Themen-Optionen Ansicht
Alt 05.10.2009, 18:49   #1 (permalink)
500 Beiträge
Benutzerbild von Clawhammer
Registriert seit: 07.01.2008
Alter: 37
Beiträge: 635
Clawhammer eine Nachricht über ICQ schicken
Standard F-22 Raptor Tunen 8-)

Hallo zusammen,

bin gerade dabei für mich die F-22 Raptor von scar (Ich glaube zumindest sie war von scar) rüber zu ArmA2 zu konvertieren (Daher keinen Release ist nur für mich).

Funktioniert auch alles soweit ganz gut :-) nur mir ist das ding irgendwie zu träge, kann man da config seits irgendwas dran ändern?

class CfgPatches
    class 3lb_f22
        units[] = {"3lb_f22"};
        weapons[] = {};
        requiredVersion = 1.0;
        requiredAddons[] = {};
class CfgSkeletons 
    class 3lb_f22_skel 
        isDiscrete = 1;
        skeletonInherit = "";
        skeletonBones[] = {
                    "fold_gear_F", "", 
                    "roll_wheel_F", "fold_gear_F", 
                    "fold_gear_R", "", 
                    "roll_wheel_R", "fold_gear_R", 
                    "fold_gear_L", "", 
                    "roll_wheel_L", "fold_gear_L", 
                    "gear_door_F_L", "", 
                    "gear_door_F_R", "", 
                    "gear_door_R_U", "", 
                    "gear_door_R_D", "", 
                    "gear_door_L_U", "", 
                    "gear_door_L_D", "", 
                    "aileron_L", "", 
                    "aileron_R", "", 
                    "flap_L", "", 
                    "flap_R", "", 
                    "elev_R", "", 
                    "elev_L", "", 
                    "Thrust_U", "", 
                    "Thrust_D", "", 
                    "rudder_1", "",
                    "rudder_2", "",
                    "wb_L_U", "",
                    "wb_L_D", "",
                    "wb_R_U", "",
                    "wb_R_D", "",
                    "wb_DL_B", "",
                    "wb_DL_S", "",
                    "wb_DR_B", "",
                    "wb_DR_S", "",
                    "wb_m61", "",
                    "f22_canopy", "",
class CfgModels 
    class Default 
        sectionsInherit = "";
        sections[] = { };
    class 3lb_f22 : Default
        sections[] = {"aim9x_1","aim9x_2","aim120c_1","aim120c_2","aim120c_3","aim120c_4","aim120c_5","aim120c_6","zbytek","f22_canopy"};
        skeletonName = "3lb_f22_skel";
        class Animations 
            class roll_wheel_F 
                type = "rotationX";
                memory = 1;
                sourceAddress = "loop";
                source = "wheel";
                selection = "roll_wheel_F";
                axis = "";
                minValue = 0;
                maxValue = 1;
                angle0 = 0;
                angle1 = "rad -360";
            class roll_wheel_R : roll_wheel_F
                selection = "roll_wheel_R";
            class roll_wheel_L : roll_wheel_F
                selection = "roll_wheel_L";
            class fold_gear_F 
                type = "rotation";
                memory = 1;
                sourceAddress = "clamp";
                source = "gear";
                selection = "fold_gear_F";
                axis = "axis_fold_gear_F";
                minValue = 0;
                maxValue = 0.700000;
                angle0 = 0;
                angle1 = "rad -100";
            class fold_gear_R : fold_gear_F
                selection = "fold_gear_R";
                axis = "axis_fold_gear_R";
                angle0 = 0;
                angle1 = "rad -105";
            class fold_gear_L : fold_gear_F
                selection = "fold_gear_L";
                axis = "axis_fold_gear_L";
                angle0 = 0;
                angle1 = "rad -105";
            class gear_door_F_L
                type = "rotation";
                memory = 1;
                sourceAddress = "clamp";
                source = "gear";
                selection = "gear_door_F_L";
                axis = "axis_gear_door_F_L";
                minValue = 0.500000;
                maxValue = 1;
                angle0 = 0;
                angle1 = "rad +50";
            class gear_door_F_R
                type = "rotation";
                memory = 1;
                sourceAddress = "clamp";
                source = "gear";
                selection = "gear_door_F_R";
                axis = "axis_gear_door_F_R";
                minValue = 0.500000;
                maxValue = 1;
                angle0 = 0;
                angle1 = "rad -50";
            class gear_door_R_U : gear_door_F_R
                selection = "gear_door_R_U";
                axis = "axis_gear_door_R_U";
                angle0 = 0;
                angle1 = "rad +73";
            class gear_door_R_D : gear_door_F_R
                selection = "gear_door_R_D";
                axis = "axis_gear_door_R_D";
                angle0 = 0;
                angle1 = "rad -110";
            class gear_door_L_U : gear_door_F_L
                selection = "gear_door_L_U";
                axis = "axis_gear_door_L_U";
                angle0 = 0;
                angle1 = "rad -73";
            class gear_door_L_D : gear_door_F_L
                selection = "gear_door_L_D";
                axis = "axis_gear_door_L_D";
                angle0 = 0;
                angle1 = "rad +110";
            class aileron_L 
                memory = 1;
                type = "rotation";
                sourceAddress = "clamp";
                source = "aileron";
                selection = "aileron_L";
                axis = "axis_aileron_L";
                minValue = -1;
                maxValue = 1;
                angle0 = "rad -25";
                angle1 = "rad +25";
            class aileron_R : aileron_L
                selection = "aileron_R";
                axis = "axis_aileron_R";
            class flap_L 
                memory = 1;
                type = "rotation";
                sourceAddress = "clamp";
                source = "flap";
                selection = "flap_L";
                axis = "axis_flap_L";
                minValue = -1;
                maxValue = 1;
                angle0 = "rad +20";
                angle1 = "rad -20";
            class flap_R : flap_L
                selection = "flap_R";
                axis = "axis_flap_R";
                angle0 = "rad -20";
                angle1 = "rad +20";
            class elev_L 
                memory = 1;
                type = "rotation";
                sourceAddress = "clamp";
                source = "elevator";
                selection = "elev_L";
                axis = "axis_elev_L";
                minValue = -1;
                maxValue = 1;
                angle0 = "rad +20";
                angle1 = "rad -20";
            class elev_R : elev_L
                selection = "elev_R";
                axis = "axis_elev_R";
            class Thrust_U
                memory = 1;
                type = "rotation";
                sourceAddress = "clamp";
                source = "elevator";
                selection = "Thrust_U";
                axis = "axis_thrust_U";
                minValue = -1;
                maxValue = 1;
                angle0 = "rad +20";
                angle1 = "rad -20";
            class Thrust_D
                memory = 1;
                type = "rotation";
                sourceAddress = "clamp";
                source = "elevator";
                selection = "Thrust_D";
                axis = "axis_thrust_D";
                minValue = -1;
                maxValue = 1;
                angle0 = "rad +20";
                angle1 = "rad -20";
            class rudder_L
                memory = 1;
                type = "rotation";
            class rudder_R : rudder_L
            class f22_canopy
                type = "rotation";
                selection = "f22_canopy";
                axis = "axis_f22_canopy";
                memory = 1;
                minValue = 0;
                maxValue = 1;
                angle0 = "rad 0";
                angle1 = "rad 30";
            class wb_L_U
                minValue = 0;
                maxValue = 1;
                angle0 = "rad 0";
                angle1 = "rad 65";
            class wb_L_D
                minValue = 0;
                maxValue = 1;
                angle0 = "rad 0";
                angle1 = "rad -65";
            class wb_R_U
                minValue = 0;
                maxValue = 1;
                angle0 = "rad 0";
                angle1 = "rad -65";
            class wb_R_D
                minValue = 0;
                maxValue = 1;
                angle0 = "rad 0";
                angle1 = "rad 65";
            class wb_DL_B
                minValue = 0;
                maxValue = 1;
                angle0 = "rad 0";
                angle1 = "rad 85";
            class wb_DL_S
                minValue = 0;
                maxValue = 1;
                angle0 = "rad 0";
                angle1 = "rad -85";
            class wb_DR_B
                minValue = 0;
                maxValue = 1;
                angle0 = "rad 0";
                angle1 = "rad -85";
            class wb_DR_S
                minValue = 0;
                maxValue = 1;
                angle0 = "rad 0";
                angle1 = "rad 85";
            class wb_m61
                minValue = 0;
                maxValue = 1;
                angle0 = "rad 0";
                angle1 = "rad -85";
            class HorizonDive
            class Horizon2Dive: HorizonDive
            class Horizon3Dive: HorizonDive
                minValue="rad -90";
                maxValue="rad 90";
            class HorizonBank
            class Horizon2Bank: HorizonBank
            class Horizon3Bank: HorizonBank
            class IndicatorSpeed
            class IndicatorSpeed3

class CfgAmmo
    class BulletBase;
    class 3lb_M61A2: BulletBase
        cost = 80;
        explosive = 0;
        tracerColor[]={0.2, 0.8, 0.1, 0.04};
        tracerColorR[]={0.2, 0.8, 0.1, 0.04};
    class MissileBase;
    class 3lb_aim9x_AA: MissileBase
        model = "\3lb_f22\aim9x_f.p3d";
        simulationStep = 0.002;
        trackOversteer = 5.0;
        trackLead = 0;
        irLock = true;
    class 3lb_aim120c_AA: MissileBase
        model = "\3lb_f22\aim120c_f.p3d";
        simulationStep = 0.002;
        trackOversteer = 5.0;
        trackLead = 0;
        irLock = true;

