23.06.2008, 15:21 | #1 (permalink) |
Registriert seit: 08.08.2004
Ort: Mainz
Beiträge: 68
Respawn Dialog anpassen
Habe mein Problem zwar schon im Forum.german-gamers-club.de vorgetragen dort konnte man mir schon teilweise helfen. (hier der thread dazu Forum des German Gamers Club e.V. - Powered by vBulletin ) Es geht um folgendes ich muss für eine Map den Respawndialog von Dr. Eyball anpassen MP Respawn Dialog - Files, News, Reviews, Addons, Mods, Missions, Scripts, Videos and more. man soll nämlich in stellungen spawnen die von der eigenen Seite bereits eigenommen wurden bzw dessen Markerfarbe rot oder grün ist.(je nachdem welche Seite die Stellung eingenommen hat) Im german-gamers-club Forum hat man mir schon soweit geholfen das es tatsächlich den anschein hat dass es funktioniert Aber leider nur bedingt denn man muss die Stellungen nacheinander einnehmen damit diese überhaupt Respawndialog erscheinen Beispiel wenn ich an der Stellung 6 Spawnen will muss man die anderen Stellungen die davor sind Stellung 5 ,4, 3 usw auch einnehmen damit die Stellung im Dialog überhaupt erscheint. Respawn_Dialog.sqf Code:
SPWN_Start = { _Params = _this; _MyDualList = []; if (playerSide == west) then { _MyDualList = [ // [Spawn description, marker name] ["1 - Base", "m_West_Start"] // renamed to "m_West_Start" ]; }; if (getMarkerColor "stellung1" == "ColorGreen") then { _MyDualList = [ // [Spawn description, marker name] ["1 - Base", "m_West_Start"], ["2 - Mercalillo", "stellung1"] ]; }; if ((getMarkerColor "stellung1" == "ColorGreen") and (getMarkerColor "stellung2" == "ColorGreen")) then { _MyDualList = [ // [Spawn description, marker name] ["1 - Base", "m_West_Start"], ["2 - Mercalillo", "stellung1"], ["3 - Obregan", "stellung2"] ]; }; if ((getMarkerColor "stellung1" == "ColorGreen") and (getMarkerColor "stellung2" == "ColorGreen") and (getMarkerColor "stellung3" == "ColorGreen")) then { _MyDualList = [ // [Spawn description, marker name] ["1 - Base", "m_West_Start"], ["2 - Mercalillo", "stellung1"], ["3 - Obregan", "stellung2"], ["4 - vehicle factory", "stellung3"] ]; }; if ((getMarkerColor "stellung1" == "ColorGreen") and (getMarkerColor "stellung2" == "ColorGreen") and (getMarkerColor "stellung3" == "ColorGreen") and (getMarkerColor "stellung4" == "ColorGreen")) then { _MyDualList = [ // [Spawn description, marker name] ["1 - Base", "m_West_Start"], ["2 - Mercalillo", "stellung1"], ["3 - Obregan", "stellung2"], ["4 - vehicle factory", "stellung3"], ["5 - Radiostation", "stellung4"] ]; }; if ((getMarkerColor "stellung1" == "ColorGreen") and (getMarkerColor "stellung2" == "ColorGreen") and (getMarkerColor "stellung3" == "ColorGreen") and (getMarkerColor "stellung4" == "ColorGreen") and (getMarkerColor "stellung5" == "ColorGreen")) then { _MyDualList = [ // [Spawn description, marker name] ["1 - Base", "m_West_Start"], ["2 - Mercalillo", "stellung1"], ["3 - Obregan", "stellung2"], ["4 - vehicle factory", "stellung3"], ["5 - Radiostation", "stellung4"], ["6 - Factory", "stellung5"] ]; }; if ((getMarkerColor "stellung1" == "ColorGreen") and (getMarkerColor "stellung2" == "ColorGreen") and (getMarkerColor "stellung3" == "ColorGreen") and (getMarkerColor "stellung4" == "ColorGreen") and (getMarkerColor "stellung5" == "ColorGreen") and (getMarkerColor "stellung6" == "ColorGreen")) then { _MyDualList = [ // [Spawn description, marker name] ["1 - Base", "m_West_Start"], ["2 - Mercalillo", "stellung1"], ["3 - Obregan", "stellung2"], ["4 - vehicle factory", "stellung3"], ["5 - Radiostation", "stellung4"], ["6 - Factory", "stellung5"], ["7 - Bagango", "stellung6"] ]; }; if (playerSide == east) then { _MyDualList = [ // [Spawn description, marker name] ["1 - Base", "m_East_Start"] // renamed to "m_West_Start" ]; }; if (getMarkerColor "stellung1" == "ColorRed") then { _MyDualList = [ // [Spawn description, marker name] ["1 - Base", "m_East_Start"], ["2 - Mercalillo", "stellung1"] ]; }; if ((getMarkerColor "stellung1" == "ColorRed") and (getMarkerColor "stellung2" == "ColorRed")) then { _MyDualList = [ // [Spawn description, marker name] ["1 - Base", "m_East_Start"], ["2 - Mercalillo", "stellung1"], ["3 - Obregan", "stellung2"] ]; }; if ((getMarkerColor "stellung1" == "ColorRed") and (getMarkerColor "stllung2" == "ColorRed") and (getMarkerColor "stellung3" == "ColorRed")) then { _MyDualList = [ // [Spawn description, marker name] ["1 - Base", "m_East_Start"], ["2 - Mercalillo", "stellung1"], ["3 - Obregan", "stellung2"], ["4 - vehicle factory", "stellung3"] ]; }; if ((getMarkerColor "stellung1" == "ColorRed") and (getMarkerColor "stellung2" == "ColorRed") and (getMarkerColor "stellung3" == "ColorRed") and (getMarkerColor "stellung4" == "ColorRed")) then { _MyDualList = [ // [Spawn description, marker name] ["1 - Base", "m_East_Start"], ["2 - Mercalillo", "stellung1"], ["3 - Obregan", "stellung2"], ["4 - vehicle factory", "stellung3"], ["5 - Radiostation", "stellung4"] ]; }; if ((getMarkerColor "stellung1" == "ColorRed") and (getMarkerColor "stellung2" == "ColorRed") and (getMarkerColor "stellung3" == "ColorRed") and (getMarkerColor "stellung4" == "ColorRed") and (getMarkerColor "stellung5" == "ColorRed")) then { _MyDualList = [ // [Spawn description, marker name] ["1 - Base", "m_East_Start"], ["2 - Mercalillo", "stellung1"], ["3 - Obregan", "stellung2"], ["4 - vehicle factory", "stellung3"], ["5 - Radiostation", "stellung4"], ["6 - Factory", "stellung5"] ]; }; if ((getMarkerColor "stellung1" == "ColorRed") and (getMarkerColor "stellung2" == "ColorRed") and (getMarkerColor "stellung3" == "ColorRed") and (getMarkerColor "stellung4" == "ColorRed") and (getMarkerColor "stellung5" == "ColorRed") and (getMarkerColor "stellung6" == "ColorRed")) then { _MyDualList = [ // [Spawn description, marker name] ["1 - Base", "m_East_Start"], ["2 - Mercalillo", "stellung1"], ["3 - Obregan", "stellung2"], ["4 - vehicle factory", "stellung3"], ["5 - Radiostation", "stellung4"], ["6 - Factory", "stellung5"], ["7 - Bagango", "stellung6"] ]; }; was dann bei mir in etwa so aussieht Code:
SPWN_Start = { _Params = _this; if (playerSide == west) then { _MyDualList = [ // [Spawn description, marker name] ["1 - Base", "m_West_Start"] ]; if (getMarkerColor "stellung1" == "ColorGreen") then {_MyDualList=_MyDualList+[["2 - Mercalillo", "stellung1"]]; }; if (getMarkerColor "stellung2" == "ColorGreen") then {_MyDualList=_MyDualList+[["3 - Obregan", "stellung2"]]; }; }; hoffe Ihr könnt mir helfen mfg
stolzes member der Freaky Fraggers |
24.06.2008, 06:03 | #3 (permalink) |
Registriert seit: 08.08.2004
Ort: Mainz
Beiträge: 68
RapidShare Webhosting + Webspace das ist zwar nicht die eigentliche mission aber hier wird das problem auch erkenntlich worum es letzendlich geht
stolzes member der Freaky Fraggers |
Aktive Benutzer in diesem Thema: 1 (Registrierte Benutzer: 0, Gäste: 1) | |
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