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01.08.2008, 15:58
Nein Leute, es ist nicht im falschen Forum ^^

Es geht darum, dass ich mir mal gerade ein paar Missionen aus der QG Kampagne Royal Flush im Editor anschauen möchte. Also hab ich die Kampagne entpackt, Missis in meine Eigene Dateien und versucht im Editor zu laden. Nur es geht einfach nicht! Die Mission (erstmal das Intro) lässt sich einfach nicht laden. Dann hab ich mir mal die Dateien angeschaut und siehe da: Die mission.sqm is unlesbar :o

So schaut sie aus (Das ist jetzt nur ein kleiner Codeausschnitt, der Rest schaut genauso aus, wer alles sehen will, soll sich die Mission entpacken und die mission.sqm aufrufen):
raP  °V version Mission Z Intro ~ OutroWin ^U OutroLoose V °V addOns sara_dbe1 cacharacters mercenary_dbe1 CAWheeled caair datsun_armed_dbe1 camisc CAWater cadata addOnsAuto  sara_dbe1 randomSeed 0` Intel  ~  briefingName @STRC_QG_XIntro startWeather ÍÌÌ=forecastWeather š™™>year × month  day  hour  ~ addOns cacharacters sara_dbe1 mercenary_dbe1 uh60desert camisc npcs_dbe1 cadata cawheeled CAWheeled3_TT650 datsun_armed_dbe1 hilux_armed_dbe1 addOnsAuto mercenary_dbe1 uh60desert npcs_dbe1 cacharacters cawheeled CAWheeled3_TT650 datsun_armed_dbe1 camisc cadata hilux_armed_dbe1 sara_dbe1 randomSeed ¦ Intel  Groups • Vehicles Õ? Markers HL Sensors KN ^U  briefingName @STRC_QG_XIntro startWeather ÍÌÌ=forecastWeather š™™>year Ñ month day  hour minute  • <items ; Item0 a Item1  Item2 â Item3 › Item4 _
Item5  Item6 Õ Item7 � Item8 K
Item9  Item10 Æ Item11 � Item12 : Item13 ÿ Item14 Ô Item15 ‘ Item16 L Item17  Item18 È Item19 … Item20 C Item21  Item22 ¶ Item23 ) Item24 œ Item25 R Item26  Item27 ´ Item28 ] Item29 ! Item30 ³! Item31 ]" Item32 Ð# Item33 v$ Item34 )& Item35
' Item36 Ñ' Item37 Ž( Item38 M) Item39

Wie kann ich mir die Missi im Editor anschauen? Klappts bei euch?

01.08.2008, 18:05
Hab es jetzt mal mit mehreren Tools entpackt, aber jedesmal schaut die mission.sqm so verhunzt aus. Was hat BIS mit denen gemacht? Absicht? Damit keiner an denen rumpfuschen kann? Oder gibt es sonst noch ne Möglichkeit die zu bearbeiten (Stichwort: QG Kampagne im MP)?

Komplett verhunzt schaut sie so aus:
raP  �" version Mission Z Intro �• OutroWin Ù! OutroLoose -" �" addOns
sara_dbe1 caair cacharacters camisc CAWheeled mercenary_dbe1 cadata datsun_armed_dbe1 uh60desert dbe1 addOnsAuto cacharacters mercenary_dbe1 CAWheeled caair uh60desert cadata CAMisc datsun_armed_dbe1 sara_dbe1 randomSeed \, Intel * Groups J Vehicles Y Markers ` Sensors %i �•
 briefingName @STRC_QG_MISSION1 startWeather ´®Q<startFog o �<forecastWeather �n>forecastFog w�=year Ð month
day  hour  minute 2 J items  Item0 Z Item1
 Item2 :
Item3 Ý Item4 I Item5 N Item6 ™ Item7
$ Item8 y, Item9 m0 Item10 P3 Item11 ÿ5 Item12 Ç6 Item13 ‚7 Item14 \: Item15 vA Item16 E Item17 òH Item18 $L Item19 ÷L Item20 ¡O Item21 ZS Y  side GUER Vehicles ‰ Waypoints {
 items  Item0 Ç Item1 ‡ Item2 ) Item3 Ò { position ͇TFv{B;�BFazimut ´B special FLY id   side GUER  vehicle SoldierGPilot leader   rank LIEUTENANT skill €? text heli1d  init this moveinDriver heli1 ‡ position s…TFÐ_{BÇ¡BFazimut ´B special NONE id   side GUER  vehicle SoldierGPilot skill š™? text kopilot  init this moveinCargo heli1 ) position ‡ˆTFÅšzB`£BFazimut  øA special NONE id  side GUER  vehicle SoldierGPilot skill €? text gunner1  init this moveinTurret [heli1,[0]] Ò position Z�TF*ÉyBWŸBFazimut  øA special NONE id
 side GUER  vehicle SoldierGPilot skill €? text gunner2  init this moveinTurret [heli1,[1]] { items  Item0 ˜
 position �¹RF*¾¢BzIIF type HOLD  combatMode BLUE  combat CARELESS Effects   showWP NEVER

