18.09.2010, 23:40 | #1 (permalink) |
Registriert seit: 08.08.2009
Ort: Niedersachsen
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Probleme bei Norrin Revive Script 0.49b
Ich habe da ein Problem, das ganze zum laufen zu bekommen - kann mir da jemand helfen?
Ich baue eine Mission mit CO und BAF in Takistan mit dem 1.54er Patch. In meinem Missionsordner ist die revive_init.sqf, der Ordner revive_sqf und der Ordner respawnSpecial. In meiner description.ext steht folgendes: Code:
class Header { gameType = Coop; minPlayers = 1; maxPlayers = 12; }; onLoadMission = "[co12] Road to Mulladost"; OnLoadMissionTime = FALSE; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // description.ext settings for revive /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// respawn = "BASE"; respawndelay = 6; disabledAI = 0; #include "revive_sqf\dialogs\config.cpp" #include "revive_sqf\dialogs\define.hpp" #include "revive_sqf\dialogs\rev_cam_dialog.hpp" #include "revive_sqf\dialogs\respawn_button_1.hpp" #include "revive_sqf\dialogs\respawn_button_2.hpp" #include "revive_sqf\dialogs\respawn_button_3.hpp" #include "revive_sqf\dialogs\respawn_button_4.hpp" #include "revive_sqf\dialogs\respawn_button_1b.hpp" #include "revive_sqf\dialogs\respawn_button_1c.hpp" #include "revive_sqf\dialogs\respawn_button_2b.hpp" #include "revive_sqf\dialogs\respawn_button_3b.hpp" #include "revive_sqf\dialogs\respawn_button_4b.hpp" #include "revive_sqf\dialogs\respawn_button_1map.hpp" #include "revive_sqf\dialogs\respawn_button_2map.hpp" #include "revive_sqf\dialogs\respawn_button_3map.hpp" #include "revive_sqf\dialogs\respawn_button_4map.hpp" #include "revive_sqf\dialogs\OK_map.hpp" #include "revive_sqf\dialogs\dead_cam_dialog.hpp" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Params { class DayTime { //paramsArray[0] title = "Time Of Day"; values[] = {-8, -6, 0, 8, 13}; texts[] = {"Early Morning", "Morning", "Clear day", "Sundown", "Night"}; default = 0; }; class Revive { // paramsArray[1] title = "Number of Revives:"; values[] = {2000,1000,20,10,7,5}; texts[] = {"No Revive","Infinite - Cadet","20 - Easy ","10 - Normal","7 - Hard","5 - Extreme"}; default = 10; }; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Code:
setviewdistance 2500; skiptime (paramsArray select 0); X_INIT = false; X_Server = false; X_Client = false; X_JIP = false;X_SPE = false; X_MP = isMultiplayer; if (isServer) then { X_Server = true; if (!isDedicated) then { X_Client = true; X_SPE = true; }; X_INIT = true; } else { X_Client = true; if (isNull player) then { X_JIP = true; [] spawn {waitUntil {!(isNull player)};X_INIT = true}; } else { X_INIT = true; }; }; execVM "briefing.sqf"; server execVM "revive_init.sqf"; //--- East { _x setvariable ["bis_nocoreconversations",true]; if (side _x == east) then { _x allowfleeing 0; _x setskill (random 0.9); }; } foreach allunits; waitUntil {!(isNull player)}; execVM "intro.sqf"; Ich habe 12 Soldaten S1-S12 in zwei Gruppen (KSK und BAF) und beim testen mit der AI spawne ich nach dem Tod lediglich an den Markern, ein Revive wie ich es kenne startet irgendwie nicht... Wo liegt mein Fehler? Muß ich noch unbedingt Anpassungen an der revive_init.sqf vornehmen und wenn ja, welche?
Panzergrenadiere - Dran! Drauf! Drüber! Geändert von Jekko (18.09.2010 um 23:51 Uhr). Grund: Funktionsmodul habe ich auch platziert |
19.09.2010, 00:28 | #3 (permalink) |
Registriert seit: 08.08.2009
Ort: Niedersachsen
Alter: 59
Beiträge: 426
Habe ich aber bereits in der revive_init.sqf mit drin:
// ================================================================== // LIST OF PLAYABLE UNITS NORRN_player_units = ["S1","S2","S3","S4","S5","S6","S7","S8","S9","S10","S11","S12"]; // ==================================================================
Panzergrenadiere - Dran! Drauf! Drüber! |
19.09.2010, 01:27 | #6 (permalink) |
klar musst du die revive init anpassen! dein fehler liegt darin zu faul zu sein diese anpassen zu wollen... du hast eine fantastische anleitung was die einzelnen params in der revive init machen, also wo ist das problem diese anzupassen. da sind nicht nur die spielernamen einzutragen... arbeite die revive init ab und dann kannst du immernoch fragen wenn etwas nicht funktionieren sollte. wenn du nicht die revive init anpasst - also das wichtigste am ganzen revive, brauchst du hier nicht fragen warum dein revive nicht funktioniert. man man mfg
Niemand hat die Absicht eine Tüte zu bauen! ___<<<A3 Wounding System>>>___ |
19.09.2010, 02:13 | #7 (permalink) |
Registriert seit: 08.08.2009
Ort: Niedersachsen
Alter: 59
Beiträge: 426
Bevor du hier dummarrogante Texte abläßt, verkrieche dich doch einfach - ich frage hier, weil ich nicht verstehe, was ich genau anpassen muß und was als default bleiben kann!
