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Alt 10.04.2011, 02:07   #1 (permalink)
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Benutzerbild von Dieter66
Registriert seit: 11.08.2004
Ort: Bokel, Schleswig-Holstein
Beiträge: 486
Standard Patch 1.18

Der wohl letzte Patch für Arma:

Download:Armaholic - Official patches - Armed Assault Patch 1.18
Intel 2600k@4500, Asus P8Z68-V Pro/Gen3, 16GB Corsair 1600, HD7950@1100, 128GB Curical M4 SSD, Corsair P128 SSD, Corsair H80, Win7 Prof 64-Bit, X-Fi Titanium, Syncmaster P2770 (1920x1080)
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Alt 10.04.2011, 11:03   #2 (permalink)
Der mit dem Lavamat tanzt
5000 Beiträge10.000 Beiträge
Benutzerbild von AndreAcé
Registriert seit: 09.01.2008
Ort: en Basse-Saxe/Arrondissement Lunebourg ♥
Alter: 51
Beiträge: 13.273

Was lange währt, wird endlich gut Support im 5. Jahr, Respekt
Zitat von Patch 1.18

===CHANGELOG IN 1,18 FROM 1,14===
5278 - Fixed: Game did not run on some systems with 8 GB RAM and 1 GB VRAM.
5278 - Fixed: improved alt-tab stability (fixed bug in texture loading on lost device)
5278 - Fixed: Game now recovers by resetting the D3D device from "Cannot create surface" error.
5278 - Fixed: Improved AI path planning when riding a bike.
5272 - New: Action inputs "Car more left" / "Car more right".
5272 - New: Action inputs "Car more left" / "Car more right".
5272 - New: Action inputs "Car more left" / "Car more right".
5272 - New: Action inputs "Car more left" / "Car more right".
5272 - Fixed: Game did not run on ATI cards in fullscreenmode on Vista x64 with more then 4 GB RAM (fixed again).
5273 - Fixed: Reduced excessive virtual memory fragmentation with ATI/AMD graphics cards.
5276 - Fixed: Changed BattlEye integration (fixing "random" player kicks)
5277 - Attempt to fix: Crash opportunity

ArmA Warfare, included as a bonus update in this patch, is a blend of a team-based multiplayer mission and realtime strategy. Two sides (BLUFOR vs. OPFOR) fight for control of the whole map. It is multiplayer map designed for 1 up to 32 players. It also uses other bonus content included in the patch: desert Marines and a modified Southern Sahrani map.

To start ArmA Warfare game, start multiplayer mission as usual. In the Create game screen select "Southern Sahrani" island. The "Warfare v1.0" and "Warfare v1.0 for 32" players missions appear in the list on the right. Select them to play Warfare. Standard Warfare is the 16 player (8 vs 8) mission. Warfare for 32 players (16 vs 16) is recommended for higher performance systems. See briefing screen of the Warfare mission for more instructions.

Full ArmA Warfare Manual is included in pdf file in the patch distribution.

This patch will automatically offer you to install anti cheating software for online games to your ARMA working folder. If you decide not to install Battleye, your patch still will be working but you may not be able to join game servers that will have installed Battleye software for increased anti cheating protection.

It will install all BattlEye content to a folder "BattlEye" (default is C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\BattlEye or C:\Program Files\Atari\ArmA\BattleEye). If BattlEye was installed, it will be securing online sessions hosted on your server (requiring all clients to have BattlEye also installed) unless it is disabled in server config using line "battlEye = 0;"

NOTE: BattlEye itself will be run from ARMA's application data folder (default is C:\Documents and Settings\[User Name]\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA\BattlEye) to have write access in order to be able to download/install updates and/or create logs and other BE-related files.

*** des gallicismes, s'il vous plaît. ***

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Alt 10.04.2011, 17:59   #3 (permalink)
10 Jahre hx3
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Benutzerbild von burns
Registriert seit: 13.04.2003
Ort: Monerica
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Ihr überseht alle das das Ding schonmal rauskam

ARMA 1.18 (Final / RC) | Downloads |
(20.07.10 um 20:54 Uhr)

Jetzt ist lediglich das RC weg. Aber der Rest ist 1zu1 wie diese alte Datei (gibt auch keine Kompatibilitätsprobleme zwischen RC und nicht RC Nutzern).

burns ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 10.04.2011, 18:10   #4 (permalink)
Der mit dem Lavamat tanzt
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Benutzerbild von AndreAcé
Registriert seit: 09.01.2008
Ort: en Basse-Saxe/Arrondissement Lunebourg ♥
Alter: 51
Beiträge: 13.273

Arrrgh...auf einen Marketing-move reingefallen.
Danke für die Lehrstunde in erhöhter Aufmerksam- und Wachsamkeit, burns-san
*** des gallicismes, s'il vous plaît. ***

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armalicious, patch 1.18

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