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Alt 09.07.2008, 11:49   #1 (permalink)
Registriert seit: 09.07.2008
Beiträge: 4

After long time of searching for a decent media script and a good host I'm finally proud to present to you the release of!

What is it?:

At you can upload your favorite game videos and photos, games like: Armed Assault, ArmA2, OFP, OFP2 and other decent war simulators.
Now you can not only upload videos but you can upload screenshots and share them.

More about

Actually the website isn't yet quiet finished, I'm still working on forum integration and wordpress integration for latest news. Soon we will be able to upload videos in high quality and keep the same quality after video is converted. How? Thanks to x264 codec which is actually a pretty new method of converting videos, you can see it on vimeo and the best thing is that it doesn't take 400mb no.. it 10 times smaller in size but with the same quality!!!

The best thing is that this site won't be filled with advertisements... well actually it is but not with commercial! But with our own fellow news and mod websites ads. You can adverties your mod in our website for free

Ok enough of talking, time for video and picture uplading!! Click the bottom link to visit and view the features for your self!

Admin could you please post this in news?


Sorry if it's not german
Kenwort ist offline  
Alt 09.07.2008, 14:44   #2 (permalink)
500 Beiträge
Benutzerbild von Legislator
Registriert seit: 24.09.2005
Alter: 41
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That's exactly what I was looking for Bye bye Guess I can upload my new project there when it's finished. Great thing and great quality you're offering
Legislator ist offline  
Alt 09.07.2008, 16:32   #3 (permalink)
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Benutzerbild von burns
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Great initiative!
Although im puzzled about how you plan to keep the server(s) up once you started attracting a notable bunch of ArmA players thus producing some seriously high bandwidth usage - want to enlighten us?
People certainly dont want to sign up for a service that´s gonna be gone a few months later

PS: *move*

burns ist offline  
Alt 10.07.2008, 23:17   #4 (permalink)
Registriert seit: 09.07.2008
Beiträge: 4

It's all about how many people will use it.. if it get that far that 1k people visit it daily then I'm positive that the site will live on, but if it gets inactive and users don't upload their content just wait for some1 else to do it.. then there is no reason to keep it alive just for 10daily visits or so..

But I think we will succeed.. as people really like to watch one related content in one place and not to search for it all around and have an opportuity to upload their content and advertise their addon for free for people who have the same interests
Kenwort ist offline  
Alt 04.07.2011, 01:08   #5 (permalink)
Registriert seit: 09.07.2008
Beiträge: 4

Welcome, welcome!
After a long time of work under the hud I am finally proud to announce that website is now open!

What is ? is a community website which will cover all the related media to Bohemia Interactive’s latest ARMA Series – ARMA 2, ARMA 3 and perhaps other of BI’s titles.

What Media types?
At the moment we have news/blog, screenshot upload, gallery and forum section and in future we hope to have video, question & answers and file & downloads section.

Our Goals?
Our main goal is to provide a simple media coverage to the BI titles – news, images, videos etc.. All in one places. We hope to bring this community site to a new level soon

At the moment there isn’t any active staff, that’s why we are looking for people who would like to write news, blogs, articles in their free time. If you are interested you can contact us.
- WarGame Media - My Youtube Channel -
Kenwort ist offline  

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