  side GUER Vehicles * :
items  Item0 ~ Item1 ä Item2 J Item3 ° Item4  Item5 Ô :
position »‘TFÀéyBmšBFid   side GUER  vehicle SoldierGAA  rank CORPORAL skill Ÿªª>ä position –TFìyBBšBFid   side GUER  vehicle SoldierGAT  rank CORPORAL skill Ÿªª>J position !šTFÃ]xBnšBFid   side GUER  vehicle SoldierGAT  rank CORPORAL skill Ÿªª>° position ˜TFšGyB¤•BFid   side GUER  vehicle SoldierGB skill ÍÌL> position W„TFIP}Bý’BFid   side GUER  vehicle SquadLeaderG leader   rank SERGEANT skill úîî> text v1  init helivojaci = group this; {_x moveinCargo heli1} forEach units helivojaci Ô position ‡�TF¹¾zBšBFid   side GUER  vehicle SoldierGMG  rank CORPORAL skill Ÿªª>:
 side EAST Vehicles i
Waypoints 2 Ý items  Item0 ‘
Item1 ‹ 2
position  \TF‰ÃfB³IFazimut Í áBid  side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB leader   rank CAPTAIN skill €? text aa2  init bbattlegroup1 = group this; this setCombatMode "BLUE"; this addMagazine "strela"; this addWeapon "strela" ‹ position MŒTFdTB¹IFazimut ¬\LCid   side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB skill š™? text aa1  init this addMagazine "strela"; this addWeapon "strela" 2 items  Item0 † Item1 ç Item2 f
Item3 è
Item4 5 Item5 › Ý position Ö}TFýÿYBnàHFplacement pA expCond utok Effects á  showWP NEVER ç ç position 8«UFóÕAîÍGF combatMode RED  formation VEE  speed FULL  combat AWARE Effects `
 showWP NEVER f
position ÓõUF¸XØAΆGF combatMode RED  formation LINE  speed NORMAL  combat AWARE Effects â
 showWP NEVER è
position VFéÒÕA%GF type SAD Effects /  showWP NEVER 5 5 position 'ÿUF
×ÑA}MGF type HOLD synchronizations  Effects •  showWP NEVER › › position ÐŒTFf•ŽBpdNF Effects ×  showWP NEVER Ý Ý  side EAST Vehicles  Waypoints x I items  Item0 4 Item1 ú x
position ² YFߤBhfIFazimut ÛGCid  side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB leader   rank SERGEANT skill îzy> text b5  init bbattlegroup7 = group this; this setCombatMode "BLUE" ú presence ›t³>position ÂóXF>íBTIFazimut ÙðÂid 9  side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB skill )\�>health Ï¢;?x items  Item0 Ì Item1 ? Item2 à Item3 E Item4 ¡ Item5  I position ‡âXFÅ$Bí�IFplacement pA combatMode BLUE  expCond utok Effects 9  showWP NEVER ? ? position ¦˜XFrBIF combatMode RED  formation ECH LEFT  speed FULL  combat AWARE Effects ½  showWP NEVER à à position u¿WF•ðüAò6HF combatMode RED  formation COLUMN  speed FULL  combat AWARE Effects ?  showWP NEVER E E position u€VFKž×A8 GF type SAD  speed NORMAL Effects ›  showWP NEVER ¡ ¡ position ¹RVF¼_ÔA 3GF type HOLD synchronizations  Effects   showWP NEVER   position Ð*TFâˆBÈ;NF Effects C  showWP NEVER I I  side EAST Vehicles x Waypoints % N items  Item0 Á Item1 ¸ Item2 ~ Item3  Item4 ˜ %
position š.[F—ÖB|ËEFazimut AÚÂ special NONE id
 side EAST  vehicle SoldierPAT leader   rank CAPTAIN skill €?health ÖD? text at1 markers  bbgroup5  init bbattlegroup5 = group this; this setCombatMode "BLUE" ¸
position ØE[F
×B,ÄEFazimut ¤ çà special NONE id   side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB  rank SERGEANT skill €? text at2  init this setpos getpos at1; this setCombatMode "GREEN" ~ presence wó>position ï=[F
×B)ÊEFazimut Õø¨Â special NONE id 5  side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB skill )\�>health ©4? presence `<>position 2.[F
×B7âEFazimut Föæ special NONE id 6  side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB skill )\�>health ÷ê#?˜ presence ZEß=position ï[F<ÖBšãEFazimut -Òà special NONE id 7  side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB skill )\�>health U/?% items  Item0 „ Item1  Item2 [ Item3 Ù Item4 Y Item5 ¦ Item6  N position zÇZFÚA!BZ~FFplacement pA combatMode BLUE  formation FILE  combat AWARE Effects   showWP NEVER   position µYFŒB”ÛFF expCond presun Effects U  showWP NEVER [ [ position æPXFÓ9B"ÛFF combatMode RED  speed FULL  combat AWARE  expCond utok Effects Ó  showWP NEVER Ù Ù position ÏxWFBoGF combatMode RED  formation LINE  speed FULL  combat AWARE Effects S  showWP NEVER Y Y position inVF¸ßÕA‹$GF type SAD Effects *  showWP NEVER ¦ ¦ position “XVF’ÓAº=GF type HOLD synchronizations  Effects   showWP NEVER   position `¥TFõöŠBÛLNF Effects H  showWP NEVER N N  side EAST Vehicles } Waypoints y ™ items  Item0 š y position xWFUdBr�MFazimut 2æ„Á special NONE id   side EAST  vehicle UAZ leader   lock UNLOCKED  rank SERGEANT skill š™? text uaz1  init utekauta = group this; this setBehaviour "CARELESS" y items Item0  Item1 \ Item2 è Item3 * Item4 Ë Item5
 Item6 O Item7 ‘ Item8 Ó Item9  Item10 W ™ position xWFUdBr�MFid   type HOLD Effects V  showWP NEVER \ \ position ¨ùVFõ—BªMF combatMode GREEN  speed FULL  combat CARELESS synchronizations  Effects â  showWP NEVER è è position ¸ÆQF³ZÓBq�NF Effects $  showWP NEVER * * position í[PF‚^åBµMF type TR UNLOAD  expActiv {unassignVehicle _x} forEach units zvedgroup; unassignVehicle zved Effects Å  showWP NEVER Ë Ë position ƒ MF©�¸BÜ›QF Effects   showWP NEVER