Auf Kommentare wie deine, kann hier jeder verzichten - warum unterstellst du mir Faulheit, ich unterstelle dir auch keine pädophilen Neigungen! Vielleicht hättest du ja in zwei Sätzen formulieren können, welche Parameter denn so wichtig sind und angepaßt werden müssen - wäre kürzer geworden als deine Beleidung, für die ich mich herzlich bei dir bedanke...
Panzergrenadiere - Dran! Drauf! Drüber! Geändert von Jekko (19.09.2010 um 02:37 Uhr). |
19.09.2010, 10:40 | #8 (permalink) |
was hat denn das mit phädophilität zu tun?!
DIE ERKLÄRUNG STEHT IN DER MITGELIEFERTEN ANLEITUNG! lesen --> verstehen --> umsetzen --> nochmal lesen --> fehler beheben also warum solltest du nicht faul sein, wenn es dir nicht anmaßt die anleitung zum revive zu lesen? mfg p.s.: Jekko - Dran! Drauf! Drüber! lol
Niemand hat die Absicht eine Tüte zu bauen! ___<<<A3 Wounding System>>>___ Geändert von Pfandgiraffe (19.09.2010 um 10:42 Uhr). |
19.09.2010, 13:37 | #9 (permalink) |
Registriert seit: 08.08.2009
Ort: Niedersachsen
Alter: 59
Beiträge: 426
Also, in der revive_init.sqf steht folgendes:
// ================================================================== // UNITS THAT CAN REVIVE/UNITS THAT CAN BE REVIVED _can_revive = "soldierWB"; //array no.18 _can_revive_2 = ""; //array no.19 _can_revive_3 = ""; //array no.72 - NOT IMPLEMENTED _can_revive_4 = ""; //array no.73 - NOT IMPLEMENTED _can_be_revived = "soldierWB"; //array no.20 _can_be_revived_2 = ""; //array no.21 _can_be_revived_3 = ""; //array no.74 - NOT IMPLEMENTED _can_be_revived_4 = ""; //array no.75 - NOT IMPLEMENTED _medic_1 = "GER_Soldier_Medic_EP1"; //array no.76 - Used in conjunction with medpacks and bleeding _medic_2 = "BAF_Soldier_base_EP1"; //array no.77 - Used in conjunction with medpacks and bleeding _medic_3 = ""; //array no.78 - NOT IMPLEMENTED _medic_4 = ""; //array no.79 - NOT IMPLEMENTED //======================================================== Es steht da doch aber soldierWB kann reviven und kann revived werden. Hat da keiner einen Tip für mich? - Ich meine einen besseren als die von PSychobastard
Panzergrenadiere - Dran! Drauf! Drüber! |
19.09.2010, 16:13 | #11 (permalink) |
Registriert seit: 02.04.2003
Ort: San Francisco
Beiträge: 1.919
Nee nee, die Klasse gibt es auch in ArmA 2 und OA.. Ist eine Grundklasse für alle West-Soldaten, daher auch SoldierWB: WestBase |
19.09.2010, 16:39 | #13 (permalink) |
wenn hier einer zickig ist dann wohl derjenige der sich angegriffen fühlt weil man ihn darauf hinweist sich mal selbst ein klein wenig zu bemühen bevor man hier solche fragen stellt.
es ist ja wohl nicht zu viel verlangt sich auch mal selbst um ein problem zu kümmern und nicht hier her kommen um zu schreiben, hallo hier bin ich - gib mir die lösung auf all meine probleme, obwohl ich die lösung in einer anleitung finde, von der ich weis das sie existiert und ich auch zugebe sie nicht lesen zu wollen, jedoch trotzdem mal andere mit meinem problem belasten möchte. und die höhe ist dann das diese personen, wenn sie deswegen kritisiert werden, auf die barikaden gehen und mit sprüchen um die ecke kommen, dass es ja wohl nicht sein kann wie man sie anfährt und das man ihm doch lieber auf seine fragen antworten solle. und dazu kommen dann noch leute die "teebeutel" spielen, sich da also mit reinhängen, um mich auch noch zu beleidigen und denken sie wären jetzt der dritte der zuletzt lacht. aber wenn du auf beleidigungen stehst, vienna, dann verweise ich dich auf deine herkunft. geh germknödl essen und kühe vom hang schupsen. mfg
Niemand hat die Absicht eine Tüte zu bauen! ___<<<A3 Wounding System>>>___ Geändert von Pfandgiraffe (19.09.2010 um 16:43 Uhr). |
19.09.2010, 17:03 | #14 (permalink) |
Registriert seit: 12.07.2004
Ort: Wien
Beiträge: 1.917
Bist ja schon wieder zickig!
Jekko, es gibt eine Version 49bOA (ist aber nur der Downloadordner so benannt). Vielleicht solltest du nochmal von vorne beginnen und die Beispielmission vorerst nur auf deine gewünschte Lokalität übertragen und prüfen ob sie dort läuft. Dann erst deine Veränderungen schrittweise anpassen und nach jedem Schritt testen. |
19.09.2010, 17:05 | #15 (permalink) |
Registriert seit: 08.08.2009
Ort: Niedersachsen
Alter: 59
Beiträge: 426
Man Psychobastard nun beruhig dich mal wieder, du hast auf meine Frage mit einer Unterstellung von Faulheit meinerseits geantwortet, konntest aber weder beurteilen, ob ich die Anleitung gelesen habe oder nicht.
