
Multiplayer Missionen Selbsterstellte Missionen für mehr als einen Spieler

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Alt 28.12.2008, 04:41   #21 (permalink)
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Benutzerbild von Xeno
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Genau meine Rede Xeno, Ace ist im Firedeamon eingetragen...
sorry wenn ich irgendwie nerve

Oder könnten irgendwelche addons probleme verursachen?

Irgendwann mal vor 20 Jahren, oder ist es schon länger her das mich mein jeliebtes Faltengebirge geheiratet hat, sachte eben dieses zu mir... Schatz, irgendwann fracht dich mal einer, ob Addons Probleme verursachen.".

Heut muss ich sachen, Sie hat Recht jehabt.


In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.

Geändert von Xeno (28.12.2008 um 05:50 Uhr).
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Alt 28.12.2008, 09:57   #22 (permalink)
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Benutzerbild von Termi
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Kann man das neufassen von Waffen und Mun nicht speichern?
Dann würden nicht immer alle an der Base "Stunden lang" an den Kisten schnuppern und der Chopper auf sie warten müssen. Zu dem nervst es auch ein wenig die suchereich.
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Alt 28.12.2008, 11:34   #23 (permalink)
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Meinst du das man nach seinen dahinscheiden die Waffen verliert ?

Falls ja versuch die neuste Domina ACE 3.14
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Alt 28.12.2008, 12:16   #24 (permalink)
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Benutzerbild von Termi
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yes das meine ich. Wär nicht schlecht wenn das Geschichte wäre
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Alt 29.12.2008, 13:25   #25 (permalink)
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Benutzerbild von burns
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Domina ACE 3.14

Da könnts noch eine Rucksack Kiste gebrauchen. Musste gestern nen kleinen Umweg gehen weil ich meinen Medizinmann Turnbeutel in Masbete verlegt hatte und nirgendwo anders mehr einen herbekam

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Alt 29.12.2008, 14:51   #26 (permalink)
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Benutzerbild von Xeno
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Die Rucksackkiste, Medikiste und HuntIR Kiste stehen auf der Todo Liste. Wäre nett, wenn es bei einem ACE Update auch verschiedene Munkisten für Ost und West gäbe.

Die nette ACE Halo Animation beim Absprung ist bereits eingebaut, sprich das alte AAHalo ersetzt (dafür musste ich extra das entsprechende Addon entpacken um das Script im Addon zu finden, welches gestartet werden muss, damit das ACE Halo auch kommt).

Warte noch auf P85 um dafür auch eine Version zu erstellen, dann gibts neues (und endgültig letztes) Release.

In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.
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Alt 30.12.2008, 20:34   #27 (permalink)
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Kleines Update der A.C.E. Version

Changelog 3.15pre

- changed AAHALO in the A.C.E. version, it now uses ACE Halo
- removed the depot from base, respawn location now surrounded by hesco walls
- merged the ACE changes into the base code
- merged CSLA code into the base code
- added HuntIR, Medical and Rucksack box in ACE version
- in the ACE version you'll see a black screen and don't hear anything when you die until you respawn
- it is now possible to spawn more than one enemy attack plane or chopper that will fly patrol over the main target (d_number_attack_choppers, d_number_attack_planes)
- had to fight against ACE sys wound player respawn handler to fix the teleport after respawn. ACE respawn handler adds an extra second to the respawn delay and allways calls a headbug fix after respawn delay plus extra second (adds again a few seconds)
- it is now possible to create more than one vehicle at a mobile respawn (in the ACE version you can create an ATV and a bicycle)

co@30 Domination! A.C.E. 3.15pre

In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.
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Alt 31.12.2008, 12:15   #28 (permalink)
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Und noch ein kleines Update der A.C.E. Version

This version should fix the "players join as seagull" bug. I've removed the A.C.E. ammocrate and replaced it with standard ArmA crates. They still get filled with all A.C.E. weapons and ammunition but only locally on the client.

co@30 Domination! A.C.E. 3.15pre2


In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.
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Alt 31.12.2008, 12:17   #29 (permalink)
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Benutzerbild von burns
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Schon gesaugt, thx

Test verschieben wir aber auf nächstes Jahr

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Alt 31.12.2008, 18:44   #30 (permalink)
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Grummel, noch ein A.C.E. Release wegen einem dummen Fehler in A.C.E.