class CfgMagazines
    class VehicleMagazine;
    class 3lb_20mm_M61A2: VehicleMagazine
        scope = 2;
        displayName = "M61A2";
        ammo = "3lb_M61A2";
        initSpeed = 1080;
    class 3lb_aim9x_M: VehicleMagazine
        scope = 2;
        displayName = "AIM9X";
    class 3lb_aim120c_M: VehicleMagazine
        scope = 2;
        displayName = "AIM120C";
class CfgWeapons
    class CannonCore;
    class 3lb_M61A2: CannonCore
        scope = 2;
        flash = gunfire;
        flashSize = 0.1;
        recoil = Empty;
        optics = 1;
        aiDispersionCoefX = 0.8;
        aiDispersionCoefY = 0.8;
        maxLeadSpeed = 2000;
    class MissileLauncher;
    class 3lb_aim9x_AA: MissileLauncher
        scope = 2;
        displayName = "AIM9X";

        reloadTime = 2.5;
    class 3lb_aim120c_AA: MissileLauncher
        scope = 2;
        displayName = "AIM120C";

        reloadTime = 3;
class CfgVehicles 
    class Air ;
    class Plane : Air
        class NewTurret ;
        class ViewPilot ;
    class AV8B : Plane
    class 3lb_f22 : AV8B
        vtol = 0;
        model = "\3lb_f22\3lb_f22";
        displayName = "F-22A";
        icon = "\3lb_f22\texture\f22_icon.paa";
        picture = "\3lb_f22\texture\f22_pic.paa";
        weapons[] = {"3lb_M61A2","3lb_aim9x_AA", "3lb_aim120c_AA"};
        magazines[] = {    "3lb_20mm_M61A2", "3lb_aim9x_M", "3lb_aim120c_M"};
        soundEngine[] = {\ca\Air\Data\Sound\av8b_engine3.wss, db30, 1};
        insideSoundCoef = 0.2;
        camouflage = 12;
        audible = 6;
        accuracy = 0.200000;
        maxSpeed = 1200;
        landingAoa = "rad 10";
        landingSpeed = 250;

        armor = 40;
        armorStructured = 1;
        irScanRangeMin = 100;
        irScanRangeMax = 10000;
        irScanToEyeFactor = 3;
        noseDownCoef = 0;
        flapsFrictionCoef = 0.3;
        aileronSensitivity = 0.9;
        elevatorSensitivity = 0.800000;
        wheelSteeringSensitivity = 3.0;
        laserScanner = 1;
        gunAimDown = 0.045000;
        memoryPointLRocket = "Rocket_1";
        memoryPointRRocket = "Rocket_2";
        minFireTime = 30;
        cost = 80000000;
        type = "VAir";
        threat[] = {1, 1, 0.700000};
        class AnimationSources
            class f22_canopy
                source = "user";
                animPeriod = 3;
            class Thrust_U
                source = "user";
                animPeriod = 3;
            class Thrust_D
                source = "user";
                animPeriod = 3;
            class wb_L_U
                source = "user";
                animPeriod = 0.3;
            class wb_L_D
                source = "user";
                animPeriod = 0.3;
            class wb_R_U
                source = "user";
                animPeriod = 0.3;
            class wb_R_D
                source = "user";
                animPeriod = 0.3;
            class wb_DL_B
                source = "user";
                animPeriod = 0.3;
            class wb_DL_S
                source = "user";
                animPeriod = 0.3;
            class wb_DR_B
                source = "user";
                animPeriod = 0.3;
            class wb_DR_S
                source = "user";
                animPeriod = 0.3;
            class wb_m61
                source = "user";
                animPeriod = 0.3;
        class eventhandlers
            Init = "[_this select 0] exec ""\3lb_f22\init.sqs""";
            fired = "[_this] exec ""\3lb_f22\fire.sqs""";
        class Damage {
            tex[] = {};
                    "3lb_f22\texture\kolo_destruct.rvmat" };

        class MGunClouds 
            cloudletDuration = 0.500000;
            cloudletAnimPeriod = 1.000000;
            cloudletSize = 2.000000;
            cloudletAlpha = 0.500000;
            cloudletGrowUp = 0.100000;
            cloudletFadeIn = 0.100000;
            cloudletFadeOut = 2;
            cloudletAccY = 0;
            cloudletMinYSpeed = -1000;
            cloudletMaxYSpeed = 1000;
            cloudletShape = "\ca\data\cl_basic";
            cloudletColor[] = {    1, 1, 1, 0};
            interval = 0.010000;
            size = 2;
            sourceSize = 0.050000;
            timeToLive = 1;
            initT = 0;
            deltaT = 0;
            class Table 
                class T0 
                    maxT = 0;
                    color[] = {1, 1, 1, 0};
        class Reflectors 
            class Left 
                color[] = {    0.800000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 1.000000};
                ambient[] = {0.070000, 0.070000, 0.070000, 1.000000};
                position = "L svetlo";
                direction = "konec L svetla";
                hitpoint = "L svetlo";
                selection = "L svetlo";
                size = 1;
                brightness = 1.000000;
            class Right 
                color[] = {    0.800000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 1.000000};
                ambient[] = {0.070000, 0.070000, 0.070000, 1.000000};
                position = "P svetlo";
                direction = "konec P svetla";
                hitpoint = "P svetlo";
                selection = "P svetlo";
                size = 1;
                brightness = 1.000000;
        class MFD 
            borderLeft = 0.020000;
            borderRight = 0.020000;
            borderTop = 0.020000;
            borderBottom = 0.020000;
            class AirplaneHUD 
                topLeft = "HUD LH";
                topRight = "HUD PH";
                bottomLeft = "HUD LD";
                borderLeft = 0;
                borderRight = 0;
                borderTop = 0;
                borderBottom = 0;
                color[] = {    0.100000, 0, 0, 0.100000};
                class Pos10 
                    pos0[] = {0.500000, 0.500000};
                    pos10[] = {    1.400000, 1.400000};
                    type = "vector";
                class Bones 
                    class SpdTextPos 
                        type = "fixed";
                        Pos[] = {0.150000, 0.200000};
                    class FuelTextPos 
                        type = "fixed";
                        Pos[] = {0.975000, 0.760000};
                    class EngTextPos 
                        type = "fixed";
                        Pos[] = {0.965000, 0.805000};
                    class DisTextPos 
                        type = "fixed";
                        Pos[] = {0.240000, 0.810000};
                    class AltTextPos 
                        type = "fixed";
                        Pos[] = {0.900000, 0.200000};
                    class ASLFix 
                        type = "fixed";
                        pos[] = {0.850000, 0.620000};
                    class ASLMove 
                        type = "linear";
                        source = "altitudeASL";
                        min = 0;
                        max = 400;
                        minPos[] = {0.850000, 0.300000};
                        maxPos[] = {0.850000, 0.620000};
                    class AGLMove 
                        type = "linear";
                        source = "altitudeAGL";
                        min = 0;
                        max = 150;
                        minPos[] = {
                                0.500000, 1.100000
                        maxPos[] = {
                                0.500000, 0.500000
                    class VertSpeedMove 
                        type = "linear";
                        source = "vSpeed";
                        min = -50;
                        max = 50;
                        minPos[] = {
                                0.200000, 0.350000
                        maxPos[] = {
                                0.200000, 0.650000
                    class VertSpeedFix 
                        type = "fixed";
                        Pos[] = {
                                0.200000, 0.500000
                    class ILS 
                        type = "ils";
                        pos0[] = {
                                0.500000, 0.400000
                        pos3[] = {
                                0.700000, 0.600000
                    class WeaponAim : Pos10
                        source = "weapon";
                    class Target 
                        source = "target";
                        pos0[] = {
                                0.420000, 0.650000
                        pos10[] = {
                                0.970000, 1.250000
                        type = "vector";
                    class Level0 
                        pos0[] = {
                                0.500000, 0.500000
                        pos10[] = {
                                1.200000, 1.500000
                        type = "horizon";
                        angle = 0;
                    class LevelP5 : Level0
                        angle = 5;
                    class LevelM5 : Level0
                        angle = -5;
                    class LevelP10 : Level0
                        angle = 10;
                    class LevelM10 : Level0
                        angle = -10;
                    class LevelP15 : Level0
                        angle = 15;
                    class LevelM15 : Level0
                        angle = -15;
                    class Velocity 
                        pos0[] = {
                                0.500000, 0.500000
                        pos10[] = {
                                1.200000, 1.200000
                        type = "vector";
                        source = "velocity";
                class Draw 
                    alpha = 0.800000;
                    color[] = {
                            0, 0.600000, 0
                    clipTL[] = {
                            0, 0
                    clipBR[] = {
                            1, 1
                    condition = "on";
                    class Altitude 
                        type = "text";
                        align = "right";
                        scale = 1;
                        source = "altitudeAGL";
                        sourceScale = 1;
                        pos[] = {
                                "AltTextPos", {-0.050000, -0.030000}, 1
                        right[] = {
                                "AltTextPos", {0.010000, -0.030000}, 1
                        down[] = {
                                "AltTextPos", {-0.050000, 0.040000}, 1
                    class SpeedNumber 
                        type = "text";
                        align = "left";
                        scale = 1;
                        source = "speed";
                        sourceScale = 3.600000;
                        pos[] = {
                                "SpdTextPos", {-0.050000, -0.030000}, 1
                        right[] = {
                                "SpdTextPos", {0.010000, -0.030000}, 1
                        down[] = {
                                "SpdTextPos", {-0.050000, 0.040000}, 1
                    class EngNumber 
                        type = "text";
                        align = "left";
                        scale = 1;
                        source = "rpm";
                        sourceScale = 100;
                        pos[] = {
                                "EngTextPos", {-0.050000, -0.030000}, 1
                        right[] = {
                                "EngTextPos", {-0.010000, -0.030000}, 1
                        down[] = {
                                "EngTextPos", {-0.050000, 0.020000}, 1
                    class FuelNumber 
                        type = "text";
                        align = "left";
                        scale = 1;
                        source = "fuel";
                        sourceScale = 100;
                        pos[] = {
                                "FuelTextPos", {-0.050000, -0.030000}, 1
                        right[] = {
                                "FuelTextPos", {-0.010000, -0.030000}, 1
                        down[] = {
                                "FuelTextPos", {-0.050000, 0.020000}, 1
                    class DisNumber 
                        type = "text";
                        align = "left";
                        scale = 1;
                        source = "targetDist";
                        sourceScale = 1;
                        pos[] = {
                                "DisTextPos", {-0.050000, -0.030000}, 1
                        right[] = {
                                "DisTextPos", {-0.010000, -0.030000}, 1
                        down[] = {
                                "DisTextPos", {-0.050000, 0.020000}, 1
                    class AGLBox 
                        type = "line";
                        points[] = {
                                {"AGLMove", {-0.050000, -0.025000}, 1}, {"AGLMove", {-0.050000, 0.025000}, 1}, {"AGLMove", {0.050000, 0.025000}, 1}, {"AGLMove", {0.050000, -0.025000}, 1}, {"AGLMove", {-0.050000, -0.025000}, 1}
                    class ASLLine 
                        type = "line";
                        points[] = {
                                {"ASLFix", {0.020000, 0}, 1}, {"ASLFix", {0, 0}, 1}, {"ASLMove", {0, 0}, 1}, {"ASLMove", {0.020000, 0}, 1}
                    class VertSpeed 
                        type = "line";
                        points[] = {
                                {"VertSpeedFix", {0.020000, 0}, 1}, {"VertSpeedFix", {0, 0}, 1}, {"VertSpeedMove", {0, 0}, 1}, {"VertSpeedMove", {-0.030000, -0.015000}, 1}, {"VertSpeedMove", {-0.030000, 0.015000}, 1}, {"VertSpeedMove", {0, 0}, 1}
                    class Speed 
                    class PlaneW 
                        clipTL[] = {
                                0.000000, 0.100000
                        clipBR[] = {
                                1.000000, 0.900000
                        class Velocity 
                            type = "line";
                            points[] = {
                                    {"Velocity", {0, -0.020000}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0.020000, 0}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0, 0.020000}, 1}, {"Velocity", {-0.020000, 0}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0, -0.020000}, 1}
                        class Cross 
                            type = "line";
                            points[] = {
                                    {"Velocity", {-0.040000, 0}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0.040000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"Velocity", {0, 0}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0, -0.040000}, 1}
                    class MGun 
                        condition = "mgun";
                    class Missile 
                        condition = "missile";
                        class Target 
                            type = "line";
                            points[] = {
                                    {"Target", {-0.030000, -0.030000}, 1}, {"Target", {0.030000, -0.030000}, 1}, {"Target", {0.030000, 0.030000}, 1}, {"Target", {-0.030000, 0.030000}, 1}, {"Target", {-0.030000, -0.030000}, 1}
                    class Horizont 
                        class Center 
                            type = "line";
                            points[] = {
                                    {"Level0", {-0.250000, 0}, 1}, {"Level0", {-0.070000, 0}, 1}, {"Level0", {-0.070000, 0.040000}, 1}, {}, {"Level0", {0.070000, 0.040000}, 1}, {"Level0", {0.070000, 0}, 1}, {"Level0", {0.250000, 0}, 1}
                        class P5 
                            type = "line";
                            points[] = {
                                    {"LevelP5", {-0.400000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP5", {-0.150000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelP5", {0.400000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP5", {0.150000, 0}, 1}
                        class M5 
                            type = "line";
                            points[] = {
                                    {"LevelM5", {-0.400000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM5", {-0.150000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM5", {0.400000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM5", {0.150000, 0}, 1}
                        class P10 
                            type = "line";
                            points[] = {
                                    {"LevelP10", {-0.400000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP10", {-0.150000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelP10", {0.400000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP10", {0.150000, 0}, 1}
                        class M10 
                            type = "line";
                            points[] = {
                                    {"LevelM10", {-0.400000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM10", {-0.150000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM10", {0.400000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM10", {0.150000, 0}, 1}
                        class P15 
                            type = "line";
                            points[] = {
                                    {"LevelP15", {-0.400000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP15", {-0.150000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelP15", {0.400000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP15", {0.150000, 0}, 1}
                        class M15 
                            type = "line";
                            points[] = {
                                    {"LevelM15", {-0.400000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM15", {-0.150000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM15", {0.400000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM15", {0.150000, 0}, 1}
                    class ILS 
                        condition = "ils";
                        class Glideslope 
                            clipTL[] = {
                                    0.290000, 0.290000
                            clipBR[] = {
                                    0.710000, 0.710000
                            class ILS 
                                type = "line";
                                points[] = {
                                        {"ILS", {-10, 0}, 1}, {"ILS", {10, 0}, 1}, {}, {"ILS", {0, -10}, 1}, {"ILS", {0, 10}, 1}
                        class AOABracket 
                            type = "line";
                            points[] = {
                                    {{0.420000, 0.780000}, 1}, {{0.400000, 0.780000}, 1}, {{0.400000, 0.880000}, 1}, {{0.420000, 0.880000}, 1}
Und hier nochmal gesagt, ich mache das nur für mich solange ich nicht beim Author nachgefragt habe gibt es hier nix auch nicht heimlich per pm!
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Alt 06.10.2009, 16:06   #2 (permalink)
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wärs da nich cleverer, das "ich mach was tolles, das wird geil! aber ihr kriegts nich, dürft mir aber trotzdem dabei helfen es toll werden zu lassen!" sein zu lassen, hier gar nix im forum zu veröffentlichen, sondern aktive modder und/oder den autor direkt zu kontaktieren?