Du weißt auch nicht, wie lange ich bereits in verschiedenen Quellen nach einer Lösung gesucht habe, wieviele Missionen ich entpackt habe um mir die revive_intit.sqf derer anzusehen... usw. Es wäre netter gewesen, würdest du nicht immer negativ über andere denken, vielmehr einen Lösungshinweis geben oder gar nichts sagen. "SoldierWB" steht übrigens in mehreren Inits, die ich mir angesehen habe. Also müßte es doch funktionieren, oder? Noch eine komische Sache, beim Sani funktioniert es ja - bis ich das zweite mal respawne, dann kann ich mir keinen Marker zum respawnen mehr aussuchen, sondern lande in der Pampa beim "Respawn_west". Die Marker, an denen der Respawn sein soll habe ich anders benannt. Diese Punkte aus der gelesenen Anleitung habe ich auch befolgt: Code:
5. Create respawn markers for each of the sides your playable units belong to (eg.Respawn_west) and a second marker on the map called Boot_Hill away from the action on an island for the dead units - make sure that the respawn marker and the boot_hill markers are more than 100 m apart and are at least that far from where the units start on the map. You also need to create a marker on the map called "center". This is the point towards which a player's body will wash ashore when the respawn in water dialog is chosen (best to put this marker 6. Create additional markers eg. "West_spawn_1", "West_spawn_2" etc for any addition respawn points you want to set up for players (upto a maxiumum of 4). 7. Make any changes to the revive_init.sqf to toggle on options or change player revive number, set-up scripts for other side etc. 8. Create a gamelogic called Server Code:
/* CO & OA REVIVE SCRIPT © SEPTEMBER 2010 - norrin (simonnsl@iprimus.com.au) Version: 0.49 ArmA2 ******************************************************************************************************* See release notes for details on contributors and instructions for incorporating revive scripts into your own missions ************************************************************************************ Start revive_init.sqf */ // ===================================================================================================================== // DO NOT MODIFY THIS CODE // ===================================================================================================================== // sickboy's code modified by _xeno T_INIT = false; T_Server = false; T_Client = false; T_JIP = false; T_MP = (if (playersNumber east + playersNumber west + playersNumber resistance + playersNumber civilian > 0) then {true} else {false}); if (isServer) then { T_Server = true; if (!isNull player) then {T_Client = true}; T_INIT = true; } else { T_Client = true; if (isNull player) then { T_JIP = true; [] spawn {waitUntil {!isNull player};T_INIT = true}; } else { T_INIT = true; }; }; waitUntil {T_INIT}; // ===================================================================================================================== // THE FOLLOWING CODE CAN BE MODIFIED // ===================================================================================================================== // GENERAL REVIVE OPTIONS (Off = 0, On = 1) _mission_end_function = 0; //array no.0 - mission ends when all players are unconscious _call_out_function = 1; //array no.6 - whether a unit calls out while unconscious _water_dialog = 1; //array no.45 - whether a dialog appears when a unit dies in water so that it can auto wash ashore _unconscious_drag = 1; //array no.39 - whether a unit can drag the bodies of unconscious players _load_wounded = 1; //array no.61 - allows you to load unconscious units on vehicles _altUnc_animation = 1; //array no.54 - use alternate revive animation _JIP_spawn_dialog = 0; //array no.2 - whether a dialog appears when a player JIP so that he can be transported to a spawn point near the action _time_b4_JIP_spawn_dialog = 10000; //array no.17 - time before the respawn dialog appears for JIP players _perpetual_server = 0; //array no.62 - NOT IMPLEMENTED _ACE_mod = 0; //array no.102 - NOT IMPLEMENTED - Currently a place holder for possible future functionality // ================================================================== // LIST OF PLAYABLE UNITS //NORRN_player_units = playableUNits; NORRN_player_units = [S1,S2,S3,S4,S5,S6,S7,S8,S9,S10,S11,S12]; // ================================================================== // WELCOME SCREEN //titleText ["Joining the Revive Test Mission\n\n(Make sure you check the mission notes for details on how the scripts work\nand the revive_readMe in the attached pdf file for the full notes on implementing \nthe scripts in your own missions and the options available)", "BLACK FADED", 0.6]; // This next line can be commented out or removed if it interferes with intro movies // ================================================================== // REVIVE OPTIONS _max_respawns = (paramsArray select 1); //array no.38 - Number of lives per unit _JIP_respawns = [2,30]; //array no.63 - 0 - off or the number of lives players receive when they join in progress , JIP time after the mission starts _revive_timer = 1; //array no.7 - Whether you want to limit the amount of timer a player has while unconscious _revive_time_limit = 300; //array no.27 - Amount of time a player remains unconscious before respawning or dying _revive_damage = 0; //array no.37 - Unit's level of damage following revive _unconscious_markers = 1; //array no. 4 - Whether a marker appears on the game map at the location of the unconscious unit _caseVAC = [1, ["MASH","HMMWV_Base"]]; //array no.64 - Allows units to be taken to a hospital etc to be revived _mediVAC = []; //array no.65 - NOT IMPLEMENTED _chance_ofDeath = [0,0]; //array no.66 - Two parameters in the array the first switches off/on (0/1) chance of death when shot, increases dues to hit location and number of times revived and the second parameter