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Alt 01.04.2009, 13:41   #1 (permalink)
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Benutzerbild von Virility92
Registriert seit: 22.05.2008
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Icon3 Controle the game with your mind - Arma 2 supports EPOC


A few days ago we informed the community about Suma's soft- and hardware update and today katonkabong informed us another hardware device can be added to that list.

In Arma 2 it will be possible to controle parts of the game with your mind by using a device called EPOC which was developed by Emitov.
The EPOC will allow any player to select the prefered weapon from his loadout as well as to reload his weapon only by thinking of a keyword which can be configured in the controle panel.
Basically the action menu (with which you can mount a position in a vehicle) will be replaced with this mind control device.
Not only the action menu options can be replaced by this device, you can also use it to "type" chat messages just by thinking of them. This enables you to keep your fingers at the buttons while you communicate with your fellow players. Wether this will also enable you to controle the AI we could not find out.

Below you can see some photos, one photo of the device itself and one of a prototype being tested by a BIS employee.

katonkabong told us the costs of the system will approximately be $300,00 and it will support any language.
Although it might take the EPOC device some time to recognize the choosen keywords to perform the action (remember the first voice activation programs?) it will be a truly new gaming experience once it all works out. This is Arma 2 warfare of the future.


also das ist ja mal sehr interresant! aber für knapp 230€ auch nicht gerade billig^^
Virility92 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 01.04.2009, 16:19   #2 (permalink)
Benutzerbild von Topper_Harley
Registriert seit: 03.05.2008
Beiträge: 45

find ich irgendwie unheimlich mit so nem Laborhelm

wenn man das mal richtigweit entwickelt hat und das bei den Spielern grossen Anklang findet sitzen bald alle wie die Zombielaborratten vor den Monitoren.
“What matters is the game, not the name.”
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