1.75 Revive (needs QG for Podaga island from FDF) co@20 Big Chance 1.88 [ACE] (QG for Podaga island from FDF) co@20 Big Chance 1.88 [ACE] Revive (QG for Podaga island from FDF) co@20 High Mountains 1.84 [ACE] Revive co@33 Revenge 1.22 [ACE] Revive co@25 Battle for Avgani 1.06X [ACE] (needs Avgani) ------------------------------------------------ Please be aware that you need A.C.E. 1.06 for the A.C.E. version now! If somebody is more talented in making dialogs than me, please go ahead and change them (making dialogs is one of the most frustrating editing parts in ArmA, I often want to throw my keyboard out of the window when ArmA crashes again because of a missing semicolon in the dialog config or something else. It would be easier for me to convert Excel or Word to ArmA script than dealing with dialogs ... just kidding) Domination! is now a project over at dev-heaven.net. Feel free to join and help developing it !!!!!!!! Please report bugs there using the bug tracker or if you want new features add them there too (Tickets). It's up to you where the journey is going (let's call it a community project)... so get involved. And finally... Download (now as 7z, much,much smaller): Domination! 3.50 Mission Pack One more thing: You don't have to ask me for permission to modify any of the missions or release a modified mission. Simply do it! (You don't even need to mention me anywhere!). There are more important things in life. And... please use a dedicated server to play the missions. Hosted won't work. Enjoy! And have fun !!!!! Xeno
In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels. |
19.03.2009, 21:22 | #63 (permalink) |
Registriert seit: 03.01.2008
Alter: 84
Beiträge: 6.552
Bugfix Release 3.51 available...
Shortly after the 3.50 release a bugfix release was necessary. A bug in one of the sidemission files led to a server crash (nested #ifdefs). Changelog: Sorry for that. Download: Domination! 3.51 Mission Pack Please report any bugs that you find at Domination - Overview - DH: Development Unraveled (file a ticket). @Kochleffel... Mach Dir selber eine Mission entpacken, in x_setup.sqf #define __AI__ auskommentieren (sprich die // entfernen), setupcopy.bat einmal ausführen, Mission wieder packen. Dann sollte da auch eine A.C.E. East AI sein (am besten noch den Namen im Editor oder direkt per Texteditor in der mission.sqm ändern). Enjoy! And have fun !!!! Xeno
In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels. |
20.03.2009, 20:53 | #64 (permalink) |
Registriert seit: 03.01.2008
Alter: 84
Beiträge: 6.552
Bugfix Release 3.52 available...
And yet another bugfix release. Somehow storing points from players who disconnected got lost between 3.50 and 3.51. It's back! If no real show stoppers show up that will be the last bugfix release before the next version 3.60. Sorry for again. Download: Domination! 3.52 Mission Pack Please report any bugs that you find at Domination - Overview - DH: Development Unraveled (file a ticket). Enjoy! And have fun !!!! Xeno
In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels. |
20.03.2009, 22:12 | #65 (permalink) |
Registriert seit: 23.02.2009
Beiträge: 186
Also ich muss schon sagen,
Xeno ist wohl mit abstand der mission bauer den ich kenn der sehr akuell arbeitet und immer wieder neue relaise bringt, vorallem er weiß was er tut, ich schreib ihn im ICQ an er sagt er hat keine zeit aber kann mir sagen in welcher datei und welcher zeile! einmal 100pkt. an Xeno für eine solch gute arbeit ich sag nur weiter so! |
20.04.2009, 19:43 | #66 (permalink) |
Registriert seit: 03.01.2008
Alter: 84
Beiträge: 6.552
And finally...