This version fixes the bug that medics or other players couldn't help wounded players.

This is because ace sys network uses onPlayerConnected. If a mission maker uses onPlayerConnected too in his mission it overwrites onPlayerConnected in the addon, means, it can only be used once. As it seems ace sys wound relies on some things that onPlayerConnected in ace sys network uses.
Took me some time to find the heart of the problem.

co@30 Domination! A.C.E. 3.15pre3

So, jetzt geh ich feiern, Prost.

In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.
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Alt 04.01.2009, 18:17   #31 (permalink)
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Final 3.15 A.C.E. version available.

Changes since 3.15pre4:

- in the A.C.E. version the artillery operators (Rescue and Rescue2) are only able to call in artillery strikes when they have the AN/PRC-77 radio. Otherwise the action menu entry will get removed
- fixed, the nice A.C.E. vehicle explosion effects didn't work because if a vehicle got destroyed it was deleted immediately and then replaced by a new destroyed vehicle
- reduced the content of the ammo crates, now only west weapons in the A.C.E. version are available. The ammunition for M109 and Javelin is reduced too
- Should be fixed, destroyed Mi17 were lying near Monte Liberacion

All changes since 3.14:

- in the A.C.E. version the artillery operators (Rescue and Rescue2) are only able to call in artillery strikes when they have the AN/PRC-77 radio. Otherwise the action menu entry will get removed
- fixed, the nice A.C.E. vehicle explosion effects didn't work because if a vehicle got destroyed it was deleted immediately and then replaced by a new destroyed vehicle
- reduced the content of the ammo crates, now only west weapons in the A.C.E. version are available. The ammunition for M109 and Javelin is reduced too
- Should be fixed, destroyed Mi17 were lying near Monte Liberacion
- replaced the A.C.E. ammo crates with standard ArmA crates, the ArmA crates get now filled localy with weapons and ammunition on each client
- changed AAHALO in the A.C.E. version, it now uses ACE Halo
- removed the depot from base, respawn location now surrounded by hesco walls
- merged the ACE changes into the base code
- merged CSLA code into the base code
- added HuntIR, Medical and Rucksack box in ACE version
- in the ACE version you'll see a black screen and don't hear anything when you die until you respawn
- it is now possible to spawn more than one enemy attack plane or chopper that will fly patrol over the main target (d_number_attack_choppers, d_number_attack_planes)
- had to fight against ACE sys wound player respawn handler to fix the teleport after respawn. ACE respawn handler adds an extra second to the respawn delay and allways calls a headbug fix after respawn delay plus extra second (adds again a few seconds)
- it is now possible to create more than one vehicle at a mobile respawn (in the ACE version you can create an ATV and a bicycle)

This is only the A.C.E. version. The complete package will be updated when P85 is available.

co@30 Domination! A.C.E. 3.15


In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.
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Alt 04.01.2009, 19:45   #32 (permalink)
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Benutzerbild von Termi
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Fleissiges Entlein
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Alt 19.01.2009, 21:18   #33 (permalink)
10 Jahre hx3
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Benutzerbild von Xeno
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New A.C.E. version 3.20 available

Changes since 3.15:

- complete rewrite of the network code (finally I've found time for this, massive reduction of publicVariables)
- artillery smoke, etc, now uses A.C.E. viewblock in the A.C.E. version
- you now have to get a parachute pack before choosing parajump at the jump flags in the A.C.E. version
- made some enhancement in the call drop code again (hopefully the AI driven choppers will now really come to the drop point)
- added IRStrobe to the crate in the A.C.E. version
- added more radio variants to the artillery operator radio check in the A.C.E. version, calling artillery is now also possible inside vehicles (as long as you are not the driver/pilot)
- in the A.C.E. version Alpha and Charlie team leaders can only call in an air drop if they have a radio
- added M2HB, tripod and magazines into the ammo crate in the ACE version
- added M1014 shotguns in the A.C.E. version
- added SU27 as attack plane in the A.C.E. version
- many, many internal script changes!

co@30 Domination! A.C.E. 3.20

Please note that you need A.C.E. public patch 1

This is only the A.C.E. version.
Please test.