switches on/off the decreasing respawn timer based on how many times you have been revived, if using set respawn-time to at least 300 seconds. _dualTimer = 0; //array no.67 - NOT IMPLEMENTED - normal units can only revive for eg 30 seconds whereas medics can heal players up to 120 secs - array - [0/1 - off/on, revive timer for normal unit, timer for medic] _deadSpectator_cam = 1; //array no.92 - leave as 0 - whether a unit can spectate other friendly units when it has run out of lives // ================================================================== // RESPAWN OPTIONS _no_respawn_points = 2; //array no.12 - no of respawn points (Max number 4) _Base_1 = "Basis"; //array no.13 - spawn position names _Base_2 = "Khushab"; //array no.14 _Base_3 = ""; //array no.15 _Base_4 = ""; //array no.16 _Base_free_respawn = [1,0,0,0]; //array no.36 - select whether to allow respawning at spawn points even if enemy troops are present (options OFF = 0, ON = 1) _respawn_at_base_addWeapons = 0; //array no.11 - unit respawns with weapons it commenced the mission with _respawn_at_base_magazines = []; //array no.34 - If using the respawn_at_base_addWeapons option then place the magazine and weapon _respawn_at_base_weapons = []; //array no.35 types in the following arrays, if left blank respawns with weapons from mission start _respawn_position = 2; //array no.28 - 0 - respawn at base_1; 1 - the closest enemy free respawn point; 2 - players choice; and 3 - dies _respawnAtBaseWait = [0,0]; //array no.68 - Two parameters: 1st if = 1 makes players that respawn at base wait for (parameter 2) seconds before being able to see surroundings _objectiveBasedRP = []; //array no.69 - NOT IMPLEMENTED // Mobile Spawn Settings _mobile_spawn = 0; //array no.51 - set to 1 if you want to use mobile spawn //_mobile_base_start = ""; //array no.52 - NO LONGER NEEDED, REDUNDANT VARIABLE _mobile_base2_start = ""; //array no.70 - NOT IMPLEMENTED _mobile_type = 0; //array no.60 - set as 0 - for vehicle and 1 for man _mobile_man = objNull; //array no.53 - place name of unit here or if not used make sure set as objNull _mobile_man2 = objNull; //array no.71 - NOT IMPLEMENTED // ================================================================== // UNITS THAT CAN REVIVE/UNITS THAT CAN BE REVIVED _can_revive = "soldierWB"; //array no.18 _can_revive_2 = ""; //array no.19 _can_revive_3 = ""; //array no.72 - NOT IMPLEMENTED _can_revive_4 = ""; //array no.73 - NOT IMPLEMENTED _can_be_revived = "soldierWB"; //array no.20 _can_be_revived_2 = ""; //array no.21 _can_be_revived_3 = ""; //array no.74 - NOT IMPLEMENTED _can_be_revived_4 = ""; //array no.75 - NOT IMPLEMENTED _medic_1 = "GER_Soldier_Medic_EP1"; //array no.76 - Used in conjunction with medpacks and bleeding _medic_2 = "BAF_Soldier_base_EP1"; //array no.77 - Used in conjunction with medpacks and bleeding _medic_3 = ""; //array no.78 - NOT IMPLEMENTED _medic_4 = ""; //array no.79 - NOT IMPLEMENTED //======================================================== // MEDPACK AND BLEEDING OPTIONS _medpacks = 1; //array no.80 - Whether you want to give the units a limited number of revive kits 0/1 - no/yes _stabilisation = 0; //array no.81 - NOT IMPLEMENTED _bleeding = 1; //array no.82 - Make units bleed and require bandages _medic_medpacks = 5; //array no.83 - No of medpacks for units specified in the _medic variables - they are required for reviving units _unit_medpacks = 3; //array no.84 - No of medpacks for units specified in the _can_revive variables - they are required for reviving units _medic_bandages = 5; //array no.85 - Bandages stop bleeding _unit_bandages = 3; //array no.86 - _medic_stable = 0; //array no.100 - NOT IMPLEMENTED _unit_stable = 0; //array no.101 - NOT IMPLEMENTED _stabTime_tillDeath = 0; //array no.87 - NOT IMPLEMENTED //Time until death following revive without stabilisation // ================================================================== // ENEMY SIDE TO PLAYABLE UNITS _no_enemy_sides = 1; //array no.22 - No of Enemy sides (0, 1 or 2). _enemy_side_1 = "EAST"; //array no.23 - Enemy sides can be "EAST", "WEST", "GUER" etc _enemy_side_2 = ""; //array no.24 _enemy_side_3 = ""; //array no.88 - NOT IMPLEMENTED _enemy_side_4 = ""; //array no.89 - NOT IMPLEMENTED // ================================================================== // FRIENDLY SIDE TO PLAYABLE UNITS _allied_side_1 = "WEST"; //array no.42 - Friendly sides can be "EAST", "WEST","RESISTANCE" etc. _allied_side_2 = "WEST"; //array no.43 - If all players are from the same side make sure you set the same side for both variables eg "WEST", "WEST" _allied_side_3 = ""; //array no.90 - NOT IMPLEMENTED _allied_side_4 = ""; //array no.91 - NOT IMPLEMENTED // ================================================================== // UNCONSCIOUS CAMERA OPTIONS _follow_cam = 1; //array no.5 - option to allow viewing of friendly units while unconscious _follow_cam_distance = 250; //array no.32 - the range that unconscious players can spectate friendly units _follow_cam_team = 0; //array no.44 - set to 1 if you wish unconscious players only to spectate players within NORRN_player_units array _top_view_height = 70; //array no.55 - allows you to set the top down camera height _visible_timer = 1; //array no.41 - view a cound-down timer while unconscious _unconscious_music = 0; //array no.46 - music must appear as unc_theme in music.hpp // ================================================================== // RESPAWN DIALOG OPTIONS _nearest_teammate_dialog = 1; //array no.3 - whether a respawn dialog appears when there are no players within this distance _all_dead_dialog = 1; //array no.1 - whether a respawn dialog appears when all players are unconscious (_all_dead_player = 1) _respawn_button_timer = 15; //array no.25 - Time until respawn button appears (0 = approx. 