New version 3.60 available... ------------------------------------------------ The package now includes the following missions (41): co30 Domination! One Team - West co30 Domination! One Team - West AI co30 Domination! One Team - West Revive co30 Domination! One Team - West Ranked co30 Domination! One Team - Racs co30 Domination! One Team - Racs AI co30 Domination! One Team - Racs Revive co30 Domination! One Team - Racs Ranked co30 Domination! One Team - East co30 Domination! One Team - East AI co30 Domination! One Team - East Revive co30 Domination! One Team - East Ranked co30 Domination! One Team - West Mando co@30 Domination! One Team - West Schmalfelden Edition co@30 Domination! One Team - East Uhao Edition co@30 Domination! One Team - CSLA co@30 Domination! One Team - A.C.E. co@30 Domination! One Team - A.C.E. East co@30 Domination! One Team - A.C.E. Ranked co@30 Domination! One Team - A.C.E. East Ranked co30 Domination! Two Teams co25 Sahrani Battle v3.22 co25 Sahrani Battle v3.22 Mando co30 Hill Defense 1.61 co32 Returning Home 1.37 co20 High Mountains 1.83 co25 Enemy at the Gates (Corazol) co33 Revenge 1.17 co16 Leviathan Rising 1.36 co17 Wings of Steele 1.63 co18 Green Holidays 1.03 co18 Southern Comfort 1.43 co35 Red Alert 1.0 co35 Red Alert 2 1.71 co@24 Attack [ACE] 1.75 (needs QG for Podaga island from FDF) co@24 Attack [ACE] 1.75 Revive (needs QG for Podaga island from FDF) co@20 Big Chance 1.89 [ACE] (QG for Podaga island from FDF) co@20 Big Chance 1.89 [ACE] Revive (QG for Podaga island from FDF) co@20 High Mountains 1.86 [ACE] Revive co@33 Revenge 1.23 [ACE] Revive co@25 Battle for Avgani 1.07X [ACE] (needs Avgani) ------------------------------------------------ Be aware that you need A.C.E 1.07 for the A.C.E. version now !!! Domination! is now a project over at dev-heaven.net. Feel free to join and help developing it !!!!!!!! Please report bugs there using the bug tracker or if you want new features add them there too (Tickets). It's up to you where the journey is going (let's call it a community project)... so get involved. Download (now as 7z, much,much smaller): Domination! 3.60 Mission Pack One more thing: You don't have to ask me for permission to modify any of the missions or release a modified mission. Simply do it! (You don't even need to mention me anywhere!). There are more important things in life. Enjoy! And have fun !!!!! Xeno
In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels. |
21.04.2009, 23:50 | #67 (permalink) |
Registriert seit: 03.01.2008
Alter: 84
Beiträge: 6.552
3.61 Bugfix Release
Shortly after the 3.60 release a bugfix release was necessary (server rpt was full of error messages).
Domination! 3.61 Bugfix Release Sorry for that (like allways ) Enjoy!!! Xeno
In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels. |
28.04.2009, 10:54 | #68 (permalink) |
Schönes Mappack!
Sind bisher zwar erst dazu gekommen 2 Missionen daraus anzutesten, aber die haben uns schon richtig gut gefallen! (ACE Domination + High Mountain). Jetzt haben wir auch FDF mit aufm Server und ich bin schon gespannt auf die Missionen auf den FDF Inseln |
09.05.2009, 09:45 | #69 (permalink) |
Registriert seit: 27.02.2009
Beiträge: 29
ich würde gerne die domination mal auf der neuen everon 2.0 insel sehen. nach einem kurzem blick in den code siehd dies doch für den normalo bürger recht komplex aus.
soweit ich es verstanden habe, wird über eine ausgelagerte positionsbeschreibung die ziele definiert. ich bräuchte dennoch mal konkrete hilfe, in welchen dateien anpassungen notwendig sind. hoffe auf unterstützung. danke im vorraus. |
09.05.2009, 14:19 | #70 (permalink) |
Registriert seit: 03.01.2008
Alter: 84
Beiträge: 6.552
Alles was im Editor zu finden ist auf Everon rüberziehen und dann alle Positionen in den i_xxx.sqf Files im Missionshauptverzeichnis updaten.
