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Alt 07.01.2009, 13:06   #14 (permalink)
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Ich habe mal versucht das OFP-Interrior in den M1A1 / M1 Abrams zu konvertieren. Die Texturen sehen zwar etwas matschig aus, aber man fühlt sich einigermassen zu Hause

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Und hier der Readme der letzten Version:

Smurfclan M1 Abrams "style" addon V. 0.9

required addons: Extended_Eventhandlers Solus & Killswitch (Extended eventhandlers (xeh) - Addons, Mods, Files, Missions, Scripts, Demo's, Patches)

mission addon name: "smurfCM1Abrams_001"
Mission editor's container: "SmurfC"

Main Features:
- M1 Abrams "style" M1A1 tank model incl. WGL armor definition
- Custom texture ("1_co_cust","2_co_cust","3_co_cust". Usual texture areas 0,1,2)
- Numbers ("num1","num2","num3". Usual texture areas 3,4,5)
- Flag section ("u_flag". Usual Texture area 6)

Numbers can be accessed via the \smurfCM1Abrams\assignNumber.sqf script (e.g. using an init like this: test=[this, 123] execVM "\smurfCM1Abrams\assignNumber.sqf"; see example Mission for more examples).
Alternatively numbers can be accessed via the path \smurfCM1Abrams\numbers\ followed by the number itself e.g.:
_tex setObjectTexture [3,"\smurfCM1Abrams\numbers\zero"];
(see example Mission for more examples).

Included custom skin implementation in the mission:
textures.sqf :
Main function to change a tank's texture to user-defined (see reskin folder). This includes the possiblility to include as many skins as needed (2'nd parameter determines skin).
Mission.sqm :
test=[this, ""BIS""] execVM "textures.sqf";

model & config. by modEmMaik & Mateck

Config includes material / armor values from OFP-WGL mod.
Model is based completely on "BI Vehicles and weapons sample" models.

Credits to:
Burns and King Homer @hx3.de for their support and material (burns special for number textures and basic skin )
Mateck @http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard311/ikonboard.cgi for custom skin invention and support
Sebastian Muller for the same invention for OFP custom skins
Maruk, Urki and Loneship crCTI clan @smurfclan.org for ideas, support and beta tests
T_bone, CameronMcDonald, hamis, Gedis, A.T.R.F. special: Marijus plus all the others @http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard311/ikonboard.cgi for tests, photos and suggestions
Rellikki (http://www.rellikki.armaholic.net/) for his superb Sahrani Liberation Army Desert Troops (SLA Desert Troops - Addons, Mods, Files, Missions, Scripts, Demo's, Patches) I used as blueprint for this reskin
piranha-dl (denny b. alles für euch!)
WGL mod team (OFP WarGames MOD: News) for their great mod
ACE team (ACE), successors of the former WGL team
Solus & Killswitch for their Extended_Eventhandlers implementation
BI (ArmA: Armed Assault) for their sample models

have fun and good luck,

p.s.: Ich arbeite noch an einer Release-Version, aber ich wollte das Interrior schon mal vorab verfügbar machen.
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