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Alt 18.03.2009, 21:58   #61 (permalink)
10 Jahre hx3
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Benutzerbild von Xeno
Registriert seit: 03.01.2008
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Though I allways say no new version anymore... but...

New version 3.50 available...

What's new (overview) ?

All A.C.E. missions including the ones released as a standalone package are now part of the Domination mission pack again.
New Domination! A.C.E. East and... tata... ranked versions.
Many things changed... but take a look at the small changelog yourself.

(Small) Changelog:

- dropping an ammobox from a chopper or mhq is now only possible if you've loaded one into the chopper or mhq
(load it at ammo point at base or load a dropped one again into the vehicle, though you have to wait about 5 minutes
before you can drop or load a box from/to the same vehicle again)

- added a dialog for the MHQs and the lift choppers (action menu "MHQ Menu" and "Chopper Menu").
It will let you create a vehicle or teleport from MHQs and gives you the possibility to drop and load an ammocrate if you
are the driver/pilot (all others can see if an ammocrate is loaded). Reduces the number of action menu entries for these vehicles.

- fixed the annoying "can't get anything out of an ammobox" bug. Ammoboxes are now handled locally on each client

- splitted init.sqf in 5 files. You have to edit init.sqf and the i_* files, too

- sidemissions are now easier to add, see x_missions folder, I've included a small howto in that folder (hopefully easier),
still WIP)

- artillery can now fire more than one salvoe but it will take some time before the first shell hits the target
(somehow more realistic, flight time, reload time, etc, for salvoes the artillery reload time can also be changed,
d_arti_reload_time in i_common.sqf)

- time until artillery is available again depends on the number of salvoes fired

- players can now see the artillery messages only if they are about 15 m away from an artillery operator.

- artillery operators now have to be max. 500 m away from the artillery target
("line of sight", default 500 m, can be changed in i_common.sqf, d_arti_operator_max_dist) otherwise no artillery
strike will be executed, you'll see a yellow diagonal marker which indicates the max distance.

- same for players that are able to call in an air drop, they have to be 500 m near the drop point to call in a drop,
you'll see a yellow diagonal marker which indicates the max distance.
("line of sight", default 500 m, can be changed in i_common.sqf, d_drop_max_dist)

- enemy troops will now recapture allready taken towns (totally random which town and when).
Does only work if there are human players on the server. Mission won't end if those towns don't get captured again by
the players.

- chance for a main target counterattack is now down to 10% and it doesn't depend on the number of resolved sidemissions
anymore (got sick of it)

- rebuilding a wreck at a wreck repair point will now take some more time (depends on the type of vehicle, plane,
helicopter, other)

- changed HALO jump height from 888m to 8888m. It'll now take some time to reach the ground making players think twice
about not moving a MHQ to the next target (HALO height can be changed in i_common.sqf, d_halo_height)

- instead of HALO jump flags that get created at a main target once it's cleared you can now also change it to create
a vehicle, no HALO parajump will be available then, instead the player will be put into a vehicle. Simply change
d_jumpflag_vec in i_common.sqf and add the vehicle you want, for example: d_jumpflag_vec = "UAZ";.
Default is still HALO jump.

- players get kicked out of air vehicles (bonus vehicles for sidemissions or main targets) for the first 30 minutes
when they join (true for all players, even those that joined at mission start). This will prevent players to havoc
those vehicles that others have won when they join later during the mission. Can be turned of by setting
d_player_air_autokick to 0 in i_common.sqf (if for example ArmA crashes in the first 30 minutes after joining the
mission that time will get subtracted from the 30 minutes so you don't have to start all over again).
You'll get a message displayed if the 30 minutes are over.

- because of adding the above... the player score gets saved when a player leaves and if he joins again later he will
get the same score as before. Players that kill other players will be punished by adding a -10 score, if you die your
score drops -1. Your rank gets updated similiar to the score in Evolution (in the status dialog you will see your
current rank in the middle of the dialog)

- reinforcements at main targets will now only start to occur if players were detected by the enemy, a message gets displayed.

- admins can now specify the order of main targets (predefined routes) in the server lobby (random targets are still available,
ordered routes are only available on Sahrani).
("Random 1-21","South Route","North West Route","North Middle Route","North East Route","Complete, ordered")

- teleport back to base disabled. You can now only teleport to mobile respawn one and two (if the player dies he
can still respawn at base)

- you can turn off player marker names (shown on map if enabled). Simply set d_show_player_marker_names to false
in i_client.sqf. Direction indication for markers (vehicle markers, playermarkers) can be turned off completely.
d_p_marker_dirs and d_v_marker_dirs in i_client.sqf. You can also specify which player markers get used, change
d_p_marker in i_client.sqf

- instead of 28 scripts running for boat respawn there's now only one script that handles the respawn of all 28 boats.
Same for all your choppers, MHQ and trucks at base. Means, instead of 45 scripts that were running now only 3 scripts
are responsible for vehicle respawn.

- fixed, now only engineers can board the Salvage trucks (in AI version still everybody can get in)

- changed markers, a lot warfare markers get used now

- fixed, when one of the warfare aircraft factories at base were destroyed new JIP engineers couldn't rebuild a
destroyed factory

- fixed, in all normal versions (means all version != A.C.E.) artillery operators didn't have the "Call Artillery"
action menu entry after respawn anymore (forgot to include x_macros.sqf in x_playerspawn.sqf)

- new enemy air attack planes and choppers will now only show up over main targets if players were spotted and the
radio tower at a main target is not down.
(choppers and planes that were allready over a main target will still progress to the next main target, kind of
following the players). Illumination at night at main targets will only start if players were spotted.