 position ¸CF<^6ClsRF Effects I  showWP NEVER O O position �œAF „MCë!cF Effects ‹  showWP NEVER ‘ ‘ position .6CF 4C»cjF Effects Í  showWP NEVER Ó Ó position nn?Fn±C¢qF Effects   showWP NEVER   position D|+F¸�çA>ê}F Effects Q  showWP NEVER W W position ‡™F·NöAY•‚F Effects “  showWP NEVER ™ ™  side EAST Vehicles È Waypoints E"
$ items  Item0  Item1 Ê Item2 I! Item3 Ç! E" position }²TFH-;BFJFazimut sH;Ãid   side EAST  vehicle SoldierPTeamLeader leader   rank CAPTAIN skill 3áŸ> init bbattlegroup2 = group this; this setCombatMode "BLUE" Ê presence 6>position œjTF†B.lJFazimut ;?NÃid   side EAST  vehicle SoldierPMG skill ÍÌL>health û=?I! presence ^K€>position µETFÞ
~Bz¼IFazimut ZDuÃid   side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB skill ÍÌL>health ÖD?Ç! presence Üf¢>position ‰ÎTFmŒBB—XJFazimut ƒ`2Cid 8  side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB skill )\�>health O�P?E" items  Item0 ƒ" Item1 Ô" Item2 e# Item3 Ë#
$ position  UF–F-B3"JF expCond utok Effects Î"  showWP NEVER Ô" Ô" position †VFlÒAŸRGF type SAD  combatMode RED  formation ECH LEFT  speed NORMAL  combat AWARE Effects _#  showWP NEVER e# e# position J@VFÊ}ÓAL?GF type HOLD synchronizations 
Effects Å#  showWP NEVER Ë# Ë# position ÞšTF$4�B9^NF Effects $  showWP NEVER
$  side WEST Vehicles <$ Waypoints l( y, items  Item0 �$ Item1 [% Item2 Ï% Item3 N& Item4 Ý& Item5 c' l( position NôVF,ÂéAÈEFazimut ß�÷ special NONE id   side WEST  vehicle SoldierMG  player PLAYER COMMANDER  rank SERGEANT skill ´Ìj? text Kurt  init player addWeapon "binocular" [% position ¡ËVF%ŒêAdEF special NONE id   side WEST  vehicle SoldierMMG skill ´Ìj? text mgunner Ï% position ©&VF’ìêA"þDFazimut æ�‘B special NONE id   side WEST  vehicle SoldierMR skill ´Ìj? text repair N& position f-VFÆUêA>EFazimut ½f-B special NONE id   side WEST  vehicle SoldierMS  rank CORPORAL skill ´Ìj? text sniper Ý& position ËVFÁkëA~ðDF special NONE id   side WEST  vehicle SoldierMD  rank SERGEANT skill ´Ìj? text demolition c' position t)VF&ìA�ðDFazimut ÊBnB special NONE id   side WEST  vehicle SoldierMTeamLeader leader   rank CAPTAIN skill ´Ìj? text John  init zoldaci = group this; john addEventHandler ["hit", {ble = [_this select 1] execvm "wicks.sqf"}] l( items  Item0 Ö( Item1 0) Item2 Ó) Item3 ¬* Item4
+ Item5 h+ Item6 ª+ Item7 +, y, position àkVF¨¨ãA$LEFsynchronizations  Effects *)  showWP NEVER 0) 0) position �]VF–ÑASGF combatMode GREEN  formation DIAMOND  speed NORMAL  combat AWARE  description @STRC_M01w01s Effects Í)  showWP NEVER Ó) Ó) position ¨@VFüCÕA"¸GF type HOLD  combatMode YELLOW  combat COMBAT  description @STRC_M01w02s synchronizations  Effects ¦* timeoutMin €@timeoutMid AtimeoutMax @A showWP NEVER ¬* ¬* position ôpUF„¡ÚAHIF description @STRC_M01w03s Effects +  showWP NEVER
+ position Ä„UFL BF•JF description @STRC_M01w03s Effects b+  showWP NEVER h+ h+ position ¤HVF-PB–KF Effects ¤+  showWP NEVER ª+ ª+ position "ŠVFRŽBeÇLF type SAD  description @STRC_M01w04s synchronizations  Effects %,  showWP NEVER +, +, position £:VFáŸ6BuMF type HOLD Effects s,  showWP NEVER y, y,  side EAST Vehicles ¨, Waypoints 7. m0 items  Item0 Ð, Item1 ´- 7. position ÞRYFr7B�
IFazimut öGC special NONE id   side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB leader   rank CAPTAIN skill îzy> text aa4 markers  grp  init bbattlegroup4 = group this; this setCombatMode "BLUE" ´- presence â:?position �YYFñ
B4ôHFazimut ÙnœÂid /  side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB  rank LIEUTENANT skill Ç»»>7. items  Item0 €. Item1 ó. Item2 x/ Item3 Å/ Item4 +0 m0 position °YF 8BU¢HFplacement ðA combatMode BLUE  expCond utok Effects í.  showWP NEVER ó. ó. position LœWF…ÒþAö„GF combatMode RED  formation ECH RIGHT  speed FULL  combat AWARE Effects r/  showWP NEVER x/ x/ position ÊNVFäÊÕAT%GF type SAD Effects ¿/  showWP NEVER Å/ Å/ position æ1VF
×ÑAûrGF type HOLD synchronizations  Effects %0  showWP NEVER +0 +0 position þ~TF×%�B^pNF Effects g0  showWP NEVER m0 m0  side GUER Vehicles œ0 Waypoints Ö1 P3 items  Item0 ¹0 Ö1 position ŒVFÁÐêAûýDFazimut 6M¢A special FLY id   side GUER  vehicle MH6_RACS leader   rank SERGEANT skill €? text heli2  init heli2 setpos [(getpos heli2 select 0), (getpos heli2 select 1), 1]; this setBehaviour "CARELESS"; this setCombatMode "BLUE" Ö1 items  Item0 2 Item1 ž2 Item2 3 P3 position  VFãêAEF expActiv heli2 flyInHeight 80 Effects ˜2 timeoutMin @timeoutMid @timeoutMax @ showWP NEVER ž2 ž2 position ’˜4FØ…>ì/F expActiv heli2 flyInHeight 80 Effects ú2  showWP NEVER 3 3 position šÓF¸þC‹F type GETOUT Effects J3  showWP NEVER P3 P3  side GUER Vehicles 3 Waypoints ¸4 ÿ5 items  Item0 œ3 ¸4 position �ÖVFOìAÙçDFazimut ³{B special FLY id   side GUER  vehicle MH6_RACS leader   rank SERGEANT skill €? text heli3  init heli3 setpos [(getpos heli3 select 0), (getpos heli3 select 1), 1]; this setBehaviour "CARELESS"; this setCombatMode "BLUE" ¸4 items  Item0 ë4 Item1 M5 Item2 ¯5 ÿ5 position ‚ÔVFk¨ëAïDF expActiv heli3 flyInHeight 80 Effects G5  showWP NEVER M5 M5 position ý3Fó§>Ö*0F expActiv heli3 flyInHeight 80 Effects ©5  showWP NEVER ¯5 ¯5 position ñžF¸þC�dF type GETOUT Effects ù5  showWP NEVER ÿ5 ÿ5  side EAST Vehicles 6 Ç6 items  Item0 <6 Ç6 position @SF¸þCÌ›Fazimut Ùÿ¸B special NONE id   side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB leader  skill ÍÌL> text obet2 Ç6  side EAST Vehicles ç6 ‚7 items  Item0 7 ‚7 position !VF¸þCò§F special NONE id   side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB leader  skill ÍÌL> text obet1 ‚7  side EAST Vehicles ±7 Waypoints 9 \: items  Item0 Ù7 Item1 š8 9 position íWFDB¢ŸMFid $  side EAST  vehicle SoldierPTeamLeader leader   rank MAJOR skill úîî> text velitelZ  init zvedgroup = group this; this setCombatMode "SAFE" š8 position 'WFR BÉ�MF special NONE id %  side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB  rank CORPORAL skill 