sorry für offtopic, aber damit haste schonmal n paar tips, wie du an deine infos rankommst ^^
nightbringer ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 10.10.2009, 18:56   #3 (permalink)
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Viele mods/addons begannen mit den Worten "ich mach das nur für mich" und haben später dann den Weg an die Öffentlichkeit gefunden.


Configseitig solltest Du mal mit den folgenden beiden Einstellungen experimentieren:

aileronsensitivity =
elevatorsensitivity =

Damit kannst Du schon mal festlegen wie rasch das Ding auf Steuerbefehle reagiert. Sollte dir danach die roll/nick/gierrate immer noch nicht gefallen, dann musst Du an die .p3d ran.

Da ist die GEO LOD die Anlaufstelle. Hier wird einem Objekt sowohl Masse (Gewicht) als auch substanz (damit Du dir auch den Kopf anhaust und nicht durchläufst) verpasst. Du solltest da bereits einige Selections finden mit den Namen "ComponentXX" wobei XX für eine Zahl steht. Normalerweise 01 und aufsteigend aber nicht zwingend. Und unten links im O2 Fenster sollte das Gewicht angezeigt werden.

Du kannst hier jeder Selection sparat ein gewicht zuordnen und damit in die Gewichtsverteilung eingreifen.

Ich persönlich arbeite nach folgender methode:

Alle selections mit Namen "ComponentXX" haben Gewicht null.
Ich setze 7 neue Punkte und zwar einmal genau in die mitte des Flugzeugs, genau VOR die Nase, hinters Heck, mittig oberhalb, mittig unterhalb und lenks und rechts neben den Flügeln. Die kriegen auf keinen Fall einen "ComponentXX"-Namen verpasst! Selections mit solch einem Namen werden nämlich als kollisionsabfrage genutzt. Wenn die Selection also nen anderen Namen hat, ist Sie zwar teil der Masse aber nicht der substanz. Bist Du noch dran?

Ok, mit diesen 7 Punkten kannst Du nun das balancing machen. Schon mal ner Eiskunstläuferin bei ner Pirouette zugesehen? Arme rausgestreckt = langsame Rotation, Arme nah zum Körper = schnelle Rotation. Geh nach dem gleichen Prinzip vor und schieb die Punkte umher um ein passendes balancing zu finden. Ist etwas langwierig da Du immer neu packen musst und ArmA 2 neu starten um zu testen aber es bringt die besten Ergebnisse.
God is busy, may i help you?

Myke ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 11.10.2009, 11:00   #4 (permalink)
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Benutzerbild von Clawhammer
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Clawhammer eine Nachricht über ICQ schicken

aileronsensitivity =
elevatorsensitivity =

Das kann ich mal ausprobieren, auf den rest hab ich keinen Zugriff.


Viele mods/addons begannen mit den Worten "ich mach das nur für mich" und haben später dann den Weg an die Öffentlichkeit gefunden.

Hm das wird hierbei aber nicht passieren, da ihr selber jeglich die config wie oben nur abändern müsst damit jeder für sich ebenfals selbst die f22 ArmA2 ready machen kann. Also das ich das fertige addon an wen weiterschicke ist eher unwarscheinlich.

Danke für deine Hilfe!