In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.
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Alt 20.01.2009, 21:42   #34 (permalink)
10 Jahre hx3
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Benutzerbild von Xeno
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New A.C.E. version 3.21 available

Changes since 3.20:

- fixed some bugs in the network code, for example not working artillery
- fixed airki, after the first attack planes or choppers got shot down no new ones were created
- fixed some other small glitches

co@30 Domination! A.C.E. 3.21

Please note that you need A.C.E. public patch 1

This is only the A.C.E. version.
Please test and report any bugs you find here.

And please be aware... Domination does NOT run hosted. You need to start the mission on a dedicated server !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Otherwise the host will not see updates during the game.

One more thing... after spawning as a seagull this evening on my own dedicated server while testing alone, I decided to stop working on updating the A.C.E. version (never encountered that before with public beta 1 on my own dedi).


In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.

Geändert von Xeno (20.01.2009 um 21:57 Uhr).
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Alt 22.01.2009, 01:47   #35 (permalink)
10 Jahre hx3
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Benutzerbild von Xeno
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New version 3.22 available...

Changelog (changes since 3.14):

- added HeinBlöds code from GDTModTracked. Prevents AI tanks from falling on their top or flying through the air (thanks Hein).
- fixed airki, after the first attack planes or choppers got shot down no new were created
- complete rewrite of the network code (finally I've found time for this, massive reduction of publicVariables)
- artillery smoke, etc, now uses A.C.E. viewblock in the A.C.E. version
- you now have to get a parachute pack before choosing parajump at the jump flags in the A.C.E. version
- made some enhancement in the call drop code again (hopefully the AI driven choppers will now really come to the drop point)
- added IRStrobe to the crate in the A.C.E. version
- added more radio variants to the artillery operator radio check in the A.C.E. version, calling artillery is now also possible inside vehicles (as long as you are not the driver/pilot)
- in the A.C.E. version Alpha and Charlie team leaders can only call in an air drop if they have a radio
- added M2HB, tripod and magazines into the ammo crate in the ACE version
- added M1014 shotguns in the A.C.E. version
- added SU27 as attack plane in the A.C.E. version
- added extra bonus mission co@24 Attack [ACE] (needs FDF_Isle1 aka Podaga, ACE and Queens Gambit, required by Podaga island)
- in the A.C.E. version the artillery operators (Rescue and Rescue2) are only able to call in artillery strikes when they have the AN/PRC-77 radio. Otherwise the action menu entry will get removed
- fixed, the nice A.C.E. vehicle explosion effects didn't work because if a vehicle got destroyed it was deleted immediately and then replaced by a new destroyed vehicle
- reduced the content of the ammo crates, now only west weapons in the A.C.E. version are available. The ammunition for M109 and Javelin is reduced too
- merged the ACE changes into the base code
- merged CSLA code into the base code
- added HuntIR, Medical and Rucksack box in ACE version
- in the ACE version you'll see a black screen and don't hear anything when you die until you respawn
- it is now possible to spawn more than one enemy attack plane or chopper that will fly patrol over the main target (d_number_attack_choppers, d_number_attack_planes)
- it is now possible to create more than one vehicle at a mobile respawn (in the ACE version you can create an ATV and a bicycle)
- replaced the A.C.E. ammo crates with standard ArmA crates to fix the "JIP as seagull" bug, the ArmA crates get now filled locally with weapons and ammunition on each client
- changed AAHALO in the A.C.E. version, it now uses ACE Halo
- removed the depot from base, respawn location now surrounded by hesco walls
- many, many internal script changes!

If you are still using ArmA version 1.14 you have to dePbo the mission and comment the line in x_setup.sqf in the main mission folder that has the define (two underlines before)


After you've saved the file run setupcopy.bat once and pack the mission again.