6’Ü> text vz1 9 items  Item0 L9 Item1 ²9 Item2 : \: position ÎúVF`½Bl£MF type HOLD synchronizations  Effects ¬9  showWP NEVER ²9 ²9 position ×`PFÐCåB3þLF type GETOUT Effects ü9  showWP NEVER : : position !YPFâGåBmÆLFsynchronizations  Effects V:  showWP NEVER \: \:  side EAST Vehicles ‹: Waypoints þ= vA items  Item0 É: Item1 V< Item2 ê< Item3 |= þ= position Æ0TF†{šB©¼NFazimut oÒNÃid )  side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB leader   rank CAPTAIN skill ”ˆˆ>health Ï¢;? text uraldriver1  init uraldrivers = group this; this setBehaviour "safe"; {removeAllWeapons _x} forEach units uraldrivers; {{_x addMagazine "8Rnd_9x18_Makarov"} forEach units uraldrivers} forEach [0,1]; {_x addweapon "Makarov"} forEach units uraldrivers V< position ATFŽd›B©¼NFazimut ú~ÐBid *  side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB  rank LIEUTENANT skill ”ˆˆ>health ~7A? text uraldriver2 ê< position ö#TF>šB�*NFazimut ¬í¨Bid +  side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB  rank SERGEANT skill ”ˆˆ>health RÒ?? text uraldriver3 |= position ³BTFàF—B•NFazimut ž�Ãid ,  side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB skill ”ˆˆ>health ~7A? text uraldriver4 þ= items
Item0 ~> Item1 â> Item2 <? Item3 –? Item4 ê? Item5 ,@ Item6 n@ Item7 °@ Item8 ò@ Item9 4A vA position ÷2TFI,™B>§NF combatMode GREEN  combat AWARE Effects Ü>  showWP NEVER â> â> position ˆ,TFâ—BLˆNFsynchronizations  Effects 6?  showWP NEVER <? <? position )ÝSFeêžB
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Effects ÒD  showWP NEVER ØD ØD position I²TF\u‡B¥(NF Effects E  showWP NEVER E E  side EAST Vehicles IE Waypoints ÀF òH items  Item0 qE Item1 ,F ÀF position SFÛÜœBÑGFazimut –!*Bid 0  side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB leader   rank CAPTAIN skill ó> init bbattlegroup6 = group this; this setCombatMode "BLUE" ,F presence y°Å=position v±RF¦B£BvGFazimut –!*Bid 1  side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB  rank CORPORAL skill –5? text enemysniper ÀF items  Item0 G Item1 {G Item2 ìG Item3 JH Item4 °H òH position â)SF)i™BâGF combatMode BLUE  combat AWARE  expCond utok Effects uG  showWP NEVER {G {G position $ñTFÓÖúAÅÔFF combatMode GREEN  speed FULL  combat AWARE Effects æG  showWP NEVER ìG ìG position bNVFö*ÖAùFF type SAD  combatMode RED Effects DH  showWP NEVER JH JH position <VF DÔADGF type HOLD synchronizations  Effects ªH  showWP NEVER °H °H position &¼TF³…BØNF Effects ìH  showWP NEVER òH òH  side EAST Vehicles !I Waypoints K $L items  Item0 TI Item1 $J Item2 ¢J K
position b˜OFw`ìBàELFazimut R‰›Bid 2  side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB leader   rank CAPTAIN skill úîî>health ÖD? init battlegroup8 = group this; battlegroup8 setCombatMode "GREEN" $J presence 4¾—>position ¦mOF]uîBòeLFazimut íí©Bid 3  side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB skill ÍÌL>health £=:?¢J presence K€>position =ŽOFã»ìBbóKFid 4  side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB skill ÍÌL>health û=?K items  Item0 ;K Item1 �K $L position ¼ÉOFQêBÚSLF combatMode GREEN Effects ŠK  showWP NEVER �K �K position ê>PF!oæBi¿LF type JOIN  combatMode YELLOW  expActiv recount = true synchronizations  Effects L  showWP NEVER $L $L  side GUER Vehicles DL ÷L items  Item0 aL ÷L position »WF¬pBšMFid :  side GUER  vehicle SoldierSpy leader  skill ?ammo  text zved  init zved setcaptive true ÷L  side EAST Vehicles &M Waypoints 4N ¡O items  Item0 CM 4N presence position û#WF²ÇBçGMFazimut )LšCid "  side EAST  vehicle UAZMG leader   lock UNLOCKED skill °q*> text uaz3  init {_x setBehaviour "AWARE"} forEach units group uaz3; group uaz3 setCombatMode "BLUE" 4N items  Item0 gN Item1 âN Item2 TO ¡O position ÈûVFò.BÅdMF combatMode BLUE  combat AWARE synchronizations  Effects ÜN  showWP NEVER âN âN position ‘ÌWFÚ7úA»*KF combatMode RED  speed NORMAL  combat COMBAT Effects NO  showWP NEVER TO TO position ³XFCÛAd×JF type SAD Effects ›O  showWP NEVER ¡O ¡O  side EAST Vehicles ÐO Waypoints ¯Q ZS items  Item0 P Item1 ·P Item2 3Q ¯Q position :WFèBÿpMFazimut °ÒÃid &  side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB leader   rank LIEUTENANT skill ÍÌL>health �y0? text vz2  init zaloha = group this ·P presence g*>position ÔCWF�¸Bi}MFazimut �·Ãid (  side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB skill ÍÌL> text vz4 3Q presence ˆF÷=position 6WFX B�}MFazimut h‘ÓÂid '  side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB skill ÍÌL> text vz3 ¯Q items  Item0 íQ Item1 QR Item2 «R Item3
S ZS position ‹KWF¬»B)gMF combatMode GREEN  combat AWARE Effects KR  showWP NEVER QR QR position î@WF8ŽB+MFsynchronizations  Effects ¥R  showWP NEVER «R «R position QWFzABMõLF combatMode RED  combat AWARE Effects S  showWP NEVER
S position ´WF!BÝvKF type SAD Effects TS  showWP NEVER ZS ZS  side EAST Vehicles ‰S Waypoints „U Y items  Item0 ¼S Item1 ˆT Item2 U „U position ªJZF{ÞBvdCFazimut 3ãžC special NONE id >  side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB leader  skill ^‘> init kamikaze1 = group this; {_x setUnitPos "DOWN"} forEach units kamikaze1 ˆT presence ¿b>position ½LZFvßB)gCFazimut �DMÂid ?  side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB skill ^‘>health Ì`L?U presence ôŠ>position IZFˆÝBÚaCFazimut �‹Âid @  side EAST  vehicle SoldierPB skill ^‘>health {õQ?