Clawhammer ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 26.02.2013, 11:17   #5 (permalink)
Registriert seit: 26.02.2013
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Hallo zusammen,
erstmal sorry für die Threadnekromantie, aber ich habe ein ähnliches Anliegen. Und zwar ist mir aufgefallen, dass die F22 von Scar & nes4day in der Arma II Version völlig unterpowert ist. Man erreicht ohne Nachbrenner nur annähernd Überschallgeschwindigkeit, davon abgesehen ist die Beschleunigung mager.
Ich habe die config.bin durchforstet:

class CfgMovesBasic {
	/*extern*/ class DefaultDie;

	class ManActions {
		F22_Pilot = "F22_Pilot";

class CfgMovesMaleSdr: CfgMovesBasic {
	skeletonName = "OFP2_ManSkeleton";
	gestures = "CfgGesturesMale";

	class States {
		/*extern*/ class Crew;

		class F22_Pilot: Crew {
			file = "3lb_f22\anims\F22_Pilot.rtm";
			interpolateTo = {"KIA_AH1Z_Pilot", 1};

class CfgPatches {

	class 3lb_f22 {
		units = {"3lb_f22"};
		weapons = {};
		requiredVersion = 1.500000;
		requiredAddons = {"Extended_EventHandlers", "CACharacters", "CAWeapons", "CA_Anims_Char", "CAAir", "GLT_Missilebox", "F35"};

class CfgAmmo {
	/*extern*/ class BulletBase;

	class 3lb_M61A2: BulletBase {
		hit = 50;
		indirectHit = 3;
		indirectHitRange = 0.500000;
		visibleFire = 25;
		audibleFire = 28;
		visibleFireTime = 4;
		cost = 80;
		explosive = 0;
		airlock = 1;
		laserLock = 2;
		irLock = 1;
		tracerColor = {0.200000, 0.800000, 0.100000, 0.040000};
		tracerColorR = {0.200000, 0.800000, 0.100000, 0.040000};

class CfgMagazines {
	/*extern*/ class VehicleMagazine;

	class 3lb_20mm_M61A2: VehicleMagazine {
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "M61A2";
		ammo = "3lb_M61A2";
		count = 480;
		initSpeed = 1080;

class CfgWeapons {
	/*extern*/ class MGun;

	class 3lb_M61A2: MGun {
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "M61A2";
		displayNameMagazine = "M61A2";
		shortNameMagazine = "20mm";
		reloadTime = 0.010000;
		burst = 6;
		autofire = 1;
		flash = "gunfire";
		flashSize = 0.100000;
		recoil = "Empty";
		multiplier = 1;
		dispersion = 0.010000;
		soundContinuous = 0;
		sound = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\M197_5shots_rotation_end", 17.782795, 1};
		initSpeed = 900;
		CanLock = 2;
		optics = 1;
		aiDispersionCoefX = 0.800000;
		aiDispersionCoefY = 0.800000;
		magazines = {"3lb_20mm_M61A2"};
		minRange = 1;
		minRangeProbab = 0.100000;
		midRange = 1400;
		midRangeProbab = 0.580000;
		maxRange = 3000;
		maxRangeProbab = 0.040000;
		maxLeadSpeed = 2000;

class CfgVehicles {
	/*extern*/ class F35;
	class 3lb_f22: F35 {
		scope = 2;
		vtol = 0;
		model = "\3lb_f22\3lb_f22";
		displayName = "F-22A";
		side = 1;
		faction = "BIS_US";
		crew = "US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1";
		driverAction = "F22_Pilot";
		radarType = 4;
		LockDetectionSystem = 8;
		IncommingMisslieDetectionSystem = 16;
		soundLocked = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\alarm_loop1", 0.000316, 2};
		soundIncommingMissile = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\alarm_loop1", 0.000316, 4};
		icon = "\3lb_f22\texture\f22_icon.paa";
		picture = "\3lb_f22\texture\f22_pic.paa";
		weapons = {"3lb_M61A2", "GLT_AIM9M_Launcher", "GLT_AIM120_Launcher", "CMFlareLauncher"};
		magazines = {"3lb_20mm_M61A2", "GLT_2Rnd_AIM9M", "GLT_6Rnd_AIM120", "120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine"};
		soundGetIn = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\heli_door1", 0.100000, 1};
		soundGetOut = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\heli_door1", 0.100000, 1};
		soundEngineOnInt = {"ca\sounds\Air\AV8\int\int-av8b-start-1", 0.562341, 1.000000};
		soundEngineOnExt = {"ca\sounds\Air\AV8\ext\ext-jetair-start1", 0.794328, 1.000000, 800};
		soundEngineOffInt = {"ca\sounds\Air\AV8\int\int-av8b-stop-1", 0.562341, 1.000000};
		soundEngineOffExt = {"ca\sounds\Air\AV8\ext\ext-jetair-stop1", 0.794328, 1.000000, 800};
		insideSoundCoef = 0.200000;
		hiddenSelections = {"tex1", "tex2", "tex3", "tex4", "tex5", "tex6", "tex7", "tex8", "tex9"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures = {"\3lb_f22\texture\f22_b1.paa", "\3lb_f22\texture\f22_wing_spads.paa", "\3lb_f22\texture\1stfw.paa", "\3lb_f22\texture\94fs.paa", "\3lb_f22\texture\acc.paa", "\3lb_f22\texture\af04-066.paa", "\3lb_f22\texture\ff.paa", "\3lb_f22\texture\marking1.paa", "\3lb_f22\texture\star1.paa"};
		camouflage = 18;
		audible = 6;
		accuracy = 0.200000;
		ejectDamageLimit = 0.750000;
		maxSpeed = 1500;
		landingAoa = "rad 10";
		landingSpeed = 250;
		armor = 40;
		armorStructured = 1;
		irScanRangeMin = 100;
		irScanRangeMax = 10000;
		irScanToEyeFactor = 3;
		noseDownCoef = 0;
		acceleration = 1500;
		flapsFrictionCoef = 0.300000;
		envelope = {0.000000, 0.400000, 1.900000, 4, 6.800000, 8.300000, "8. 500000", 7.800000, 6.200000, 3.600000, 2.200000, "1.60000 0", 1.100000, 0.700000, 0.400000, 0};
		aileronSensitivity = 1;
		elevatorSensitivity = 1.200000;
		wheelSteeringSensitivity = 1;
		laserScanner = 1;
		gunAimDown = 0.045000;
		memoryPointLRocket = "Rocket_1";
		memoryPointRRocket = "Rocket_2";
		minFireTime = 30;
		cost = 80000000;
		type = 2;
		threat = {1, 1, 0.700000};

		class Sounds {

			class EngineLowOut {
				sound = {"ca\sounds\Air\AV8\ext\ext-jetair-engine-low1", 2.511886, 1.000000, 1200};
				frequency = "1.0 min (rpm + 0.5)";
				volume = "engineOn*camPos*(rpm factor[0.85, 0])";

			class EngineHighOut {
				sound = {"ca\sounds\Air\AV8\ext\ext-jetair-engine-high3", 2.511886, 1.300000, 1500};
				frequency = "1";
				volume = "engineOn*camPos*(rpm factor[0.55, 1.0])";

			class ForsageOut {
				sound = {"ca\sounds\Air\AV8\ext\ext-jetair-forsage1", 2.511886, 1.100000, 2000};
				frequency = "1";
				volume = "engineOn*camPos*(thrust factor[0.5, 1.0])";
				cone = {3.140000, 3.920000, 2.000000, 0.400000};

			class WindNoiseOut {
				sound = {"ca\sounds\Air\AV8\ext\ext-jetair-wind1", 1.000000, 1.000000, 100};
				frequency = "(0.1+(1.2*(speed factor[1, 150])))";
				volume = "camPos*(speed factor[1, 150])";

			class EngineLowIn {
				sound = {"ca\sounds\Air\AV8\int\int-av8b-engine-low", 0.794328, 1.000000};
				frequency = "1.0 min (rpm + 0.5)";
				volume = "(1-camPos)*(engineOn*(rpm factor[0.85, 0]))";

			class EngineHighIn {
				sound = {"ca\sounds\Air\AV8\int\int-av8b-engine", 0.794328, 1.000000};
				frequency = "1";
				volume = "(1-camPos)*(engineOn*(rpm factor[0.55, 1.0]))";

			class ForsageIn {
				sound = {"ca\sounds\Air\AV8\int\int-av8b-forsage-1", 0.794328, 1.100000};
				frequency = "1";
				volume = "(1-camPos)*(engineOn*(thrust factor[0.8, 1.0]))";

			class WindNoiseIn {
				sound = {"ca\sounds\Air\AV8\int\int-jetair-wind1", 0.707946, 1.000000};
				frequency = "(0.1+(1.2*(speed factor[1, 150])))";
				volume = "(1-camPos)*(speed factor[1, 150])";

		class AnimationSources {

			class f22_canopy {
				source = "user";
				animPeriod = 3;
				initPhase = 0;

			class Thrust_U {
				source = "user";
				animPeriod = 3;
				initPhase = 0;

			class Thrust_D {
				source = "user";
				animPeriod = 3;
				initPhase = 0;

			class wb_L_U {
				source = "user";
				animPeriod = 0.100000;
				initPhase = 0;

			class wb_L_D {
				source = "user";
				animPeriod = 0.100000;
				initPhase = 0;

			class wb_R_U {
				source = "user";
				animPeriod = 0.100000;
				initPhase = 0;

			class wb_R_D {
				source = "user";
				animPeriod = 0.100000;
				initPhase = 0;

			class wb_DL_B {
				source = "user";
				animPeriod = 0.100000;
				initPhase = 0;

			class wb_DL_S {
				source = "user";
				animPeriod = 0.100000;
				initPhase = 0;

			class wb_DR_B {
				source = "user";
				animPeriod = 0.100000;
				initPhase = 0;

			class wb_DR_S {
				source = "user";
				animPeriod = 0.100000;
				initPhase = 0;

			class wb_m61 {
				source = "user";
				animPeriod = 0.050000;
				initPhase = 0;

			class pilot_lean {
				source = "user";
				animPeriod = 0.000001;
				initPhase = 0;

		class UserActions {

			class OpenCanopy {
				displayName = "Open Canopy";
				position = "pos cano";
				radius = 6;
				onlyForPlayer = 0;
				condition = "(alive this) and (this animationPhase 'f22_canopy' < 0.1) and ((getpos this select 2) < 1) and (speed this < 1)";
				statement = "this animate ['f22_canopy',1]";

			class CloseCanopy {
				displayName = "Close Canopy";
				position = "pos cano";
				radius = 6;
				onlyForPlayer = 0;
				condition = "(alive this) and (this animationPhase 'f22_canopy' > 0.9)";
				statement = "this animate ['f22_canopy',0]";

			class AfterburnerOn {
				displayName = "Afterburner On";
				shortcut = "VehicleTurbo";
				condition = "speed this >50 and (!(this getVariable 'AfterBurner'))";
				statement = "this setVariable ['AfterBurner',true];this spawn nes4day_afterburner";
				priority = 0;
				displayNameDefault = "";
				position = "pilotcontrol";
				radius = 15;
				onlyforplayer = 1;