12 seconds), NB: Set to a high number like 100000 seconds if you do not want _distance_to_friend = 250; //array no.26 - If the closest friendly unit is further than this distance away trigger respawn dialog _all_dead_player = 0; //array no.56 _all_dead_distance = 10000; //array no.57 - whether a respawn dialog appears when all players within a specified distance are unconscious (_all_dead_player = 1) // ================================================================== // Bonus life for aiding team mates function _reward_function = 1; //array no.96 - specify whether a unit receives bonus lives for reviving other players _revives_required = 1; //array no.97 - Number of revives required before recieving a bonus life // ================================================================== // Team kill function _team_kill_function = 1; //array no.98 - specify whether a unit loses a life for killing team mates _no_team_kills = 1; //array no.99 - Number of teamkills before punishment // ================================================================== // CONFIGURABLE OPTIONS FOR HEAL YOURSELF FUNCTION _heal_yourself = 1; //array no.8 - whether a unit can heal damage to itself _no_of_heals = 3; //array no.29 - Number of heals that each player gets during a mission _lower_bound_heal = 0.1; //array no.30 - The damage level range between which the heal action becomes available _upper_bound_heal = 0.8; //array no.31 // ================================================================== // AI REVIVE BEHAVIOUR OPTIONS _goto_revive = 1; //array no. 9 - closest AI automatically moves to revive a downed team mate _AI_smoke = 0; //array no. 40 - if available reviving AI throws smoke on downed AI position _AI_aware = 1; //array no. 49 - AI will clear an enemy units it is aware of before auto reviving _AI_cover = 1; //array no. 50 - second AI unit moves with AI reviver to give cover _AI_dismount = 1; //array no. 58 - toggles ability of reviving AI units to dismount vehicles (1 = dismount) _call_for_AI_help = 1; //array no. 59 - allows AI units to call for help _goto_revive_distance = 300; //array no. 33 - distance AI units will move to revive a downed team mate // ================================================================== // OPTIONS FOR PLAYER'S DEAD BODIES AND EQUIPMENT - Additional revive functions with many thanks to alef (0 - off, 1 - on except for _bury_timeout) _drop_weapons = 0; //array no.93 - should the respawned player drop his weapons where he died? _cadaver = 0; //array no.94 - should the respawned player's body remain there? _bury_timeout = 12; //array no.95 - if drop weapons OR player body, how long before the body is buried? // 0=maximum (1200s) , n=seconds up to 1200s (hard coded) // ================================================================== // USER CODE - eg. NORRNCustonexec1="execvm ""myscript.sqf"";hint ""myoutput"";" NORRNCustomExec1 =""; // Exec1 occurs following being revived NORRNCustomExec2 =""; // Exec2 occurs when you team kill NORRNCustomExec3 =""; // Exec3 occurs when you spawn at base NORRNCustomExec4 =""; // Exec4 occurs when you try and spawn at base but it is still occupied NORRNCustomExec5 =""; // Must use variables: MAP_r_rejoin (false - first time, // true - rejoining the server, and // MAP_r_no_lives - number of lives if you rejoin server) // ===================================================================================================================== // DO NOT MODIFY THE FOLLOWING CODE // ===================================================================================================================== NORRN_revive_array = []; NORRN_revive_array = [_mission_end_function,_all_dead_dialog,_JIP_spawn_dialog,_nearest_teammate_dialog,_unconscious_markers,_follow_cam,_call_out_function,_revive_timer, _heal_yourself,_goto_revive,_unconscious_invincibility,_respawn_at_base_addWeapons,_no_respawn_points,_Base_1,_Base_2,_Base_3,_Base_4,_time_b4_JIP_spawn_dialog, _can_revive,_can_revive_2,_can_be_revived,_can_be_revived_2,_no_enemy_sides,_enemy_side_1,_enemy_side_2,_respawn_button_timer,_distance_to_friend, _revive_time_limit,_respawn_position,_no_of_heals,_lower_bound_heal,_upper_bound_heal,_follow_cam_distance,_goto_revive_distance,_respawn_at_base_magazines, _respawn_at_base_weapons, _Base_free_respawn, _revive_damage, _max_respawns, _unconscious_drag,_AI_smoke,_visible_timer,_allied_side_1,_allied_side_2,_follow_cam_team, _water_dialog, _unconscious_music, _enemy_units_1, _enemy_units_2, _AI_aware,_AI_cover,_mobile_spawn,_mobile_base_start,_mobile_man,_altUnc_animation,_top_view_height, _all_dead_player,_all_dead_distance,_AI_dismount,_call_for_AI_help,_mobile_type,_load_wounded,_perpetual_server,_JIP_respawns,_caseVAC,_mediVAC,_chance_ofDeath,_dualTimer, _respawnAtBaseWait,_objectiveBasedRP,_mobile_base2_start,_mobile_man2,_can_revive_3,_can_revive_4,_can_be_revived_3,_can_be_revived_4,_medic_1,_medic_2,_medic_3,_medic_4, _medpacks,_stabilisation,_bleeding,_medic_medpacks,_unit_medpacks,_medic_bandages,_unit_bandages,_stabTime_tillDeath,_enemy_side_3,_enemy_side_4, _allied_side_3,_allied_side_4,_deadSpectator_cam,_drop_weapons,_cadaver,_bury_timeout,_reward_function,_revives_required,_team_kill_function,_no_team_kills,_medic_stable, _unit_stable, _ACE_mod]; // start related revive functions [] execVM "revive_sqf\init_related_scripts.sqf"; if (true) exitWith {}; //Last edited 17/08/09 //if (_name == player) then {[_name] execVM 'revive_sqf\rPrn.sqf'}
Panzergrenadiere - Dran! Drauf! Drüber! |
19.09.2010, 17:11 | #16 (permalink) |
Registriert seit: 08.08.2009
Ort: Niedersachsen
Alter: 59
Beiträge: 426
Ich habe diese Version Name: CO & OA revive Version 0.49 Date: 12.09.2010 SP compatible? MP compatible JIP compatible AI enabled/AI disabled compatible Tested with: ArmA2 CO with beta patch 72716 @Vienna: war ein guter Tip von dir, ich bin jetzt wohl auf dem richtigen Wege und werde nachher nochmals die Inits vergleichen um den Fehler zu finden.