„U items  Item0 ãU Item1 sV Item2 õV Item3 wW Item4 èW Item5 dX Item6 ÊX Y position ‘HZF÷ÞBÌeCF combatMode BLUE  formation LINE  speed FULL  combat AWARE  expCond utok Effects mV  showWP NEVER sV sV position »ÐYF}* B�CF combatMode GREEN  formation LINE  speed FULL  combat AWARE Effects ïV  showWP NEVER õV õV position Q-YFy[B HDF combatMode GREEN  formation LINE  speed FULL  combat AWARE Effects qW  showWP NEVER wW wW position ÃìVF ¨æA|TFF combatMode GREEN  speed FULL  combat AWARE Effects âW  showWP NEVER èW èW position p‚VFŠã×AGF type SAD  combatMode WHITE  speed FULL  combat AWARE Effects ^X  showWP NEVER dX dX position HrVF§÷ÕA>GF type HOLD synchronizations  Effects ÄX  showWP NEVER ÊX ÊX position ÁjTFR“BÌ}NF Effects Y  showWP NEVER Y Y items Item0 ˜Y Item1 ˜Z Item2 7[ Item3 Ö[ Item4 u\ Item5 ] Item6 †] Item7 ø] Item8 j^ Item9 ÿ^ Item10 r_ ` position jÝTFÜèOB#¡CFazimut -mÁ special FLY id  side EMPTY  vehicle UH60MGRACS skill €? text heli1  init heli1d exec "hold.sqs"; heli1 setpos [(getpos heli1 select 0), (getpos heli1 select 1), 130]; heli1 setVelocity [-3,-5,0] ˜Z position ÂNTF¼æ’Bz\NFazimut Ðü>Did   side EMPTY  vehicle UralOpen  lock UNLOCKED skill š™? text ural2  init clearMagazinecargo ural2 7[ position �TFu‰BÄNFazimut 5ˆ2Bid  side EMPTY  vehicle UralOpen  lock UNLOCKED skill š™? text ural3  init clearMagazinecargo ural3 Ö[ position ºTF3Ç�BÖMFazimut xoÀCid !  side EMPTY  vehicle UralOpen  lock UNLOCKED skill š™? text ural4  init clearMagazinecargo ural4 u\ position ›TF˶›Bß„NFazimut {±ÏAid #  side EMPTY  vehicle UralOpen  lock UNLOCKED skill š™? text ural1  init clearMagazinecargo ural1 ] position aÍVFÂ�ÔAWÅIFazimut Ûù£B special NONE id ;  side EMPTY  vehicle HumpsDirt skill ´Ìj?†] position ºÚVFk5ÖAÛIFazimut î* C special NONE id <  side EMPTY  vehicle HumpsDirt skill ´Ìj?ø] position ’ëVF'ÖA=ëIFazimut D ™C special NONE id =  side EMPTY  vehicle HumpsDirt skill ´Ìj?j^
position :ÕVF˜; BÛSMFazimut 2æ„Á special NONE id A  side EMPTY  vehicle UAZ leader   lock UNLOCKED skill š™? text uaz2 ÿ^ position óÁUF2ÑA2vGFazimut ÑDJB special NONE id B  side EMPTY  vehicle hiluxWreck skill ´Ìj?r_
position ÛkF¸þCY¤Fazimut ®¯ Ä special FLY id C  side EMPTY  vehicle MAA_DATSUN_PK2 leader  skill €? text bumauto1 markers  pos2 pos1 ` items  Item0 7a Item1 ³a Item2 (b Item3 �b Item4 c Item5 ‡c Item6 þc Item7 kd Item8 e Item9 te Item10 ¬e Item11 ée Item12 5f Item13 �f Item14 Þf Item15 g Item16 bg Item17 ¢g Item18 âg Item19 $h Item20 dh Item21 ¤h Item22 æh %i position ò™6FI¡“C©öZF name createheli  text tady se vysamonuje helikoptera  type Empty  colorName ColorBlack ³a position *íOF�^äBkéIF name helizplace1  text kde muze heliz pristat  type Empty  colorName ColorBlack (b position ÐáFFxkVCM“MF name helizplace2  text kde muze heliz pristat  type Empty  colorName ColorBlack �b position Ø¥DF,�$CR;GF name helizplace3  text kde muze heliz pristat  type Empty  colorName ColorBlack c position ËLFgFC8LF name helizplace4  text kde muze heliz pristat  type Empty  colorName ColorBlack ‡c position þPFœoèA—õ„F name createheli2  text semka odleti helikoptera  type Empty  colorName ColorBlack þc position ¯<F¸þC:bF name ukrytse  text tady odleti heli3  type Select  colorName ColorBlack kd position ][VFäûÕA«"GF name cilmise  text @STRC_M01m01  markerType RECTANGLE  type Flag  colorName ColorRedAlpha  fillName FDiagonal a HBb HBe position WF\BÙuMF name konvoj  text @STRC_M01m03  type Empty  colorName ColorRed te position TÊXFz£B7íHF name grp  type Empty ¬e position ód\FâT BôÎFF name bbgroup5  type Empty ée position í|FFMìTChtMF name poziceOutro  type Empty angle ±¡=Â5f position 
WFºïB*´MF name zvedmarker  text @STRC_M01m02  type Empty  colorName ColorRed �f position $šcFrç_B@IAF name kamerawicks1  type Empty Þf position <7dF©=kBx^AF name kamerawicks2  type Empty g position 4YdFù͆BgÁ@F name kamerawicksmid  type Empty bg position RfFG-¦BŽ
BF name kamerazved1  type Empty ¢g position q³fFPë²BO"BF name kamerazved2  type Empty âg position  µfFŽÛ·B—²AF name kamerazvedmid  type Empty $h position ßmVF ØA˜GF name obet1marker  type Empty dh position #uVF ØA×êFF name obet2marker  type Empty ¤h position ÷¬VF"„ØA8GF name bumautomarker  type Empty æh position 3†IF½5$C,ƒZF name zvolmarker  type Empty %i ,items + Item0 1k Item1 çl Item2 ”m Item3 ªn Item4 _o Item5 Üp Item6 Vr Item7 qs Item8 ñs Item9
u Item10 ¹v Item11 �w Item12 6x Item13 äx Item14 ‹y Item15 ;z Item16 6{ Item17 $| Item18 P} Item19 3~ Item20 8 Item21 @€ Item22 |� Item23 ‚‚ Item24 Zƒ Item25 º„ Item26 k… Item27 k† Item28 D‡ Item29 ˆ Item30 ²ˆ Item31 m‰ Item32 Š Item33 Ί Item34 lŒ Item35 –� Item36 AŽ Item37 ƒ� Item38 Y� Item39 ‘ Item40 á‘ Item41 “ Item42 ³” �•
position ÍVVF6NæA4ÒEFa HCb HC activationBy WEST  age UNKNOWN  text bluetrigger  name bluetrigger  expCond this and bluetriggers and (({_x == vehicle _x} count units group player) == count units group player) and (({_x in list bluetrigger2} count units group player) > ({_x in list bluetrigger} count units group player))  expActiv bluetrig = true; this exec "pal.sqs"; this exec "allgreen.sqs" Effects ál çl çl position dZVFVáæA°ÑEFa RCb RC activationBy WEST  age UNKNOWN  text bluetrigger2  name bluetrigger2  expCond this and bluetriggers Effects Žm ”m ”m position ßfVFçœÒA×EGFa 4Bb 4B activationBy WEST timeoutMin AtimeoutMid `AtimeoutMax *A age UNKNOWN  text sestreltrigger  name sestreltrigger  expActiv this exec "pal.sqs"; this exec "stringy.sqs"; this exec "allgreen.sqs" Effects ¤n ªn ªn
position ÎWF‘ÌBg£MFa b timeoutMin €?timeoutMid €?timeoutMax €? age UNKNOWN  expCond true  expActiv this exec "movein.sqs" Effects Yo _o _o position /ÈVFÀs!BëhMFa zDb Crectangular   activationBy VEHICLE  age UNKNOWN idVehicle   text kdyz hrac prekroci zacnou ujizdet  name partiesunik1  expCond this and (not(unik)) and (not(partiesunik2aktivni))  expActiv partiesunik1aktivni = true; unik = true; "3" objStatus "DONE"; this exec "chase.sqs"; "4" objStatus "ACTIVE" Effects Öp Üp Üp position 6³RF ¦BYèHFa úDb úD activationBy VEHICLE  activationType NOT PRESENT repeating  timeoutMin *@timeoutMid AtimeoutMax pAinterruptable   age UNKNOWN idVehicle   text desertertrigger  name desertertrigger  expCond this and zapnidesertertrigger  expActiv opustil = true  expDesactiv opustil = false Effects Pr Vr Vr position ϺRFD4¦BåÜHFa b repeating  timeoutMin *AtimeoutMid ðAtimeoutMax Binterruptable   age UNKNOWN  text playerkilltrigger  name playerkilltrigger  expCond opustil  expActiv player setDamage 1 Effects Zs qs  soundDet CA_AK qs position EF¸þCewFa Bb B activationBy GUER  age UNKNOWN  expActiv heli3 setfuel 0 Effects ës ñs ñs position ýWF†RíA7½DFa b timeoutMin @timeoutMid €@timeoutMax À@interruptable   age UNKNOWN  expCond not (alive zved)  expActiv this exec "kamerazved.sqs"; "1" objStatus "FAILED" Effects Üt