			class AfterburnerOff {
				displayName = "Afterburner Off";
				shortcut = "VehicleTurbo";
				condition = "(this getVariable 'AfterBurner')";
				statement = "this setVariable ['AfterBurner',false]";
				priority = 0;
				displayNameDefault = "";
				position = "pilotcontrol";
				radius = 15;
				onlyforplayer = 1;

			class enableLean {
				displayName = "Enable Lean";
				shortcut = "";
				condition = "speed this < 50 and (!(this getVariable 'leaningenabled')) and (player == (driver this))";
				statement = "this setVariable ['leaningenabled', true]; [this] spawn nes4day_PILOTLEAN";
				priority = 0;
				displayNameDefault = "";
				position = "pilotcontrol";
				radius = 15;
				onlyforplayer = 1;

			class disableLean {
				displayName = "Disable Lean";
				shortcut = "";
				condition = "speed this < 50 and (this getVariable 'leaningenabled') and (player == (driver this))";
				statement = "this setVariable ['leaningenabled', false]; this animate ['pilot_lean',0]";
				priority = 0;
				displayNameDefault = "";
				position = "pilotcontrol";
				radius = 15;
				onlyforplayer = 1;

			class GLT_GPSaction {
				priority = 0;
				shortcut = "";
				displayNameDefault = "";
				position = "";
				radius = 15;
				onlyforplayer = 1;
				displayName = "GPS/INS System";
				condition = "(isengineon this) && (player == (driver this))";
				statement = "createDialog 'glt_airgpsmfd'";

			class openBays {
				displayName = "Open Bays";
				shortcut = "";
				condition = "(!(isengineon this)) && (this animationPhase 'wb_L_U' < 0.1)";
				statement = "[this] call nes4day_openBays";
				priority = 0;
				displayNameDefault = "";
				position = "pilotcontrol";
				radius = 15;
				onlyforplayer = 1;

			class closeBays: openBays {
				displayName = "Close Bays";
				condition = "(!(isengineon this)) && (this animationPhase 'wb_L_U' > 0.9)";
				statement = "[this] call nes4day_closeBays";

		class Damage {
			tex = {};
			mat = {"3lb_f22\rvmat\body.rvmat", "3lb_f22\rvmat\body_damage.rvmat", "3lb_f22\rvmat\body_destruct.rvmat", "3lb_f22\rvmat\wing.rvmat", "3lb_f22\rvmat\wing_damage.rvmat", "3lb_f22\rvmat\wing_destruct.rvmat", "3lb_f22\rvmat\kolo1.rvmat", "3lb_f22\rvmat\kolo1.rvmat", "3lb_f22\rvmat\kolo_destruct.rvmat"};

		class MGunClouds {
			cloudletDuration = 0.500000;
			cloudletAnimPeriod = 1.000000;
			cloudletSize = 2.000000;
			cloudletAlpha = 0.500000;
			cloudletGrowUp = 0.100000;
			cloudletFadeIn = 0.100000;
			cloudletFadeOut = 2;
			cloudletAccY = 0;
			cloudletMinYSpeed = -1000;
			cloudletMaxYSpeed = 1000;
			cloudletShape = "\ca\data\cl_basic";
			cloudletColor = {1, 1, 1, 0};
			interval = 0.010000;
			size = 2;
			sourceSize = 0.050000;
			timeToLive = 1;
			initT = 0;
			deltaT = 0;

			class Table {

				class T0 {
					maxT = 0;
					color = {1, 1, 1, 0};

		class Reflectors {

			class Left {
				color = {0.800000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 1.000000};
				ambient = {0.070000, 0.070000, 0.070000, 1.000000};
				position = "L svetlo";
				direction = "konec L svetla";
				hitpoint = "L svetlo";
				selection = "L svetlo";
				size = 1;
				brightness = 1.000000;

			class Right {
				color = {0.800000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 1.000000};
				ambient = {0.070000, 0.070000, 0.070000, 1.000000};
				position = "P svetlo";
				direction = "konec P svetla";
				hitpoint = "P svetlo";
				selection = "P svetlo";
				size = 1;
				brightness = 1.000000;

		class MFD {
			borderLeft = 0.020000;
			borderRight = 0.020000;
			borderTop = 0.020000;
			borderBottom = 0.020000;

			class AirplaneHUD {

				class Pos10Vector {
					type = "vector";
					pos0 = {0.510000, "0.27+0.09"};
					pos10 = {1.310000, 1.240000};
				topLeft = "HUD LH";
				topRight = "HUD PH";
				bottomLeft = "HUD LD";
				borderLeft = 0;
				borderRight = 0;
				borderTop = 0;
				borderBottom = 0;
				color = {0, 1, 0, 0.100000};

				class Bones {

					class PlaneW {
						type = "fixed";
						pos = {0.510000, "0.34+0.09"};

					class WeaponAim: Pos10Vector {
						source = "weapon";

					class Target: Pos10Vector {
						source = "target";

					class Velocity: Pos10Vector {
						type = "vector";
						source = "velocity";
						pos0 = {0.500000, "0.27+0.09"};
						pos10 = {1.300000, 1.240000};

					class ILS_H {
						type = "ils";
						pos0 = {0.500000, "0.27+0.09"};
						pos3 = {0.740000, "0.27+0.09"};

					class ILS_W: ILS_H {
						pos3 = {0.500000, 0.624000};

					class Level0: Pos10Vector {
						pos0 = {0.500000, "0.34+0.09"};
						pos10 = {1.300000, 1.310000};
						type = "horizon";
						angle = 0;

					class LevelP5: Level0 {
						angle = 5;

					class LevelM5: Level0 {
						angle = -5;

					class LevelP10: Level0 {
						angle = 10;

					class LevelM10: Level0 {
						angle = -10;

					class LevelP15: Level0 {
						angle = 15;

					class LevelM15: Level0 {
						angle = -15;

					class LevelP20: Level0 {
						angle = 20;

					class LevelM20: Level0 {
						angle = -20;

					class LevelP25: Level0 {
						angle = 25;

					class LevelM25: Level0 {
						angle = -25;

					class LevelP30: Level0 {
						angle = 30;

					class LevelM30: Level0 {
						angle = -30;

					class LevelP35: Level0 {
						angle = 35;

					class LevelM35: Level0 {
						angle = -35;

					class LevelP40: Level0 {
						angle = 40;

					class LevelM40: Level0 {
						angle = -40;

					class LevelP45: Level0 {
						angle = 45;

					class LevelM45: Level0 {
						angle = -45;

					class LevelP50: Level0 {
						angle = 50;

					class LevelM50: Level0 {
						angle = -50;

				class Draw {
					alpha = 0.400000;
					color = {0.000000, 0.300000, 0.050000};
					condition = "on";

					class PlaneW {
						clipTL = {0.000000, 1.000000};
						clipBR = {1.000000, 0.000000};
						type = "line";
						points = {{"PlaneW", {-0.080000, 0}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {-0.030000, 0}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {-0.015000, 0.033000}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {0.000000, 0}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {0.015000, 0.033000}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {0.030000, 0}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {0.080000, 0}, 1}};

					class PlaneHeading {
						clipTL = {0.000000, 1.000000};
						clipBR = {1.000000, 0.000000};
						type = "line";
						points = {{"Velocity", {0, -0.022000}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0.014000, -0.015400}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0.020000, 0}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0.014000, 0.015400}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0, 0.022000}, 1}, {"Velocity", {-0.014000, 0.015400}, 1}, {"Velocity", {-0.020000, 0}, 1}, {"Velocity", {-0.014000, -0.015400}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0, -0.022000}, 1}, {}, {"Velocity", {0.040000, 0}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0.020000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"Velocity", {-0.040000, 0}, 1}, {"Velocity", {-0.020000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"Velocity", {0, -0.044000}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0, -0.022000}, 1}, {}};

					class Static {
						clipTL = {0.000000, 0.100000};
						clipBR = {1.000000, 0.000000};
						type = "line";
						points = {{{0.210000, 0.520000}, 1}, {{0.190000, 0.500000}, 1}, {{0.210000, 0.480000}, 1}, {}, {{0.180000, 0.200000}, 1}, {{0.180000, 0.850000}, 1}, {}, {{0.790000, 0.520000}, 1}, {{0.810000, 0.500000}, 1}, {{0.790000, 0.480000}, 1}, {}, {{0.820000, 0.200000}, 1}, {{0.820000, 0.850000}, 1}, {}, {{0.520000, "0.08+0.01"}, 1}, {{0.500000, "0.06+0.01"}, 1}, {{0.480000, "0.08+0.01"}, 1}, {}, {{0.200000, "0.055+0.01"}, 1}, {{0.800000, "0.055+0.01"}, 1}, {}};

					class Horizont {
						clipTL = {0.000000, 0.000000};
						clipBR = {1.000000, 1.000000};

						class Dimmed {

							class Level0 {
								type = "line";
								points = {{"Level0", {-0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"Level0", {-0.050000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"Level0", {0.050000, 0}, 1}, {"Level0", {0.200000, 0}, 1}};

							class VALM_1_0 {
								type = "text";
								source = "static";
								text = 0;
								align = "left";
								scale = 1;
								sourceScale = 1;
								pos = {"Level0", {-0.230000, -0.025000}, 1};
								right = {"Level0", {-0.130000, -0.025000}, 1};
								down = {"Level0", {-0.230000, 0.025000}, 1};

							class VALM_2_0: VALM_1_0 {
								align = "right";
								pos = {"Level0", {0.220000, -0.025000}, 1};
								right = {"Level0", {0.320000, -0.025000}, 1};
								down = {"Level0", {0.220000, 0.025000}, 1};

							class LevelM5: Level0 {
								type = "line";
								points = {{"LevelM5", {-0.200000, -0.030000}, 1}, {"LevelM5", {-0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM5", {-0.150000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM5", {-0.100000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM5", {-0.050000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM5", {0.050000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM5", {0.100000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM5", {0.150000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM5", {0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM5", {0.200000, -0.030000}, 1}};