Weiterhin die Sidemissions ebenfalls updaten (Positionen, Text, etc). Im x_missions Verzeichnis siehst Du, wie das für Schmalfelden und Uhao funktioniert. Mehr ist nicht nötig, der Rest funktioniert von ganz alleine. Eine Möglichkeit eine Position zu bekommen: Erstelle einen Auslöser, Bedingung: true Aktivierung: Code:
handle = [] spawn {while {true} do {player sideChat format ["pos: %1, dir: %2", position player, direction player];sleep 1.012}}
In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels. Geändert von Xeno (09.05.2009 um 14:50 Uhr). |
12.05.2009, 01:03 | #73 (permalink) |
Registriert seit: 27.02.2009
Beiträge: 29
Domination für Everon!
eine erste Version der Domination 3.61 Everon West basierend auf dem Schmalfelden Template kann nun getestet werden. Benötigte Addons: Everon 2.0 Optional: Woodland Replacement Pack Viel Spass bei den letzten Stunden bis ArmA 2 Release. Geändert von yannick06 (12.05.2009 um 01:06 Uhr). |
18.05.2009, 12:15 | #76 (permalink) |
Registriert seit: 03.01.2008
Alter: 84
Beiträge: 6.552
New version 3.70 available...
This is the last release for ArmA! The main focus for this release was to fix as much bugs as possible and optimize performance (specially for persistent servers). ------------------------------------------------ The package includes the following missions (41): co30 Domination! One Team - West co30 Domination! One Team - West AI co30 Domination! One Team - West Revive co30 Domination! One Team - West Ranked co30 Domination! One Team - Racs co30 Domination! One Team - Racs AI co30 Domination! One Team - Racs Revive co30 Domination! One Team - Racs Ranked co30 Domination! One Team - East co30 Domination! One Team - East AI co30 Domination! One Team - East Revive co30 Domination! One Team - East Ranked co30 Domination! One Team - West Mando co@30 Domination! One Team - West Schmalfelden Edition co@30 Domination! One Team - East Uhao Edition co@30 Domination! One Team - CSLA co@30 Domination! One Team - A.C.E. co@30 Domination! One Team - A.C.E. East co@30 Domination! One Team - A.C.E. Ranked co@30 Domination! One Team - A.C.E. East Ranked co30 Domination! Two Teams co25 Sahrani Battle v3.22 co25 Sahrani Battle v3.22 Mando co30 Hill Defense 1.61 co32 Returning Home 1.37 co20 High Mountains 1.83 co25 Enemy at the Gates (Corazol) co33 Revenge 1.17 co16 Leviathan Rising 1.36 co17 Wings of Steele 1.63 co18 Green Holidays 1.03 co18 Southern Comfort 1.43 co35 Red Alert 1.0 co35 Red Alert 2 1.71 co@24 Attack [ACE] 1.75 (needs QG for Podaga island from FDF) co@24 Attack [ACE] 1.75 Revive (needs QG for Podaga island from FDF) co@20 Big Chance 1.89 [ACE] (QG for Podaga island from FDF) co@20 Big Chance 1.89 [ACE] Revive (QG for Podaga island from FDF) co@20 High Mountains 1.86 [ACE] Revive co@33 Revenge 1.24 [ACE] Revive co@25 Battle for Avgani 1.07X [ACE] (needs Avgani) ------------------------------------------------ Be aware that you need A.C.E 1.08 for the A.C.E. version now !!! Domination! is now a project over at dev-heaven.net. Feel free to join and help developing it !!!!!!!! Please report bugs there using the bug tracker or if you want new features add them there too (Tickets). It's up to you where the journey is going (let's call it a community project)... so get involved. Download (now as 7z, much,much smaller): Domination! 3.70 Mission Pack One more thing: You don't have to ask me for permission to modify any of the missions or release a modified mission. Simply do it! (You don't even need to mention me anywhere!). There are more important things in life. Enjoy! And have fun !!!!! Xeno
In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels. |
17.04.2010, 23:14 | #77 (permalink) |
Was muss man in der ACE Domi an Ausrüstung mitnehmen damit man in Feld Fahrzeuge Repaieren kann,bei der normalen Doni reicht es den Solt auszuwähle in der ACE Domi nicht.
--> -> Rechtschreibfehler sind Gratis <- <-- --> Wer welche findet kann sie behalten <-- German Nato Corps Geändert von [GNC]Lord-MDB (18.04.2010 um 00:20 Uhr). |
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