Panzergrenadiere - Dran! Drauf! Drüber! Geändert von Jekko (19.09.2010 um 18:37 Uhr). Grund: Bin weiter gekommen |
19.09.2010, 23:08 | #17 (permalink) |
Registriert seit: 08.08.2009
Ort: Niedersachsen
Alter: 59
Beiträge: 426
War leider nur ein halber Erfolg - oder eine halbe Niederlage
Sofern ich s2-s6 oder s8 -s12 ausgewählt habe, funktionierte das Reviescript 1x richtig, beim 2. Respawn kam nicht das Fenster mit den Optionen wie "Call for Help" oder der Button für den Respawnpunkt, sondern ich wurde zum "respawn_west" geschickt und meine Leben reduzierten sich nicht weiter (hint text). Wenn ich die Teamleader s1 oder s7 gewählt habe, kam weder der hint text 10 von 10 Leben, noch das Respawnfenster bei Tod - Spawn in der Pampa auf "respawn_west"... In der rpt sind hunderte Fehler - einer sieht so aus, als ob ein "m" vor dem Wort "mobile" fehlt, habe ich jedoch nicht in den Dateien finden können... Code:
File description.ext, line 8: '/Weapons/RPG7V.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 9: '/Weapons/Binocular.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 10: '/Weapons/Huntingrifle.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 14: '/Magazines/5x_22_LR_17_HMR.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 15: '/Magazines/PipeBomb.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 16: '/Magazines/Mine.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 17: '/Magazines/PG7V.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 8: '/Weapons/RPG7V.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 9: '/Weapons/Binocular.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 10: '/Weapons/Huntingrifle.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 14: '/Magazines/5x_22_LR_17_HMR.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 15: '/Magazines/PipeBomb.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 16: '/Magazines/Mine.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 17: '/Magazines/PG7V.count': Missing ';' prior '}' Link to 85c15ac4 (Obj-43,46:708) not released No speaker given for Kristian Bauer No speaker given for Paul Schulz No speaker given for Max Fischer No speaker given for Thomas Muller No speaker given for Jonas Fischer No speaker given for Marcel Wagner Ref to nonnetwork object O 1-3-F Ref to nonnetwork object O 1-3-G Ref to nonnetwork object O 1-3-H Ref to nonnetwork object O 1-3-I Ref to nonnetwork object O 1-3-K Ref to nonnetwork object O 1-3-L Ref to nonnetwork object O 1-3-M Ref to nonnetwork object O 1-4-A Ref to nonnetwork object O 1-4-B Ref to nonnetwork object O 1-4-C Ref to nonnetwork object O 2-1-B Ref to nonnetwork object O 2-1-F Ref to nonnetwork object O 2-1-G Ref to nonnetwork object O 2-1-L Client: Nonnetwork object 232f0000. Client: Nonnetwork object 2330bf00. Client: Nonnetwork object 23302a00. Client: Nonnetwork object 23315400. Client: Nonnetwork object 23a89500. Client: Nonnetwork object 23a80000. Error in expression <obile\mobile_marker.sqf"}; if (player == _mobile_man) then { [_mobile_man, _m> Error position: <== _mobile_man) then { [_mobile_man, _m> Error Allgemeiner Fehler in Ausdruck File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Takistan\revive_sqf\init_related_scripts.sqf, line 99 O 1-3-D: Cycle as first waypoint has no sense Error in expression <B 1-1-A_revives = 0; publicvariable "B 1-1> Error position: <1-1-A_revives = 0; publicvariable "B 1-1> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-A_revives = 0; publicvariable "B 1-1> Error position: <1-1-A_revives = 0; publicvariable "B 1-1> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-B_revives = 0; publicvariable "B 1-1> Error position: <1-1-B_revives = 0; publicvariable "B 1-1> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-B_revives = 0; publicvariable "B 1-1> Error position: <1-1-B_revives = 0; publicvariable "B 1-1> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <revive_B 1-1-A = 0; publicvariable 'revive_B 1-1-> Error position: <1-1-A = 0; publicvariable 'revive_B 1-1-> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <revive_B 1-1-A = 0; publicvariable 'revive_B 1-1-> Error position: <1-1-A = 0; publicvariable 'revive_B 1-1-> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <revive_B 1-1-B = 0; publicvariable 'revive_B 1-1-> Error position: <1-1-B = 0; publicvariable 'revive_B 1-1-> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <revive_B 1-1-B = 0; publicvariable 'revive_B 1-1-> Error position: <1-1-B = 0; publicvariable 'revive_B 1-1-> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-A_killer = 0; publicVariable 'B 1-1-> Error position: <1-1-A_killer = 0; publicVariable 'B 1-1-> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-A_killer = 0; publicVariable 'B 1-1-> Error position: <1-1-A_killer = 0; publicVariable 'B 1-1-> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-B_killer = 0; publicVariable 'B 1-1-> Error position: <1-1-B_killer = 0; publicVariable 'B 1-1-> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-B_killer = 0; publicVariable 'B 1-1-> Error position: <1-1-B_killer = 0; publicVariable 'B 1-1-> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-A> Error position: <1-1-A> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-A> Error position: <1-1-A> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-A> Error position: <1-1-A> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-A> Error position: <1-1-A> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-B> Error position: <1-1-B> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-B> Error position: <1-1-B> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-B> Error position: <1-1-B> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-B> Error position: <1-1-B> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A) then {_units = _units + [B 1-1-A]> Error position: <1-1-A) then {_units = _units + [B 1-1-A]> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A) then {_units = _units + [B 1-1-A]> Error position: <1-1-A) then {_units = _units + [B 1-1-A]> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B) then {_units = _units + [B 1-1-B]> Error position: <1-1-B) then {_units = _units + [B 1-1-B]> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B) then {_units = _units + [B 1-1-B]> Error position: <1-1-B) then {_units = _units + [B 1-1-B]> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) 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1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then 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then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Client: Nonnetwork object 3c801700. Client: Nonnetwork object 2cd6bf00. Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Saving undefined enum value -2147483648 / 6, context /SlowVehicles/InvisibleFar/Vehicles/Item10.activationType Saving undefined enum value -2147483648 / 6, context /SlowVehicles/InvisibleFar/Vehicles/Item11.activationType Saving undefined enum value -2147483648 / 6, context /SlowVehicles/InvisibleFar/Vehicles/Item12.activationType Creating debriefing File description.ext, line 8: '/Weapons/RPG7V.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 9: '/Weapons/Binocular.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 10: '/Weapons/Huntingrifle.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 14: '/Magazines/5x_22_LR_17_HMR.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 15: '/Magazines/PipeBomb.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 16: '/Magazines/Mine.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 17: '/Magazines/PG7V.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 8: '/Weapons/RPG7V.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 9: '/Weapons/Binocular.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 10: '/Weapons/Huntingrifle.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 14: '/Magazines/5x_22_LR_17_HMR.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 15: '/Magazines/PipeBomb.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 16: '/Magazines/Mine.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 17: '/Magazines/PG7V.count': Missing ';' prior '}' Flushing file MPMissions\[co12]Road_to_Mulladost.Takistan.pbo not possible - still open File description.ext, line 8: '/Weapons/RPG7V.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 9: '/Weapons/Binocular.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 10: '/Weapons/Huntingrifle.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 14: '/Magazines/5x_22_LR_17_HMR.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 15: '/Magazines/PipeBomb.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 16: '/Magazines/Mine.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 17: '/Magazines/PG7V.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 8: '/Weapons/RPG7V.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 9: '/Weapons/Binocular.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 10: '/Weapons/Huntingrifle.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 14: '/Magazines/5x_22_LR_17_HMR.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 15: '/Magazines/PipeBomb.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 16: '/Magazines/Mine.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 17: '/Magazines/PG7V.count': Missing ';' prior '}' No speaker given for Kristian Bauer No speaker given for Paul Schulz No speaker given for Max Fischer No speaker given for Thomas Muller No speaker given for Jonas Fischer No speaker given for Marcel Wagner Ref to nonnetwork object O 1-3-F Ref to nonnetwork object O 1-3-G Ref to nonnetwork object O 1-3-H Ref to nonnetwork object O 1-3-I Ref to nonnetwork object O 1-3-K Ref to nonnetwork object O 1-3-L Ref to nonnetwork object O 1-3-M Ref to nonnetwork object O 1-4-A Ref to nonnetwork object O 1-4-B Ref to nonnetwork object O 1-4-C Ref to nonnetwork object O 2-1-B Ref to nonnetwork object O 2-1-F Ref to nonnetwork object O 2-1-G Ref to nonnetwork object O 2-1-L Client: Nonnetwork object 43e0bf00. Client: Nonnetwork object 43e02a00. Client: Nonnetwork object 43e15400. Client: Nonnetwork object 43e29500. Client: Nonnetwork object 43e20000. Client: Nonnetwork object 43e3bf00. Error in expression <vive_timer, _heal_yourself,_goto_revive,_unconscious_invincibility,_respawn_at_b> Error position: <_unconscious_invincibility,_respawn_at_b> Error Nicht definierte Variable in Ausdruck: _unconscious_invincibility File C:\Users\Jens\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Jekko\mpmissions\[co12]Road_to_Mulladost.Takistan\revive_init.sqf, line 194 Error in expression <obile\mobile_marker.sqf"}; if (player == _mobile_man) then { [_mobile_man, _m> Error position: <== _mobile_man) then { [_mobile_man, _m> Error Allgemeiner Fehler in Ausdruck File C:\Users\Jens\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Jekko\mpmissions\[co12]Road_to_Mulladost.Takistan\revive_sqf\init_related_scripts.sqf, line 99 O 1-3-D: Cycle as first waypoint has no sense Error in expression <B 1-1-A> Error position: <1-1-A> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-A> Error position: <1-1-A> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-A> Error position: <1-1-A> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-A> Error position: <1-1-A> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-B> Error position: <1-1-B> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-B> Error position: <1-1-B> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-B> Error position: <1-1-B> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-B> Error position: <1-1-B> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-A) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error position: <1-1-B) then {_revive_units = _revive_uni> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <B 1-1-A_revives = 0; publicvariable "B 1-1> Error position: <1-1-A_revives = 0; publicvariable "B 1-1> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-A_revives = 0; publicvariable "B 1-1> Error position: <1-1-A_revives = 0; publicvariable "B 1-1> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-B_revives = 0; publicvariable "B 1-1> Error position: <1-1-B_revives = 0; publicvariable "B 1-1> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-B_revives = 0; publicvariable "B 1-1> Error position: <1-1-B_revives = 0; publicvariable "B 1-1> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <revive_B 1-1-A = 0; publicvariable 'revive_B 1-1-> Error position: <1-1-A = 0; publicvariable 'revive_B 1-1-> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <revive_B 1-1-A = 0; publicvariable 'revive_B 1-1-> Error position: <1-1-A = 0; publicvariable 'revive_B 