							class VALM_1_5 {
								type = "text";
								source = "static";
								text = -5;
								align = "left";
								scale = 1;
								sourceScale = 1;
								pos = {"LevelM5", {-0.230000, -0.085000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelM5", {-0.130000, -0.085000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelM5", {-0.230000, -0.035000}, 1};

							class VALM_2_5: VALM_1_5 {
								align = "right";
								pos = {"LevelM5", {0.220000, -0.085000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelM5", {0.320000, -0.085000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelM5", {0.220000, -0.035000}, 1};

							class LevelP5: Level0 {
								type = "line";
								points = {{"LevelP5", {-0.200000, 0.030000}, 1}, {"LevelP5", {-0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP5", {-0.050000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelP5", {0.050000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP5", {0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP5", {0.200000, 0.030000}, 1}};

							class VALP_1_5 {
								type = "text";
								source = "static";
								text = "5";
								align = "left";
								scale = 1;
								sourceScale = 1;
								pos = {"LevelP5", {-0.230000, 0.035000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelP5", {-0.130000, 0.035000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelP5", {-0.230000, 0.085000}, 1};

							class VALP_2_5: VALP_1_5 {
								align = "right";
								pos = {"LevelP5", {0.220000, 0.035000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelP5", {0.320000, 0.035000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelP5", {0.220000, 0.085000}, 1};

							class LevelM10: Level0 {
								type = "line";
								points = {{"LevelM10", {-0.200000, -0.030000}, 1}, {"LevelM10", {-0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM10", {-0.150000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM10", {-0.100000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM10", {-0.050000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM10", {0.050000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM10", {0.100000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM10", {0.150000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM10", {0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM10", {0.200000, -0.030000}, 1}};

							class VALM_1_10 {
								type = "text";
								source = "static";
								text = -10;
								align = "left";
								scale = 1;
								sourceScale = 1;
								pos = {"LevelM10", {-0.230000, -0.085000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelM10", {-0.130000, -0.085000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelM10", {-0.230000, -0.035000}, 1};

							class VALM_2_10: VALM_1_10 {
								align = "right";
								pos = {"LevelM10", {0.220000, -0.085000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelM10", {0.320000, -0.085000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelM10", {0.220000, -0.035000}, 1};

							class LevelP10: Level0 {
								type = "line";
								points = {{"LevelP10", {-0.200000, 0.030000}, 1}, {"LevelP10", {-0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP10", {-0.050000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelP10", {0.050000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP10", {0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP10", {0.200000, 0.030000}, 1}};

							class VALP_1_10 {
								type = "text";
								source = "static";
								text = "10";
								align = "left";
								scale = 1;
								sourceScale = 1;
								pos = {"LevelP10", {-0.230000, 0.035000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelP10", {-0.130000, 0.035000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelP10", {-0.230000, 0.085000}, 1};

							class VALP_2_10: VALP_1_10 {
								align = "right";
								pos = {"LevelP10", {0.220000, 0.035000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelP10", {0.320000, 0.035000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelP10", {0.220000, 0.085000}, 1};

							class LevelM15: Level0 {
								type = "line";
								points = {{"LevelM15", {-0.200000, -0.030000}, 1}, {"LevelM15", {-0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM15", {-0.150000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM15", {-0.100000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM15", {-0.050000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM15", {0.050000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM15", {0.100000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM15", {0.150000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM15", {0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM15", {0.200000, -0.030000}, 1}};

							class VALM_1_15 {
								type = "text";
								source = "static";
								text = -15;
								align = "left";
								scale = 1;
								sourceScale = 1;
								pos = {"LevelM15", {-0.230000, -0.085000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelM15", {-0.130000, -0.085000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelM15", {-0.230000, -0.035000}, 1};

							class VALM_2_15: VALM_1_15 {
								align = "right";
								pos = {"LevelM15", {0.220000, -0.085000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelM15", {0.320000, -0.085000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelM15", {0.220000, -0.035000}, 1};

							class LevelP15: Level0 {
								type = "line";
								points = {{"LevelP15", {-0.200000, 0.030000}, 1}, {"LevelP15", {-0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP15", {-0.050000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelP15", {0.050000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP15", {0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP15", {0.200000, 0.030000}, 1}};

							class VALP_1_15 {
								type = "text";
								source = "static";
								text = "15";
								align = "left";
								scale = 1;
								sourceScale = 1;
								pos = {"LevelP15", {-0.230000, 0.035000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelP15", {-0.130000, 0.035000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelP15", {-0.230000, 0.085000}, 1};

							class VALP_2_15: VALP_1_15 {
								align = "right";
								pos = {"LevelP15", {0.220000, 0.035000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelP15", {0.320000, 0.035000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelP15", {0.220000, 0.085000}, 1};

							class LevelM20: Level0 {
								type = "line";
								points = {{"LevelM20", {-0.200000, -0.030000}, 1}, {"LevelM20", {-0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM20", {-0.150000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM20", {-0.100000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM20", {-0.050000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM20", {0.050000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM20", {0.100000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM20", {0.150000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM20", {0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM20", {0.200000, -0.030000}, 1}};

							class VALM_1_20 {
								type = "text";
								source = "static";
								text = -20;
								align = "left";
								scale = 1;
								sourceScale = 1;
								pos = {"LevelM20", {-0.230000, -0.085000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelM20", {-0.130000, -0.085000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelM20", {-0.230000, -0.035000}, 1};

							class VALM_2_20: VALM_1_20 {
								align = "right";
								pos = {"LevelM20", {0.220000, -0.085000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelM20", {0.320000, -0.085000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelM20", {0.220000, -0.035000}, 1};

							class LevelP20: Level0 {
								type = "line";
								points = {{"LevelP20", {-0.200000, 0.030000}, 1}, {"LevelP20", {-0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP20", {-0.050000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelP20", {0.050000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP20", {0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP20", {0.200000, 0.030000}, 1}};

							class VALP_1_20 {
								type = "text";
								source = "static";
								text = "20";
								align = "left";
								scale = 1;
								sourceScale = 1;
								pos = {"LevelP20", {-0.230000, 0.035000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelP20", {-0.130000, 0.035000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelP20", {-0.230000, 0.085000}, 1};

							class VALP_2_20: VALP_1_20 {
								align = "right";
								pos = {"LevelP20", {0.220000, 0.035000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelP20", {0.320000, 0.035000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelP20", {0.220000, 0.085000}, 1};

							class LevelM25: Level0 {
								type = "line";
								points = {{"LevelM25", {-0.200000, -0.030000}, 1}, {"LevelM25", {-0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM25", {-0.150000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM25", {-0.100000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM25", {-0.050000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM25", {0.050000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM25", {0.100000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM25", {0.150000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM25", {0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM25", {0.200000, -0.030000}, 1}};

							class VALM_1_25 {
								type = "text";
								source = "static";
								text = -25;
								align = "left";
								scale = 1;
								sourceScale = 1;
								pos = {"LevelM25", {-0.230000, -0.085000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelM25", {-0.130000, -0.085000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelM25", {-0.230000, -0.035000}, 1};

							class VALM_2_25: VALM_1_25 {
								align = "right";
								pos = {"LevelM25", {0.220000, -0.085000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelM25", {0.320000, -0.085000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelM25", {0.220000, -0.035000}, 1};

							class LevelP25: Level0 {
								type = "line";
								points = {{"LevelP25", {-0.200000, 0.030000}, 1}, {"LevelP25", {-0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP25", {-0.050000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelP25", {0.050000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP25", {0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP25", {0.200000, 0.030000}, 1}};

							class VALP_1_25 {
								type = "text";
								source = "static";
								text = "25";
								align = "left";
								scale = 1;
								sourceScale = 1;
								pos = {"LevelP25", {-0.230000, 0.035000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelP25", {-0.130000, 0.035000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelP25", {-0.230000, 0.085000}, 1};

							class VALP_2_25: VALP_1_25 {
								align = "right";
								pos = {"LevelP25", {0.220000, 0.035000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelP25", {0.320000, 0.035000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelP25", {0.220000, 0.085000}, 1};

							class LevelM30: Level0 {
								type = "line";
								points = {{"LevelM30", {-0.200000, -0.030000}, 1}, {"LevelM30", {-0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM30", {-0.150000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM30", {-0.100000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM30", {-0.050000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM30", {0.050000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM30", {0.100000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM30", {0.150000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM30", {0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM30", {0.200000, -0.030000}, 1}};

							class VALM_1_30 {
								type = "text";
								source = "static";
								text = -30;
								align = "left";
								scale = 1;
								sourceScale = 1;
								pos = {"LevelM30", {-0.230000, -0.085000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelM30", {-0.130000, -0.085000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelM30", {-0.230000, -0.035000}, 1};

							class VALM_2_30: VALM_1_30 {
								align = "right";
								pos = {"LevelM30", {0.220000, -0.085000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelM30", {0.320000, -0.085000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelM30", {0.220000, -0.035000}, 1};

							class LevelP30: Level0 {
								type = "line";
								points = {{"LevelP30", {-0.200000, 0.030000}, 1}, {"LevelP30", {-0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP30", {-0.050000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelP30", {0.050000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP30", {0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP30", {0.200000, 0.030000}, 1}};

							class VALP_1_30 {
								type = "text";
								source = "static";
								text = "30";
								align = "left";
								scale = 1;
								sourceScale = 1;
								pos = {"LevelP30", {-0.230000, 0.035000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelP30", {-0.130000, 0.035000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelP30", {-0.230000, 0.085000}, 1};

							class VALP_2_30: VALP_1_30 {
								align = "right";
								pos = {"LevelP30", {0.220000, 0.035000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelP30", {0.320000, 0.035000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelP30", {0.220000, 0.085000}, 1};