u  track ATrack17  titleEffect BLACK FADED
u position èWFÊ?íA¼¶DFa b timeoutMin @@timeoutMid €@timeoutMax *@interruptable   age UNKNOWN  text zved u zoldaku - PreENd  expCond (uzsmedoma) and (alive player and alive John and alive zved)  expActiv "1" objStatus "DONE"; followplayerexit = true; zoldacichaseend = true; helizkill = true; player exec "outro.sqs"; West setfriend [EAST,1]; East setFriend [WEST,1] Effects ³v ¹v ¹v position ðVFÕªëA²®DFa b  age UNKNOWN  text INIT  expCond true  expActiv konec = false; bluetriggers = true; partiesunik2aktivni = false; partiesunik1aktivni = false Effects ‡w �w �w position €VF,ÓãA öEFa *Bb Aangle Ó*2Ãrectangular   activationBy WEST  age UNKNOWN  expActiv sniper groupRadio "M01r06" Effects 0x 6x 6x position VVF™¿ÐAfFFa *Bb Aangle ú>3Ãrectangular   activationBy WEST  age UNKNOWN  expActiv demolition globalRadio "M01r08" Effects Þx äx äx position «hVFV—×AóGFa *Bb Aangle ú>3Ãrectangular   activationBy WEST  age UNKNOWN  expActiv john groupRadio "M01r02" Effects …y ‹y ‹y
position ¡CVFÐbØAË©IFa ´Bb Aangle þÔ²Ârectangular   activationBy GUER repeating   age UNKNOWN  expActiv vidim = vidim + 1 Effects 5z ;z ;z
position %‹VFá$æAéKEFa b interruptable   age UNKNOWN  text shromazdiste  name rallytrigger  expCond (({_x == vehicle _x} count units group player) == count units group player) Effects 0{ synchronizations  6{ 6{ position rÄTF1|�B°ëNFa b interruptable   type SWITCH  age UNKNOWN  text jednotky rebelu utikaj  name utektrigger  expCond utek Effects | synchronizations    
 $| $|
position bTFdá”BˆšNFa b timeoutMin AtimeoutMid pAtimeoutMax *Ainterruptable   type SWITCH  age UNKNOWN  expCond utek  expActiv this exec "uraldrivers.sqs"; uraldrivers = true; this exec "setwppos.sqs" Effects J} synchronizations    P} P} position !YVFÌFÑAöPGFa Ab A activationBy MEMBER interruptable   age UNKNOWN idVehicle   text objstatus start hotovo  name objstatusstart  expActiv "START" objStatus "DONE" Effects -~ 3~ 3~
position 'jVFJÅÐA£bGFa b timeoutMin à@timeoutMid @AtimeoutMax �Ainterruptable   type SWITCH  age UNKNOWN  expCond utek  expActiv "2" objStatus "DONE"; "3" objStatus "ACTIVE" Effects 2 synchronizations  8 8
position %zVFDë!BâÆLFa b timeoutMin *AtimeoutMid BtimeoutMax 4Binterruptable   type SWITCH  age UNKNOWN  expCond unik and (chaseaktivni)  expActiv this exec "zoldacichase.sqs" Effects :€ synchronizations  @€ @€
position ¸:WFÑÉB+ªMFa b timeoutMin €@timeoutMid €@timeoutMax €@interruptable   age UNKNOWN  text spousti follow.sqs a zved.sqs  name followtrigger  expCond (zved == vehicle zved) and (alive zved)  expActiv this exec "follow.sqs"; this exec "zved.sqs" Effects v� |� |�
position ɇUFŠtÖA˜{GFa b timeoutMin ðCtimeoutMid DtimeoutMax RDinterruptable   age UNKNOWN  text odpocitavani nez zacnou utikat  name battlecountdown  expCond battlenow  expActiv exitbattle = true Effects |‚ ‚‚ ‚‚ position ýZTFíÿ“BvNFa b timeoutMin 4BtimeoutMid –BtimeoutMax pBinterruptable   age UNKNOWN  expCond uraldrivers  expActiv this exec "nastupjednotek.sqs" Effects Tƒ Zƒ Zƒ position „ÛSFOœBÍjNFa b timeoutMin *AtimeoutMid BtimeoutMax pBinterruptable   type SWITCH  age UNKNOWN  text ma vyjet az nastoupi vojaci  expCond (({canstand _x} count vsechnyjednotky) == ({_x != vehicle _x} count vsechnyjednotky)) or unik  expActiv unik = true Effects ´„ synchronizations  º„ º„
position ;WFiíA'±DFa b interruptable   type END1  age UNKNOWN  text Vitezstvi po outru  expCond overEnd  expActiv forceEnd Effects e… k… k…
position  ¯SFIY‡B®æFFa HDb HD activationBy EAST interruptable   age UNKNOWN  text removne granaty opforum  name grenadetrigger  expActiv {{_x removeMagazine "handgrenade"} forEach thislist} forEach [0,1,2,3] Effects e† k† k† position NYZF®ÜB„_CFa b interruptable   age UNKNOWN  expCond utok  expActiv {_x setUnitPos "UP"} forEach units kamikaze1; {_x allowFleeing 0} forEach units kamikaze1 Effects >‡ D‡ D‡ position 5
WF¦eíA¸DFa b timeoutMin €@timeoutMid À@timeoutMax Ainterruptable   age UNKNOWN  expCond not alive john  expActiv this exec "kamerawicks.sqs" Effects ˆ ˆ ˆ position BWF§;íA*ºDFa b interruptable   type END3  age UNKNOWN  expCond losewicks Effects ›ˆ ²ˆ  track ATrack16 ²ˆ position ¬WF¬ˆíAñ´DFa b interruptable   type END4  age UNKNOWN  expCond konec  expActiv "1" objStatus "FAILED"; "4" objStatus "FAILED" Effects g‰ m‰ m‰ position —
WFÁmíA<¿DFa b interruptable   type END2  age UNKNOWN  expCond losezved Effects ë‰ Š  track ATrack17 Š
position a‚VFêûÝAq FFa zDb ¯Crectangular   activationBy EAST interruptable   age UNKNOWN  expCond cheatkill  expActiv {_x setDamage 1} forEach thislist Effects ÈŠ Ί Ί position ½`VFÃÃßA/ùEFa Cb C activationBy MEMBER  activationType NOT PRESENT timeoutMin ðBtimeoutMid 4CtimeoutMax pCinterruptable   age UNKNOWN idVehicle   text spusti se allgreen skript - aby se nepratele prepli z blue modu  name allgreentrigger  expCond this and ({_x == vehicle _x} count units zoldaci == 6)  expActiv this exec "allgreen.sqs" Effects fŒ lŒ lŒ
