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Alt 09.05.2017, 19:38   #1 (permalink)
Registriert seit: 09.05.2017
Beiträge: 1
Icon14 Arma 3 - Discord Chat Server

Dear comrades,

I have been looking for a Arma 3 Discord server and haven't found one.

Well, so I decided start one by myself and so I did:

What is Discord?
A: The new and already popular Skype/Ventrillo/Teamspeak killer. It is totally for free and available on all plattforms (OS and Device).

What is the goal of the server?
A: Providing a communications plattform on Discord to play, chat and share the beautiful world of Arma 3 and your favorite mods.

What sub-channels do are there?
A: I will provide all the channels you like, as long as they lie within the context of Arma 3 and Arma 3 mods. Just write them into the suggestion channel!

How much does it cost?
A: It will cost you 3 € per day ... not. It is for free

To join the server and to help build up the community simply click:

I hope I will see you guys in numbers and hope we will find each others head in our cross hairs online!

Happy fraggin'

novi ist offline  
Alt 09.05.2017, 21:29   #2 (permalink)
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Benutzerbild von Cartman
Registriert seit: 07.07.2014
Ort: nähe Hamburg
Alter: 43
Beiträge: 1.150

This is the official ArmA 3 Discord.
Come for ArmA, stay for drama

Geändert von Cartman (10.05.2017 um 08:21 Uhr).
Cartman ist offline  

arma 3 discord, discord, discord server

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