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Alt 16.05.2014, 06:26   #3661 (permalink)
10 Jahre hx3
5000 Beiträge
Benutzerbild von Xeno
Registriert seit: 03.01.2008
Alter: 84
Beiträge: 6.552

Also dann doch Entwarnung, man kann seinen normalen non Steam A2/OA CD Key benutzen um eine Steam Version von selbigen zu aktivieren...


In addition to the free game, Bohemia Interactive today also announced that people who have previously bought a non-Steam version of Arma 2, including the expansions and DLC, are now able to redeem their product on Steam using their original Arma 2 or Arma 2 expansion game’s CD Key (often found inside the box or provided by the reseller via e-mail).

Bohemia Interactive's 15th Anniversary

In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.
Xeno ist offline  
Alt 21.02.2015, 08:06   #3662 (permalink)
Registriert seit: 01.05.2014
Beiträge: 2
Standard Chocoland Treffpunkt
Hallo wenn ihr noch Arma2:OA mögt, freut euch auf unseren Neuen Utes Server. Informationen = heavensdelight .de Server-IP = ; unsere Features sind =
Vehicle Manager ( recolor your favorite Vehicle or give him 2 kind of new Skins,attach a another object to it)
New Missions - Hard to master, Super AI, Ivasion, Carrier AirStrike, Reward, larger estimate
Para Store - for Vehicles , Bulings, Choppers, Planes , Jets,Generals ,Weapons
New Reward System
New Kill System
Mission Rewards
ServerCore (capture the core)
build improved basis (unlock only Owner of Object, move up /down , release correctly, use keys to align your object)
Mobile CargoHold Container where you load in up to 2000,
Base will save forevery if you have BaseBuildersPerl over Restarts,Disconnects,Logouts

Geändert von snooop87 (21.02.2015 um 08:44 Uhr).
snooop87 ist offline  

a2_treffpunkt, da kochschts inne, emo-free_room, stammtisch, zocken

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