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Andi <C.L.A.N.> 18.03.2009 08:44

Oneplayerconnect ACE tauglich
Also vorab muss ich sagen das mir Xeno schon fleißig bei der ganzen Geschichte geholfen hat ... (arbeite an einer ACE - Evolution)

ich würde gerne folgende Zeilen ACE tauglich betreiben:


onplayerconnected "[_name] execVM ""scripts\update.sqf"";if(dunit == _name) then {dunit = ""none"";};";
    onPlayerDisconnected "dunit = _name;_mark = format[""%1mash"", dunit];deleteMarker _mark;_mark = format[""%1farp"", dunit];deleteMarker _mark;";

also als LösungsVorschlag hätte ich dank Xeno folgendes:


_code = compile "[_name] exec ""scripts\update.sqf"";if(dunit == _name) then {dunit = ""none""};";
        if (isNil "ace_sys_network_OPCB") then {ace_sys_network_OPCB = []};
        ace_sys_network_OPCB = ace_sys_network_OPCB + [_code];

        _code = compile "dunit = _name;_mark = format[""%1mash"", dunit];deleteMarker _mark;_mark = format[""%1farp"", dunit];deleteMarker _mark;";
        if (isNil "ace_sys_network_OPD") then {ace_sys_network_OPD = []};
        ace_sys_network_OPD = ace_sys_network_OPD + [_code];

leider befindet sich in diesem Ausdruck noch ein Syntaxferhler

]_code = compile "[_name] exec ""scripts\update.sqf"";if(dunit == _name) then {dunit = ""none""};";
        if (isNil "ace_sys_network_OPCB") then {ace_sys_network_OPCB = []};
        ace_sys_network_OPCB = ace_sys_network_OPCB + [_code];

...ARMA sagt mir immer wenn ich das game aufm Server starte: Fehlende } (`#} `) im Ausdruck...

kann mir jemand helfen - ich verzweifle mit diesem Befehl - bin nur ein Programmier - Leihe :)

Vienna 18.03.2009 09:00

Ich würde sagen, gleich am Beginn die ] Klammer gehört hier weg.

.kju 18.03.2009 11:03

""..."" => '...' is oft praktisch

Andi <C.L.A.N.> 18.03.2009 15:08


_code = com_code = compile "[_name] exec ""scripts\update.sqf"";if(dunit == _name) then {dunit = ""none""};";
        if (isNil "ace_sys_network_OPCB") then {ace_sys_network_OPCB = []};
        ace_sys_network_OPCB = ace_sys_network_OPCB + [_code];

@ Vienna ... hast recht - war ein KopierFehler von mir .... die Klammer gehört da net hin

in dieser Zeile Liegt das Problem :(

_code = compile "[_name] exec ""scripts\update.sqf"";if(dunit == _name) then {dunit = ""none""};";

Vienna 18.03.2009 15:20

Diese Zeile scheint aber in Ordnung. Das Problem kann schon vor dieser Zeile liegen. Du solltest das ganze Skript hier reinstellen.

Buliwyf 18.03.2009 15:23

Richtiger ist:


_code = compile "[_name] execVM 'scripts\update.sqf';if(dunit == _name) then {dunit = 'none'};";
muss execVM heißen, da Du eine Funktion und kein Script starten möchtest. Achja, Kju`s Vorschlag hab ich auch mit eingebaut....


Andi <C.L.A.N.> 18.03.2009 16:56

:daumen: Dickes THX an Buliwyf & Vienna & .kju und Xeno darf ich natürlich nicht vergessen

scheint zu laufen jetz - habe es nur mal kurz getestet - die Fehlermeldung is gefixed ... warum versteh ich zwar net - aber dafür bin ich ja auch nur Leihe ...lol

init.sqf der Evolution


// Map version
version = "EVO-Blue V4.7 + A.C.E";

// Server admins
admins = ["Andi"];

// Terrain and viewdistance
setterraingrid 50;
setViewDistance 1900;

rank1 = 10;
rank2 = 20;
rank3 = 40;
rank4 = 80;
rank5 = 110;
rank6 = 160;

ACE_Respawn = false;
ACE_RespawnFade = false;
ACE_RespawnNoChat = false;

