Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Syntax Suche

29.07.2005, 16:06
Hi Leute,

Ich suche die Syntax befehle für den Adminbereich bei Operation Flashpoint. Ich möchte einen OFP Server aufbauen und benötige deshalb die Syntax für den adminbereich.

Danke für eure Hilfe


29.07.2005, 21:19
Müsste sogar in der Resistance Readme stehen, zumindest in der vom Server...
dafür sind die Dinger ja da :zahn:

29.07.2005, 22:13
Definier mal bitte "Syntax befehle".
Den Begriff gibt es nämlich garnicht.


Also was willst du nun?

30.07.2005, 12:03
Die Befehle sind alle in der Datei DS-Admin.rtf enthalten, wenn man sich die dedicated Server-Version runterlädt.


#login <password> - Login as server administrator
#logout - Logout, but stay connected as a normal user
#init - Reload server config file loaded by –config option.
#kick <player_name> - Kick given player
#kick <player_number> - Kick player with given number
#restart - Restart mission
#reassign - Go back to side selection screen
#mission <mission_name> - Select mission with known name
#missions - Select mission
#shutdown - Shutdown server
#userlist - Display list of all users
#monitor <interval_in_sec> - Start server monitoring. Server CPU load and bandwidth usage is displayed in the global chat channel.The default interval is 10 seconds. To stop monitoring type monitor 0.
#debug <command> - checkfile - check if any file used by clients matches server version (output done both via chat and console)console - watch server console log remotely *totalsent - watch outgoing network traffic stats (total) *usersent - watch outgoing network traffic stats (per-user) *userinfo - watch bandwidth estimations (per-user) *userqueue - report outgoing queue statsu (per-user) *<interval> - set debug stats monitoring interval *off - stop all debug monitoring. You can also use off to cancel single stats, e.g. #debug userinfo off ** - output is done using OutputDebugString from the admins client. You can use any debugger to watch this output, or there are utilities for this as well (on very good is DebugView from SysInternals avaialable at http://www.sysinternals.com/ntw2k/freeware/debugview.shtml)