- added experimental air taxi support in the AI version (though not fully tested). It uses mando heliroute. A chopper
will come to your position, waits until the player has boarded and flys back to base (available via radio).

- added Domination! A.C.E. East version

- added ranked versions, somehow like in Evolution (A.C.E., West, East, RACS). Though you can setup the points
a player gets, looses or needs for a promotion for allmost everything (see i_client.sqf at the bottom of the file)

- fixed rescue prisoners sidemissions

- changed lifting code, midair collisions shouldn't occur anymore

- removed vehicle HUD in A.C.E. versions from tanks and strykers. Interferes with digital compass in 1.06

- jet service/reload only triggers if the speed of the plane is below 10 km/h

- enemy choppers that drop paratroopers don't get deleted immediately anymore when hit or destroyed

- changed all special player variables like d_artillery from class based to slot based (instead of d_artillery = ["OfficerW"];
use d_can_use_artillery = ["RESCUE","RESCUE2"])

- if parajump at base is enabled it is now possible to time limit the parajump (d_para_timer_base)

- changed respawn position at MHQs

- it is now possible to create an A.C.E. AI version just by changing parameters in x_setup.sqf
(AI will follow you when parajumping or teleporting)

- teamkillers will loose 10 score points (in every version) and a message will show up on all clients announcing the killer

- instead of creating ranom units in a group (could happen that you had to fight against a group of medics) groups are
now spawned with the same units everytime. Which groups gets spawned is still random

- lifting capability can be removed from the four choppers at base now without loosing the ability to load ammo boxes

- creating a vehicle at an MHQ is still possible, but you have to wait some time before you can create a new one
(adjustable in i_common.sqf, d_remove_mhq_vec_time, default 1800 seconds = 30 minutes)

- added new A.C.E. weapons and vehicles

- A.C.E. missions released as a standalone package are now part of the complete Domination! package again

- A.C.E.ified revive scripts in the A.C.E. missions that use revive

- many internal scripts changed, much new stuff added.
For example, boolean variables are no longer being transfered packed into an array to a new connecting player in
onPlayerConnected but get converted into a bit array which itself gets converted into an integer number. So instead
of sending 17 variables (default version, TT 25) over the network when a player connects only one integer variable
gets transfered

- fixed many more remaining bugs

- etc., etc., etc.


The package now includes the following missions (40):

co30 Domination! One Team - West
co30 Domination! One Team - West AI
co30 Domination! One Team - West Revive
co30 Domination! One Team - West Ranked
co30 Domination! One Team - Racs
co30 Domination! One Team - Racs AI
co30 Domination! One Team - Racs Revive
co30 Domination! One Team - Racs Ranked
co30 Domination! One Team - East
co30 Domination! One Team - East AI
co30 Domination! One Team - East Revive
co30 Domination! One Team - East Ranked
co30 Domination! One Team - West Mando
co@30 Domination! One Team - West Schmalfelden Edition
co@30 Domination! One Team - East Uhao Edition
co@30 Domination! One Team - CSLA
co@30 Domination! One Team - A.C.E.
co@30 Domination! One Team - A.C.E. East
co@30 Domination! One Team - A.C.E. Ranked
co30 Domination! Two Teams
co25 Sahrani Battle v3.22
co25 Sahrani Battle v3.22 Mando
co30 Hill Defense 1.61
co32 Returning Home 1.37
co20 High Mountains 1.83
co25 Enemy at the Gates (Corazol)
co33 Revenge 1.17
co16 Leviathan Rising 1.36
co17 Wings of Steele 1.63
co18 Green Holidays 1.03
co18 Southern Comfort 1.43
co35 Red Alert 1.0
co35 Red Alert 2 1.71
co@24 Attack [ACE] 1.75 (needs QG for Podaga island from FDF)
co@24 Attack [ACE] 1.75 Revive (needs QG for Podaga island from FDF)
co@20 Big Chance 1.88 [ACE] (QG for Podaga island from FDF)
co@20 Big Chance 1.88 [ACE] Revive (QG for Podaga island from FDF)
co@20 High Mountains 1.84 [ACE] Revive
co@33 Revenge 1.22 [ACE] Revive
co@25 Battle for Avgani 1.06X [ACE] (needs Avgani)


Please be aware that you need A.C.E. 1.06 for the A.C.E. version now!

If somebody is more talented in making dialogs than me, please go ahead and change them (making dialogs is one of
the most frustrating editing parts in ArmA, I often want to throw my keyboard out of the window when ArmA crashes again
because of a missing semicolon in the dialog config or something else. It would be easier for me to convert Excel or Word
to ArmA script than dealing with dialogs ... just kidding)

Domination! is now a project over at dev-heaven.net. Feel free to join and help developing it !!!!!!!!

Please report bugs there using the bug tracker or if you want new features add them there too (Tickets).

It's up to you where the journey is going (let's call it a community project)... so get involved.

And finally...

Download (now as 7z, much,much smaller):

Domination! 3.50 Mission Pack

One more thing:
You don't have to ask me for permission to modify any of the missions or release a modified mission. Simply do it! (You don't even need to

mention me anywhere!).
There are more important things in life.

And... please use a dedicated server to play the missions. Hosted won't work.

And have fun !!!!!

In arma everything is made of refined explodium, armored with wet paper towels.
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