position �sWF‡fðA,¾DFa b timeoutMin €?timeoutMid €?timeoutMax €?interruptable   age UNKNOWN  text co rekne cernoch tesne pred vystoupenim  name letsrolltrigger  expCond mgunner == vehicle mgunner  expActiv mgunner groupRadio "M01r46" Effects �� –� –� position wWFàëA¼óDFa b interruptable   age UNKNOWN  expCond true  expActiv player exec "playerdistance.sqs"; vidim = 0 Effects ;Ž AŽ AŽ position ŸQVF\íAÐëDFa b interruptable   age UNKNOWN  expCond (position heli2 select 2) < 1  expActiv {unassignVehicle _x} forEach [john,sniper,repair]; [john,sniper,repair] orderGetIn false; player exec "playerdistance.sqs"; heli3 lock false; zapnidesertertrigger = true Effects }� ƒ� ƒ� position D�VF¦êAuíDFa \Bb –Brectangular   activationBy WEST  activationType NOT PRESENT interruptable   age UNKNOWN  name presuntrigger  expActiv presun = true Effects S� Y� Y� position ¡“VFiÕAöôIFa b angle þÔ²Ârectangular   age UNKNOWN  expCond vidim == 2  expActiv heli1 globalRadio "M01r09" Effects ý� ‘ ‘ position EIPFÄæB÷VMFa pBb pB activationBy MEMBER interruptable   age UNKNOWN idVehicle $  expActiv getout = true; zvedgroup setCombatMode "Yellow"; this exec "heliz2.sqs" Effects Û‘ á‘ á‘
position Ô¹VFˆ¨#B UMFa b interruptable   age UNKNOWN  text kdyz nikdo neaktivuje partiestrigger  name uniktrigger  expCond unik and (not(partiesunik1aktivni or partiesunik2aktivni))  expActiv this exec "chase.sqs"; "4" objStatus "ACTIVE"; "3" objStatus "FAILED" Effects “ “ “ position pÀVF´2#BxiMFa zDb *Crectangular   activationBy WEST  age UNKNOWN  text kdyz nejaky zoldak prekroci zacnou ujizdet - az potom co zacnou prchat  name partiesunik2  expCond this and utek and (not(unik)) and (not(partiesunik1aktivni))  expActiv partiesunik2aktivni = true; unik = true; "3" objStatus "DONE"; this exec "chase.sqs"; "4" objStatus "ACTIVE" Effects *” ³” ³”
position ìÿVF
gBDÂMFa b interruptable   type SWITCH  age UNKNOWN  expCond unik  expActiv utekauta setCombatMode "GREEN"; zvedgroup setCombatMode "GREEN" Effects —• synchronizations   �• �• addOns  sara_dbe1 cacharacters mercenary_dbe1 CAWheeled caair CAWater datsun_armed_dbe1 uh60desert addOnsAuto  cacharacters mercenary_dbe1 caair cawheeled datsun_armed_dbe1 uh60desert CAWater sara_dbe1 randomSeed hï Intel Ï– Groups 7— Vehicles 5 Markers — Sensors Q Ù! startWeather Œf¥=forecastWeather ço=year Ð month
day  hour  minute ( 7— Fitems E Item0 {š Item1
ž Item2 ‹¡ Item3 8¦ Item4 9© Item5 « Item6 Í« Item7 …¬ Item8 0* Item9 è* Item10 ° Item11 º° Item12 Ó² Item13 Ú´ Item14 ’µ Item15 J¶ Item16 · Item17 º· Item18 Ô¹ Item19 h¼ Item20 ½ Item21 ؽ Item22 �¾ Item23 I¿ Item24 À Item25 ¹À Item26 Üà Item27 `Å Item28 <Ç Item29 ¼È Item30 �Ê Item31 GË Item32 Ì Item33 »Ì Item34 œÎ Item35 fÏ Item36 0Ð Item37 øÐ Item38 ÀÑ Item39 {Ò Item40 Ô Item41 ÅÕ Item42 × Item43 ›ã Item44 ~é Item45 ´î Item46 &ñ Item47 Üñ Item48 Éò Item49 œó Item50 bô Item51 8õ Item52 ¸ö Item53 <ø Item54 Àù Item55 Rû Item56 ý Item57 \ Item58  Item59 [ Item60  Item61 º Item62 r Item63 *  Item64 â  Item65 w Item66 ž  Item67 D Item68 ê 5  side GUER Vehicles ªš Waypoints �
ž items  Item0 èš Item1 ‰› Item2
œ Item3 ‘œ �
position Ú>Fi��AÄñFazimut ? ºB special FLY id   side GUER  vehicle SoldierGPilot leader   rank LIEUTENANT skill €? text heli1d ‰› position º >FîBŽAjöFazimut ? ºB special NONE id   side GUER  vehicle SoldierGPilot skill š™? text kopilot
œ position è >Fïd�Aâ÷Fazimut øB special NONE id  side GUER  vehicle SoldierGPilot skill €? text gunner1 ‘œ position €>Fèj�AvóFazimut øB special NONE id
 side GUER  vehicle SoldierGPilot skill €? text gunner2 � items  Item0 =� Item1 ¿�
ž position ¬\UF DBkcCF combatMode BLUE  combat CARELESS  expActiv interstart3=true Effects ¹�  showWP NEVER ¿� ¿� position ³¥SFÅèˆBåêFF type HOLD Effects ž  showWP NEVER
ž  side GUER Vehicles -ž ‹¡ items  Item0 �ž Item1 ôž Item2 gŸ Item3 ÚŸ Item4 <* Item5 ¡ ‹¡ position ¢>F`æ‘AvîFazimut Y‡A@id   side GUER  vehicle SoldierGAA  rank CORPORAL skill Ÿªª>ôž position ð>F–õ‘A
îFazimut Y‡A@id   side GUER  vehicle SoldierGAT  rank CORPORAL skill Ÿªª>gŸ position >FXÖ‘AýíFazimut Y‡A@id   side GUER  vehicle SoldierGAT  rank CORPORAL skill Ÿªª>ÚŸ position ¯>F6O”ASéFazimut Y‡A@id   side GUER  vehicle SoldierGB skill ÍÌL><*
position Ú>F†ù“A·çFazimut Y‡A@id   side GUER  vehicle SquadLeaderG leader   rank SERGEANT skill úîî> text v1  init helivojaci = group this; {_x moveinCargo heli1} forEach units helivojaci ¡ position d>FC’ATîFazimut Y‡A@id   side GUER  vehicle SoldierGMG  rank CORPORAL skill Ÿªª>‹¡  side WEST Vehicles «¡ 8¦ items  Item0 ÿ¡ Item1 È¢ Item2 g£ Item3 ¤ Item4 ±¤ Item5 b¥ 8¦
position ×Y=FÙ ‡BŠ*Fazimut Y‡A@ special NONE id  side WEST  vehicle SoldierMG  rank SERGEANT skill ´Ìj? text Kurt  init this moveInCargo heli3; player addWeapon "binocular" È¢ position b_=F0„B¹Fazimut Y‡A@ special NONE id  side WEST  vehicle SoldierMMG skill ´Ìj? text mgunner  init this moveInCargo heli3 g£ position œM=FwÇŠB*¤Fazimut Y‡A@ special NONE id
 side WEST  vehicle SoldierMR skill ´Ìj? text repair  init this moveInCargo heli2 ¤
position  S=FïV‡BxµFazimut Y‡A@ special NONE id   side WEST  vehicle SoldierMS  rank CORPORAL skill ´Ìj? text sniper  init this moveInCargo heli2 ±¤
position  R=F´{ˆB†®Fazimut Y‡A@ special NONE id   side WEST  vehicle SoldierMD  rank SERGEANT skill ´Ìj? text demolition  init this moveInCargo heli3 b¥ position ±_=FØÇ„B}µFazimut Y‡A@ special NONE id   side WEST  vehicle SoldierMTeamLeader leader   rank CAPTAIN skill ´Ìj? text John  init zoldaci = group this; this moveinCargo heli2 8¦  side GUER Vehicles g¦ Waypoints €§ 9© items  Item0 „¦ €§ position ½1=FP
—B.…Fazimut ~ºA special FLY id   side GUER  vehicle MH6_RACS leader   rank SERGEANT skill €? text heli2  init heli2 flyInHeight 125; heli2 setpos [(getpos heli2 select 0), (getpos heli2 select 1), 130] €§ items  Item0 ¾§ Item1 $¨ Item2 …¨ Item3 ب 9© position &PVF>kîAÓ¸DF combatMode BLUE  combat CARELESS Effects ¨  showWP NEVER $¨ $¨ position %(VFÂ
ìA?ÛDF expActiv heli2 flyInHeight 0 Effects ¨  showWP NEVER …¨ …¨ position EVF„iêAÔ EF type TR UNLOAD Effects Ò¨  showWP NEVER ب ب position ‚
VF©©êAì EF expActiv heli2 flyInHeight 0 Effects 3©  showWP NEVER 9© 9©  side GUER Vehicles h© Waypoints ’ª « items  Item0 …© ’ª position 
X<FÛCáBFazimut ȉ
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01.08.2008, 20:16
Neuartiger Kopierschutz :confused:

01.08.2008, 20:27
Scheins wohl die falschen Tools benutzt, nehme persönlich das von Kegetys oder noch alte aus OFP-Zeiten, mt denen klappt alles wunderbar, die anderen sind, naja, sagen wir einfach fehlerhaft und buggy, da kommt dann eben sowas raus wie bei dir...

01.08.2008, 22:34
Ich hab jetzt mal als Tools benutzt: PBOViewer und cpbo von kegetys. Beide Tools verhunze mir meine mission.sqm, sodass ich es nicht im Editor laden kann. Beim binpbo von BIS weiß ich nicht wie ich da ein pbo entpacken kann :(

@Marcus: Kannst du vllt. mal versuchen die Kampagne zu entpacken und dann schauen, ob bei dir die mission.sqm's auch so verhunzt sind?

02.08.2008, 02:20
Bin zwar pottenvoll, aber ich versuchs mal.

Probiers mal mit „BinView“

RapidShare Webhosting + Webspace (http://rapidshare.de/files/40139431/BinView.rar.html)

Einfach die „mission.sqm“ damit öffnen, wieder irgendwohin speichern, (wird als .ccp gespeichert) die „mission.ccp“ mit nem Editor öffnen und wieder als „sqm“ speichern.
Klappt schon, ich hau mich hin…

02.08.2008, 12:26
Das funktioniert leider auch nicht =( Der kann die mission.sqm nicht öffnen. Da kommt dann immer: "An unkwon error occured during decoding. Errorcode = 55"

Ist das echt Absicht von BIS?! :motz:

Hab bis jetzt schon 3 Tools benutzt um die pbo zu entpacken. Bei allen 3 hab ich diese verdammte verhunzte mission.sqm.
Tools, die ich benutzt habe, sind: PBOview, cpbo und UnPBO

02.08.2008, 14:30
Sorry, bis jetzt hat „binView“ immer funktioniert, aber du hast Recht, das Programm kann die Dateien nicht öffnen. (bei mir zeigt er allerdings den Fehlercode 62 an)

Nun fällt mir leider auch nichts mehr ein. Mit „BinPBO“ kam ich auch nicht zurecht.

Versuch dir mal Infos darüber aus dem wiki zu besorgen.
BinPBO - Bohemia Interactive Community (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BinPBO)

02.08.2008, 16:49
Ja, es kommt immer drauf an. Manchmal ist es bei mir der Errorcode 55 oder 62.

Aber ich denke mit binPBO kann man die pbos gar nicht entpacken.

Auf jeden Fall hab ich langsam das Gefühl, dass BIS das absichtlich gemacht hat :motz:

02.08.2008, 17:39
Darf ich jetzt? ;)

Also... auf meiner Seite vorbeisuren und dort unter Downloads ArmAUnbin herunterladen!

Damit öffenest du die Mission.sqm und kopierst dir den angezeigten Content in eine neue
oder die alte Mission.sqm. Kannst es auch mit der Save-Funktion irgendwo speichern, nur
er wir dir hinter dein .sqm noch ein .ccp machen. Das musst du dann umbenennen!

Und jetzt viel Spaß im Editor mit den QG-Missionen ;)

Viele Grüße


www.mr-murray.de.vu (http://www.mr-murray.de.vu)

02.08.2008, 19:09
Jo, funzt! Hatte das Prog. glatt auf meiner Festplatte übersehen :sauer:

03.08.2008, 11:56
Danke Mr-Murray :) Hat jetzt geklappt :) Danke :) Du wirst dann als dankeschön die erste Version von der QG Coop Kampagne bekommen :D

EDIT: Hm ... aber wie soll ich das mit dem Waffenhändler hinkriegen? Weil das sind ja im MP dann einzelne Missionen, die man dann immer wählen muss und ich weiß nicht wie ich das machen soll, damit die Spieler die Waffen aus den vorherigen Missionen behalten können.

04.08.2008, 10:03
Hätte jemand vno euch eine Idee, wie ich das mit dem Waffenhändler machen könnte? Der Spieler sollte ja die Waffen behalten können :o