							class LevelM35: Level0 {
								type = "line";
								points = {{"LevelM35", {-0.200000, -0.030000}, 1}, {"LevelM35", {-0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM35", {-0.150000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM35", {-0.100000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM35", {-0.050000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM35", {0.050000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM35", {0.100000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM35", {0.150000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM35", {0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM35", {0.200000, -0.030000}, 1}};

							class VALM_1_35 {
								type = "text";
								source = "static";
								text = -35;
								align = "left";
								scale = 1;
								sourceScale = 1;
								pos = {"LevelM35", {-0.230000, -0.085000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelM35", {-0.130000, -0.085000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelM35", {-0.230000, -0.035000}, 1};

							class VALM_2_35: VALM_1_35 {
								align = "right";
								pos = {"LevelM35", {0.220000, -0.085000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelM35", {0.320000, -0.085000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelM35", {0.220000, -0.035000}, 1};

							class LevelP35: Level0 {
								type = "line";
								points = {{"LevelP35", {-0.200000, 0.030000}, 1}, {"LevelP35", {-0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP35", {-0.050000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelP35", {0.050000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP35", {0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP35", {0.200000, 0.030000}, 1}};

							class VALP_1_35 {
								type = "text";
								source = "static";
								text = "35";
								align = "left";
								scale = 1;
								sourceScale = 1;
								pos = {"LevelP35", {-0.230000, 0.035000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelP35", {-0.130000, 0.035000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelP35", {-0.230000, 0.085000}, 1};

							class VALP_2_35: VALP_1_35 {
								align = "right";
								pos = {"LevelP35", {0.220000, 0.035000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelP35", {0.320000, 0.035000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelP35", {0.220000, 0.085000}, 1};

							class LevelM40: Level0 {
								type = "line";
								points = {{"LevelM40", {-0.200000, -0.030000}, 1}, {"LevelM40", {-0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM40", {-0.150000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM40", {-0.100000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM40", {-0.050000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM40", {0.050000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM40", {0.100000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM40", {0.150000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM40", {0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM40", {0.200000, -0.030000}, 1}};

							class VALM_1_40 {
								type = "text";
								source = "static";
								text = -40;
								align = "left";
								scale = 1;
								sourceScale = 1;
								pos = {"LevelM40", {-0.230000, -0.085000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelM40", {-0.130000, -0.085000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelM40", {-0.230000, -0.035000}, 1};

							class VALM_2_40: VALM_1_40 {
								align = "right";
								pos = {"LevelM40", {0.220000, -0.085000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelM40", {0.320000, -0.085000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelM40", {0.220000, -0.035000}, 1};

							class LevelP40: Level0 {
								type = "line";
								points = {{"LevelP40", {-0.200000, 0.030000}, 1}, {"LevelP40", {-0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP40", {-0.050000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelP40", {0.050000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP40", {0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP40", {0.200000, 0.030000}, 1}};

							class VALP_1_40 {
								type = "text";
								source = "static";
								text = "40";
								align = "left";
								scale = 1;
								sourceScale = 1;
								pos = {"LevelP40", {-0.230000, 0.035000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelP40", {-0.130000, 0.035000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelP40", {-0.230000, 0.085000}, 1};

							class VALP_2_40: VALP_1_40 {
								align = "right";
								pos = {"LevelP40", {0.220000, 0.035000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelP40", {0.320000, 0.035000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelP40", {0.220000, 0.085000}, 1};

							class LevelM45: Level0 {
								type = "line";
								points = {{"LevelM45", {-0.200000, -0.030000}, 1}, {"LevelM45", {-0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM45", {-0.150000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM45", {-0.100000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM45", {-0.050000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM45", {0.050000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM45", {0.100000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM45", {0.150000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM45", {0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM45", {0.200000, -0.030000}, 1}};

							class VALM_1_45 {
								type = "text";
								source = "static";
								text = -45;
								align = "left";
								scale = 1;
								sourceScale = 1;
								pos = {"LevelM45", {-0.230000, -0.085000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelM45", {-0.130000, -0.085000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelM45", {-0.230000, -0.035000}, 1};

							class VALM_2_45: VALM_1_45 {
								align = "right";
								pos = {"LevelM45", {0.220000, -0.085000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelM45", {0.320000, -0.085000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelM45", {0.220000, -0.035000}, 1};

							class LevelP45: Level0 {
								type = "line";
								points = {{"LevelP45", {-0.200000, 0.030000}, 1}, {"LevelP45", {-0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP45", {-0.050000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelP45", {0.050000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP45", {0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP45", {0.200000, 0.030000}, 1}};

							class VALP_1_45 {
								type = "text";
								source = "static";
								text = "45";
								align = "left";
								scale = 1;
								sourceScale = 1;
								pos = {"LevelP45", {-0.230000, 0.035000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelP45", {-0.130000, 0.035000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelP45", {-0.230000, 0.085000}, 1};

							class VALP_2_45: VALP_1_45 {
								align = "right";
								pos = {"LevelP45", {0.220000, 0.035000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelP45", {0.320000, 0.035000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelP45", {0.220000, 0.085000}, 1};

							class LevelM50: Level0 {
								type = "line";
								points = {{"LevelM50", {-0.200000, -0.030000}, 1}, {"LevelM50", {-0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM50", {-0.150000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM50", {-0.100000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM50", {-0.050000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM50", {0.050000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM50", {0.100000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM50", {0.150000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM50", {0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM50", {0.200000, -0.030000}, 1}};

							class VALM_1_50 {
								type = "text";
								source = "static";
								text = -50;
								align = "left";
								scale = 1;
								sourceScale = 1;
								pos = {"LevelM50", {-0.230000, -0.085000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelM50", {-0.130000, -0.085000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelM50", {-0.230000, -0.035000}, 1};

							class VALM_2_50: VALM_1_50 {
								align = "right";
								pos = {"LevelM50", {0.220000, -0.085000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelM50", {0.320000, -0.085000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelM50", {0.220000, -0.035000}, 1};

							class LevelP50: Level0 {
								type = "line";
								points = {{"LevelP50", {-0.200000, 0.030000}, 1}, {"LevelP50", {-0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP50", {-0.050000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelP50", {0.050000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP50", {0.200000, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP50", {0.200000, 0.030000}, 1}};

							class VALP_1_50 {
								type = "text";
								source = "static";
								text = "50";
								align = "left";
								scale = 1;
								sourceScale = 1;
								pos = {"LevelP50", {-0.230000, 0.035000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelP50", {-0.130000, 0.035000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelP50", {-0.230000, 0.085000}, 1};

							class VALP_2_50: VALP_1_50 {
								align = "right";
								pos = {"LevelP50", {0.220000, 0.035000}, 1};
								right = {"LevelP50", {0.320000, 0.035000}, 1};
								down = {"LevelP50", {0.220000, 0.085000}, 1};

					class RadarTargets {
						type = "radar";
						pos0 = {0.510000, "0.27+0.09"};
						pos10 = {1.310000, 1.240000};
						points = {{{-0.050000, -0.055000}, 1}, {{0.050000, -0.055000}, 1}, {{0.050000, 0.055000}, 1}, {{-0.050000, 0.055000}, 1}, {{-0.050000, -0.055000}, 1}};

					class MGun {
						condition = "mgun";

						class Circle {
							type = "line";
							points = {{"WeaponAim", {0.010000, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.010000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0, 0.011000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.011000}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.077000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.049000, -0.053900}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.070000, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.049000, 0.053900}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, 0.077000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.049000, 0.053900}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.070000, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.049000, -0.053900}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.077000}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.154000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.070000, -0.133980}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.121800, -0.077000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.140000, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.121800, 0.077000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.070000, 0.133980}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, 0.154000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.070000, 0.133980}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.121800, 0.077000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.140000, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.121800, -0.077000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.070000, -0.133980}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.154000}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.154000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.176000}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.070000, -0.133368}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.080000, -0.152420}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.121244, -0.077000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.138564, -0.088000}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.140000, 0.000000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.160000, 0.000000}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.121244, 0.077000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.138564, 0.088000}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.070000, 0.133368}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.080000, 0.152420}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0.000000, 0.154000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.000000, 0.176000}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0.070000, 0.133368}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.080000, 0.152420}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0.121244, 0.077000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.138564, 0.088000}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0.140000, 0.000000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.160000, 0.000000}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0.121244, -0.077000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.138564, -0.088000}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0.070000, -0.133368}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.080000, -0.152420}, 1}, {}};

					class Bomb {
						condition = "bomb";

						class Circle {
							type = "line";
							points = {{"WeaponAim", {0, -0.110000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.050000, -0.095700}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.087000, -0.055000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.100000, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.087000, 0.055000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.050000, 0.095700}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, 0.110000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.050000, 0.095700}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.087000, 0.055000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.100000, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.087000, -0.055000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.050000, -0.095700}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.110000}, 1}, {}, {"Velocity", 0.001000, "WeaponAim", {0.000000, 0.000000}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0.000000, 0.000000}, 1}, {}, {"Target", {0, -0.077000}, 1}, {"Target", {0.070000, 0}, 1}, {"Target", {0, 0.077000}, 1}, {"Target", {-0.070000, 0}, 1}, {"Target", {0, -0.077000}, 1}};

					class AAMissile {
						condition = "AAmissile";

						class Circle {
							type = "line";
							points = {{"WeaponAim", {0, -0.275000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.125000, -0.239250}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.217500, -0.137500}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.250000, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.217500, 0.137500}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.125000, 0.239250}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, 0.275000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.125000, 0.239250}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.217500, 0.137500}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.250000, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.217500, -0.137500}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.125000, -0.239250}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.275000}, 1}, {}, {"Target", {0, -0.077000}, 1}, {"Target", {0.070000, 0}, 1}, {"Target", {0, 0.077000}, 1}, {"Target", {-0.070000, 0}, 1}, {"Target", {0, -0.077000}, 1}};

					class ATMissile {
						condition = "ATmissile";