1-1-> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <revive_B 1-1-B = 0; publicvariable 'revive_B 1-1-> Error position: <1-1-B = 0; publicvariable 'revive_B 1-1-> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <revive_B 1-1-B = 0; publicvariable 'revive_B 1-1-> Error position: <1-1-B = 0; publicvariable 'revive_B 1-1-> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-A_killer = 0; publicVariable 'B 1-1-> Error position: <1-1-A_killer = 0; publicVariable 'B 1-1-> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-A_killer = 0; publicVariable 'B 1-1-> Error position: <1-1-A_killer = 0; publicVariable 'B 1-1-> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-B_killer = 0; publicVariable 'B 1-1-> Error position: <1-1-B_killer = 0; publicVariable 'B 1-1-> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <B 1-1-B_killer = 0; publicVariable 'B 1-1-> Error position: <1-1-B_killer = 0; publicVariable 'B 1-1-> Error Fehlendes ; Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A) then {_units = _units + [B 1-1-A]> Error position: <1-1-A) then {_units = _units + [B 1-1-A]> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A) then {_units = _units + [B 1-1-A]> Error position: <1-1-A) then {_units = _units + [B 1-1-A]> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B) then {_units = _units + [B 1-1-B]> Error position: <1-1-B) then {_units = _units + [B 1-1-B]> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B) then {_units = _units + [B 1-1-B]> Error position: <1-1-B) then {_units = _units + [B 1-1-B]> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) WARNING: Function 'name' - Jekko is dead Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A) then {_NORRN_west = _NORRN_west +> Error position: <1-1-A) then {_NORRN_west = _NORRN_west +> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A) then {_NORRN_west = _NORRN_west +> Error position: <1-1-A) then {_NORRN_west = _NORRN_west +> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B) then {_NORRN_west = _NORRN_west +> Error position: <1-1-B) then {_NORRN_west = _NORRN_west +> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B) then {_NORRN_west = _NORRN_west +> Error position: <1-1-B) then {_NORRN_west = _NORRN_west +> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> 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Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression 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1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then 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expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> 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Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression 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1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-A && player != B 1-1-A) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if (!isNull B 1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error position: <1-1-B && player != B 1-1-B) then {_NORR> Error Fehlende ) No speaker given for Thomas Muller Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error 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B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error 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Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-A && B 1-1-A in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Error in expression <if(!isNull B 1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error position: <1-1-B && B 1-1-B in _units) then {}else > Error Fehlende ) Saving undefined enum value -2147483648 / 6, context /SlowVehicles/InvisibleFar/Vehicles/Item10.activationType Saving undefined enum value -2147483648 / 6, context /SlowVehicles/InvisibleFar/Vehicles/Item11.activationType Saving undefined enum value -2147483648 / 6, context /SlowVehicles/InvisibleFar/Vehicles/Item12.activationType Creating debriefing File description.ext, line 8: '/Weapons/RPG7V.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 9: '/Weapons/Binocular.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 10: '/Weapons/Huntingrifle.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 14: '/Magazines/5x_22_LR_17_HMR.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 15: '/Magazines/PipeBomb.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 16: '/Magazines/Mine.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 17: '/Magazines/PG7V.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 8: '/Weapons/RPG7V.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 9: '/Weapons/Binocular.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 10: '/Weapons/Huntingrifle.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 14: '/Magazines/5x_22_LR_17_HMR.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 15: '/Magazines/PipeBomb.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 16: '/Magazines/Mine.count': Missing ';' prior '}' File description.ext, line 17: '/Magazines/PG7V.count': Missing ';' prior '}' Aber vielleicht hat ja der Checker hier eine Antwort parat - also ich meine eine sachliche und fundierte, ganz ohne Unterstellungen, Beleidigungen und frei von Vorurteilen gegen die Wiener Mir kam der Wiener freundlicher vor als der Lausitzer - "aber das liegt wohl an der Herkunft" Abgewandeltes Zitat vom Checker..
Panzergrenadiere - Dran! Drauf! Drüber! |
20.09.2010, 01:53 | #18 (permalink) |
Registriert seit: 12.07.2004
Ort: Wien
Beiträge: 1.917
In der Beispielmission steht ja NORRN_player_units = [S1,S2,S3,S4]; für nur 4 Player-Units?
Erweitere die Beispielmission einmal auf mehr Player-Units. Wenn danach die Probleme auftreten, dann liegt der Fehler wahrscheinlich im Programm. |
20.09.2010, 10:54 | #19 (permalink) |
Registriert seit: 21.06.2009
Alter: 52
Beiträge: 158
http://dessau-rosslau.square7.ch/ |
20.09.2010, 11:38 | #20 (permalink) |
Registriert seit: 12.05.2009
Ort: FRA
Beiträge: 1.621
@Trax bei dem R3F Revive kann nur der Medic Reviven oder wie ????
sry für Offtopic
My Youtube Channel "Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self esteem, first make sure you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes!" William Gibson |
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marker über script erzeugen | hypercop | Editing & Scripting | 2 | 28.08.2010 23:40 |