// Active mission
onmission = false;

sobj1 = false;
sobj2 = false;

// Paraiso
parinf = 7;
parmec = 5;
Bparinf = 8;
Bparmec = 6;

// Somato
sominf = 4;
sommec = 2;
Bsominf = 5;
Bsommec = 3;

// Cayo
cayinf = 7;
caymec = 5;
Bcayinf = 8;
Bcaymec = 6;

// Dolores
dolinf = 7;
dolmec = 5;
Bdolinf = 8;
Bdolmec = 6;

// Ortego
ortinf = 7;
ortmec = 5;
Bortinf = 8;
Bortmec = 6;

// Corazol
corinf = 9;
cormec = 7;
Bcorinf = 10;
Bcormec = 8;

// Obregan
obrinf = 5;
obrmec = 3;
Bobrinf = 6;
Bobrmec = 4;

// Bagango
baginf = 11;
bagmec = 9;
Bbaginf = 12;
Bbagmec = 10;

// Eponia
epoinf = 5;
epomec = 3;
Bepoinf = 6;
Bepomec = 4;

// Masbete
masinf = 5;
masmec = 3;
Bmasinf = 6;
Bmasmec = 4;

// Pita
pitinf = 7;
pitmec = 5;
Bpitinf = 8;
Bpitmec = 6;

// ACE related settings
ACE_Respawn = false;
ACE_RespawnFade = false;
ACE_RespawnNoChat = false;
ACE_NoStaminaEffects = true;
ACE_NoHeartbeat = true;
ACE_NoBreathing = true;
ACE_NoBlackout = true;
ACE_Wind_Modifier_Vehicles = 0.5;
ACE_Environment_Snow = 0.0;

// Mando Bombs   
mando_support_left_WEST = 100;
mando_support_left_ca_WEST = 99;
mando_support_left_pa_WEST = 0;
mando_support_left_cm_WEST = 99;
mando_support_left_rc_WEST = 99;
mando_support_left_am_WEST = 99;
mando_support_left_ve_WEST = 99;
mando_support_left_re_WEST = 0;
mando_support_left_cp_WEST = 99;
mando_support_left_sa_WEST = 99;
mando_support_left_ev_WEST = 99;
mando_support_left_la_WEST = 99;
mando_support_left_cb_WEST = 99;

// Mando weapons cam
mando_airsupport_armedrec = true;
mando_airsupport_armedrec_max = 6;
mando_airsupport_maxrecoscan = 2900;

// Mando cruise missile
mando_airsupport_cmissile = launcher;
mando_airsupport_cmissile_pos = [0,1,2];

// Spawned cities
inpar = false;
insom = false;
incay = false;
indol = false;
inort = false;
incor = false;
inobr = false;
inbag = false;
inepo = false;
inmas = false;
inpit = false;

// Towns
opar = false;
osom = false;
ocay = false;
odol = false;
oort = false;
ocor = false;
oobr = false;
obag = false;
oepo = false;
omas = false;
opit = false;
// Briefing objectives
"1" objstatus "ACTIVE";
"2" objstatus "ACTIVE";
"3" objstatus "ACTIVE";
"4" objstatus "ACTIVE";
"5" objstatus "ACTIVE";
"6" objstatus "ACTIVE";
"7" objstatus "ACTIVE";
"8" objstatus "ACTIVE";
"9" objstatus "ACTIVE";
"10" objstatus "ACTIVE";
"11" objstatus "ACTIVE";
// Missions
"12" objstatus "ACTIVE";

// Dynamics
vdist = 1900;
avdist = 2500;
gdel = 0;
Playercount = 1;
spawned = 0;
lives = 500;
gdate = [2009,01,18,Param2,0];
scores_packed = "";
respawnlist_packed = "";
allvar_packed = "";
end = false;
sop = objNull;
sot = objNull;
sor = 0;
sup = objNull;
sut = "";
sur = "";
fattack = false;
mpoint = objNull;
epoint = objNull;
mbase = objNull;
cbase = abase1;
dunit = "none";
runit = objNull;
rtype = "none";
tunit = objNull;
junit = objNull;
lunit = objNull;
lpoint = 0;
jgroup = grpNull;
mgroupa = grpNull;
mgroupb = grpNull;
mgroupc = grpNull;
mgroupd = grpNull;
lastalert = "mobj1";
placetag = "";
pmis = 0;
punit = objNull;
prew = 0;
pscore = -1;
aunit = objNull;
arank = "NULL";
rscripts = 0;
vscripts = 0;
cfound = "";
elock = 0;
ltrk = objNull;
mtar = objNull;
fmission = false;
latk = objNull;
10 setRadioMsg "NULL";
egroups = 0;