						class Circle {
							type = "line";
							points = {{"WeaponAim", {0, -0.198000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.090000, -0.172260}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.156600, -0.099000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.180000, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.156600, 0.099000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.090000, 0.172260}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, 0.198000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.090000, 0.172260}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.156600, 0.099000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.180000, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.156600, -0.099000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.090000, -0.172260}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.198000}, 1}, {}, {"Target", {0, -0.077000}, 1}, {"Target", {0.070000, 0}, 1}, {"Target", {0, 0.077000}, 1}, {"Target", {-0.070000, 0}, 1}, {"Target", {0, -0.077000}, 1}};

					class Rockets {
						condition = "Rocket";

						class Circle {
							type = "line";
							points = {{"WeaponAim", {0.010000, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.010000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0, 0.011000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.011000}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.132000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.060000, -0.114840}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.104400, -0.066000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.120000, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.104400, 0.066000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.060000, 0.114840}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, 0.132000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.060000, 0.114840}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.104400, 0.066000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.120000, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.104400, -0.066000}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.060000, -0.114840}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.132000}, 1}, {}};

					class AltScale {
						type = "scale";
						scale = 1;
						source = "altitudeASL";
						sourceScale = 1;
						align = "right";
						pos = {0.860000, 0.820000};
						right = {0.940000, 0.820000};
						down = {0.860000, 0.870000};
						lineXleft = 0.825000;
						lineYright = 0.835000;
						lineXleftMajor = 0.825000;
						lineYrightMajor = 0.845000;
						bottom = 0.200000;
						top = 0.850000;
						center = 0.500000;
						step = 20;
						StepSize = "(0.85- 0.2)/20";
						horizontal = 0;
						min = "none";
						max = "none";
						numberEach = 5;
						majorLineEach = 5;

					class SpeedScale {
						type = "scale";
						scale = 1;
						source = "speed";
						sourceScale = 3.600000;
						align = "right";
						pos = {0.060000, "0.82-0.85+0.2"};
						right = {0.140000, "0.82-0.85+0.2"};
						down = {0.060000, "0.87-0.85+0.2"};
						lineXleft = "0.18 + 0.82 - 0.825";
						lineYright = "0.18 + 0.82 - 0.835";
						lineXleftMajor = "0.18 + 0.82 - 0.825";
						lineYrightMajor = "0.18 + 0.82 - 0.845";
						bottom = 0.850000;
						center = 0.500000;
						top = 0.200000;
						step = 20;
						StepSize = "(0.85- 0.2)/20";
						horizontal = 0;
						min = "none";
						max = "none";
						numberEach = 5;
						majorLineEach = 5;

					class Gear {
						condition = "ils";

						class text {
							type = "text";
							source = "static";
							text = "GEAR";
							align = "right";
							scale = 0.500000;
							sourceScale = 1;
							pos = {{0.840000, 0.880000}, 1};
							right = {{0.900000, 0.880000}, 1};
							down = {{0.840000, 0.920000}, 1};

					class Flaps {
						condition = "flaps";

						class text {
							type = "text";
							source = "static";
							text = "FLAPS";
							align = "right";
							scale = 0.500000;
							sourceScale = 1;
							pos = {{0.840000, 0.930000}, 1};
							right = {{0.900000, 0.930000}, 1};
							down = {{0.840000, 0.970000}, 1};

					class weapons {
						type = "text";
						source = "weapon";
						align = "right";
						scale = 0.500000;
						sourceScale = 1;
						pos = {{0.100000, 0.880000}, 1};
						right = {{0.160000, 0.880000}, 1};
						down = {{0.100000, 0.920000}, 1};

					class ammo {
						type = "text";
						source = "ammo";
						align = "right";
						scale = 0.500000;
						sourceScale = 1;
						pos = {{0.100000, 0.930000}, 1};
						right = {{0.160000, 0.930000}, 1};
						down = {{0.100000, 0.970000}, 1};

					class VspeedNumber {
						type = "text";
						align = "right";
						scale = 1;
						source = "vspeed";
						sourceScale = 1;
						pos = {{0.860000, "0.52-0.4"}, 1};
						right = {{0.940000, "0.52-0.4"}, 1};
						down = {{0.860000, "0.57-0.4"}, 1};

					class HeadingScale {
						type = "scale";
						scale = 1;
						source = "Heading";
						sourceScale = 1;
						align = "center";
						pos = {"0.21-0.01", 0.000000};
						right = {"0.29-0.01", 0.000000};
						down = {"0.21-0.01", 0.050000};
						lineXleft = 0.060000;
						lineYright = 0.050000;
						lineXleftMajor = 0.060000;
						lineYrightMajor = 0.040000;
						bottom = 0.800000;
						center = 0.500000;
						top = 0.200000;
						step = "18/9";
						StepSize = "(0.80- 0.2)/20";
						horizontal = 1;
						min = "none";
						max = "none";
						numberEach = 5;
						majorLineEach = 5;

					class ILS {
						condition = "ils";

						class Glideslope {
							clipTL = {0.000000, 0.000000};
							clipBR = {1.000000, 1.000000};

							class ILS {
								type = "line";
								points = {{"ILS_W", {-0.240000, 0}, 1}, {"ILS_W", {0.240000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"ILS_W", {0, 0.026400}, 1}, {"ILS_W", {0, -0.026400}, 1}, {}, {"ILS_W", {0.120000, 0.026400}, 1}, {"ILS_W", {0.120000, -0.026400}, 1}, {}, {"ILS_W", {0.240000, 0.026400}, 1}, {"ILS_W", {0.240000, -0.026400}, 1}, {}, {"ILS_W", {-0.120000, 0.026400}, 1}, {"ILS_W", {-0.120000, -0.026400}, 1}, {}, {"ILS_W", {-0.240000, 0.026400}, 1}, {"ILS_W", {-0.240000, -0.026400}, 1}, {}, {"ILS_H", {0, -0.264000}, 1}, {"ILS_H", {0, 0.264000}, 1}, {}, {"ILS_H", {0.024000, 0}, 1}, {"ILS_H", {-0.024000, 0}, 1}, {}, {"ILS_H", {0.024000, 0.132000}, 1}, {"ILS_H", {-0.024000, 0.132000}, 1}, {}, {"ILS_H", {0.024000, 0.264000}, 1}, {"ILS_H", {-0.024000, 0.264000}, 1}, {}, {"ILS_H", {0.024000, -0.132000}, 1}, {"ILS_H", {-0.024000, -0.132000}, 1}, {}, {"ILS_H", {0.024000, -0.264000}, 1}, {"ILS_H", {-0.024000, -0.264000}, 1}};
	/*extern*/ class PlaneWreck;

	class 3lb_f22Wreck: PlaneWreck {
		scope = 1;

		class Armory {
			disabled = 1;
		model = "\3lb_f22\3lb_f22Wreck.p3d";
		typicalCargo = {};
		irTarget = 0;
		transportAmmo = 0;
		transportRepair = 0;
		transportFuel = 0;
		transportSoldier = 1;

		class Eventhandlers {

	class 3lb_f22_sdb: 3lb_f22 {
		displayName = "F-22A (SDB)";
		weapons = {"3lb_M61A2", "GLT_AIM9M_Launcher", "GLT_AIM120_Launcher", "GLT_GBU39_Launcher", "CMFlareLauncher"};
		magazines = {"3lb_20mm_M61A2", "GLT_2Rnd_AIM9M", "GLT_2Rnd_AIM120", "GLT_empty_2", "GLT_8Rnd_GBU39", "120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine"};

	class 3lb_f22_jdam: 3lb_f22 {
		displayName = "F-22A (JDAM)";
		weapons = {"3lb_M61A2", "GLT_AIM9M_Launcher", "GLT_AIM120_Launcher", "GLT_GBU53_Launcher", "CMFlareLauncher"};
		magazines = {"3lb_20mm_M61A2", "GLT_2Rnd_AIM9M", "GLT_2Rnd_AIM120", "GLT_empty_2", "GLT_2Rnd_GBU53", "120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine"};

class Extended_Init_EventHandlers {

	class 3lb_f22 {
		3lb_f22_init = "[_this select 0] execVM '\3lb_f22\scr\init.sqf'";

class Extended_Engine_Eventhandlers {

	class 3lb_f22 {
		3lb_f22_engine = "_this spawn nes4day_AIRCRAFTVAPOUR;_this call nes4day_closeBays";

class Extended_GetIn_Eventhandlers {

	class 3lb_f22 {
		3lb_f22_getin = "_this spawn nes4day_PILOTLEAN";

class Extended_Fired_Eventhandlers {

	class 3lb_f22 {
		3lb_f22_fired = "_this spawn nes4day_F22firedEH";
Ich habe bereits ohne Erfolg versucht, die fett markierten Zeilen zu ändern (Acceleration auch mal verdoppelt), aber ich bekomme lediglich die Fehlermeldung "required Addons: not an array" und ich kann nicht ins Spiel wechseln. Wie funktioniert das, ein Fahrzeug zu "tunen"? Muss ich noch an anderen Stellen was umschreiben? Was mir ebenfalls aufgefallen ist, dass in der Zeile "class flb_f22: AV8B" steht. Werden etwa die Eigenschaften des Harriers auf die Raptor übertragen?

Mein ArmaClan und Ich wären für Hilfe sehr dankbar, denn wir möchten gerne eine möglich realitätsnahe F22 Maschine haben.
peecee ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 26.02.2013, 14:59   #6 (permalink)
Registriert seit: 26.02.2013
Beiträge: 2

Sorry, ich hatte testweise F35 in ein paar Zeilen eingetragen:

requiredAddons = {"Extended_EventHandlers", "CACharacters", "CAWeapons", "CA_Anims_Char", "CAAir", "GLT_Missilebox", ["F35"]};

class CfgVehicles {
/*extern*/ class F35;

class 3lb_f22: F35 {

Da steht statt F35 eigendlich AV8B.
peecee ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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