In 1.15 the parachute bug was fixed so it isn't needed any longer.

No Project 85 version yet (still waiting for it).


The package now includes the following missions:

co30 Domination! One Team - West
co30 Domination! One Team - West AI
co30 Domination! One Team - West Revive
co30 Domination! One Team - Racs
co30 Domination! One Team - Racs AI
co30 Domination! One Team - Racs Revive
co30 Domination! One Team - East
co30 Domination! One Team - East AI
co30 Domination! One Team - East Revive
co30 Domination! One Team - West Mando
co@30 Domination! One Team - West Schmalfelden Edition
co@30 Domination! One Team - East Uhao Edition
co@30 Domination! One Team - CSLA
co@30 Domination! One Team - A.C.E.
co30 Domination! Two Teams
co25 Sahrani Battle v3.22
co25 Sahrani Battle v3.22 Mando
co30 Hill Defense 1.61
co32 Returning Home 1.37
co20 High Mountains 1.83
co25 Enemy at the Gates (Corazol)
co33 Revenge 1.17
co16 Leviathan Rising 1.36
co17 Wings of Steele 1.63
co18 Green Holidays 1.03
co18 Southern Comfort 1.43
co35 Red Alert 1.0
co35 Red Alert 2 1.71
co@24 Attack [ACE]

New bonus mission:

co@24 Attack [ACE] (uses Norrins revive and Silolas DAC)
(needs FDF_Isle1 aka Podaga, ACE and Queens Gambit, required by Podaga island)
by Xeno

This is it!
After we have lost east Podaga to the SLA we are now trying to get back in.
Your first task is to clear an old US base that SLA forces seized during their attack.

You will get other objectives during the mission.

Domination! 3.22 Mission Pack

One more thing:
You don't have to ask me for permission to modify any of the missions or release a modified mission. Simply do it! (You even don't need to mention me anywhere!).
There are more important things in life.

And... please use a dedicated server to play the missions. Hosted won't work.

And have fun !!!!!

In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.
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Alt 22.01.2009, 22:43   #36 (permalink)
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Bugfix release 3.23 available...

Accidentally I've replaced createVehicle with createVehicleLocal that caused a script error in the halo code. Fixed.
Sorry for that.

This will be the last Domination! update. It's time to move along and start with something completely different.

Domination! 3.23 Mission Pack


In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.
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Alt 10.02.2009, 02:07   #37 (permalink)
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Ja ja, this will be the last...

A.C.E. version needed some updates because of some changed weapon names (and some other stuff), so here is

Domination! A.C.E. version 3.25 available

This is only the A.C.E. version, you need A.C.E. 1.02.

Beside A.C.E. changes I've fixed the annoying wreck markers bug and some other bugs.

Domination! 3.25 A.C.E


In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.
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Alt 11.02.2009, 01:16   #38 (permalink)
10 Jahre hx3
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Benutzerbild von Xeno
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Again an update to the A.C.E. version, sorry for that.

Domination! A.C.E. version 3.26 available

- Had to disable ACE_Sys_Ruck_SpawnRuckItemsOnDeath, otherwise it didn't allow the player to respawn with a rucksack (got deleted by ace_sys_ruck killed eventhandler before it was possible to save the rucksack into a player weapons array)

This is only the A.C.E. version, you need A.C.E. 1.02.

Domination! 3.26 A.C.E


In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.
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Alt 11.02.2009, 10:47   #39 (permalink)
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Benutzerbild von INNOCENT&CLUELESS
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Thx man, domination is one of the very few coop I really like.

Could we get more defense building like those MG nests, but tied to a pioneer vehicle like in crCTI?

Would be cool to move to the target with a material truck and within a certain range I could set up trenches, sand bag walls, bunkers etc


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Alt 11.02.2009, 11:14   #40 (permalink)
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was ist denn mit ner einbindung von diesem cargo-system ? das ist doch schon released.
hat das mal jemand für sich getestet ? xeno ? haste doch bestimmt schon reingeschnuppert, analysiert und qualifiziert ?!
iB::Topic::RKSL Cargo System - RELEASED!
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