// AA weapons
aaweapons = ["M_Sidewinder_AA","M_R73_AA","M_Strela_AA","M_Stinger_AA","ACE_SMAW"];

// Mando support timers initial
gunship_timer = [30, (side player)] execVM "scripts\gunship_timer.sqf";
lgb_timer = [40, (side player)] execVM "scripts\lgb_timer.sqf";
cap_timer = [50, (side player)] execVM "scripts\cap_timer.sqf";
cms_timer = [60, (side player)] execVM "scripts\cms_timer.sqf";

// Mando hitching
mando_hitch_no_check_for_drop = false;
mando_hitch_types = ["StaticWeapon"];
mando_hitch_types_heavy = ["LandVehicle"];
mando_hitch_heavies = ["UH60_MG", "UH60"];
[10] execVM "mando_hitch\mando_hitch.sqf";
[["UH60MG", "UH60", "AH6", "MH6"]] execVM "mando_hitch\mando_add_hitch.sqf";

ace_sys_network_WeatherSync_Disabled = true;
ace_sys_network_TimeSync_Disabled = true;
ACE_Sys_Ruck_SpawnRuckItemsOnDeath = false;

if (local server) then
    _radios = [parso1, somso1, cayso1, dolso1, ortso1, corso1, obrso1, bagso1, eposo1, masso1, pitso1];
        _x addEventHandler ["hit", {if((_this select 1) != latk) then {(_this select 0) setdamage 0}}];
        _c4 = [_x] execVM "scripts\c4only.sqf";
    } forEach _radios;
    _code = compile "[_name] execVM 'scripts\update.sqf';if(dunit == _name) then {dunit = 'none'};";
        if (isNil "ace_sys_network_OPCB") then {ace_sys_network_OPCB = []};
        ace_sys_network_OPCB = ace_sys_network_OPCB + [_code];

        _code = compile "dunit = _name;_mark = format[""%1mash"", dunit];deleteMarker _mark;_mark = format[""%1farp"", dunit];deleteMarker _mark;";
    if (isNil "ace_sys_network_OPD") then {ace_sys_network_OPD = []};
        ace_sys_network_OPD = ace_sys_network_OPD + [_code]; 


if ((local server) and not (local player)) exitWith {};
_cevents = [] execVM "scripts\EventsC.sqf";
_nul = [] execVM "Dialogs\Common\CommonDialogFunctions.sqf";

// Player Markers: Engineers - Green, Medics - Red, Riflemen - Blue, Special Forces - black, Snipers - Yellow
[] exec "scripts\player_markers.sqs";

// Prevent stalling a jet and crashing
[] execVM "scripts\easyfly.sqf";

// Spectate script
if ((name player) in admins) then
    KEGsShownSides = [east, west, resistance, civilian, sideEnemy, sideFriendly, sideLogic, Unknown];
    KEGsShownSides = [west];
[] execVM "spect\specta_init.sqf";

waitUntil {allvar_packed != ""};

_temp = compile allvar_packed;
_vars = call _temp;

opar = _vars select 0;
osom = _vars select 1;
ocay = _vars select 2;
odol = _vars select 3;
oort = _vars select 4;
ocor = _vars select 5;
oobr = _vars select 6;
obag = _vars select 7;
oepo = _vars select 8;
omas = _vars select 9;
opit = _vars select 10;
end = _vars select 11;
lives = _vars select 12;

// Respawn list
waitUntil {respawnlist_packed != ""};

_temp = compile respawnlist_packed;
_vars = call _temp;

respawnlist = _vars select 0;

// Start mission
titleText ["", "Black Faded"];


muss halt noch testen ob es wirklich so funzt wie ich mir erhofft hatte .... wenns klappt kann ich meine Evo dann in diesem Thread aktualisieren :)



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