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Alt 18.10.2010, 19:50   #11 (permalink)
500 Beiträge1000 Beiträge
Benutzerbild von Pfandgiraffe
Registriert seit: 16.09.2008
Ort: Berlin
Alter: 38
Beiträge: 1.737
Pfandgiraffe eine Nachricht über ICQ schicken Pfandgiraffe eine Nachricht über Skype™ schicken

hier dein script, vorbild a'la evo - das was du wolltest:

erst das hier:
// resupplys towns with reinforcments

//added with 1.09:
_private = ["_actualtown"];
_actualtown = 0;
_actualtown = BIS_EVO_MissionProgress;

for [{_loop=0}, {_loop<1}, {_loop=_loop}] do
_spawn = [0,0,0];
_spawns = [];
_radio = objNull;
_alist = objNull;
_tag = "";
_type = "";
_Allspawns = [["lopatinoref","lopatinorefa","lopatinorefb"],["staryref","staryrefa","staryrefb"],["zelenogorskref","zelenogorskrefa","zelenogorskrefb"],["chernogorskref","chernogorskrefa","chernogorskrefb"],["elektrozavodskref","elektrozavodskrefa","elektrozavodskrefb"],["mstaref","mstarefa","mstarefb"],["khelmref","khelmrefa","khelmrefb"],["krasnostavref","krasnostavrefa","krasnostavrefb"]];
_wtime = 30;

_newtown = BIS_EVO_MissionProgress;
if (_actualtown != _newtown) exitWith {};        //beendet reinforce wenn neue stadt gestartet

    _radio = BIS_EVO_radios select BIS_EVO_MissionProgress;
    _alist = BIS_EVO_DetectWest;
    _curtownInf = (BIS_EVO_Infantry select BIS_EVO_MissionProgress) select 0;
    _basetownInf = (BIS_EVO_Infantry select BIS_EVO_MissionProgress) select 1;
    _curtownMec = (BIS_EVO_Mechanized select BIS_EVO_MissionProgress) select 0;
    _basetownMec = (BIS_EVO_Mechanized select BIS_EVO_MissionProgress) select 1;

    //hintSilent format["CI:%1 BI:%2 CM:%3 BM:%4 ",_curtownInf,_basetownInf,_curtownMec,_basetownMec];  //debug, psycho
BIS_EVO_mKamazOpen =

        _guard = grpNull;
        _unit = objNull;
        _pos2 = objNull;
        _max = objnull;
        _allunits = ["TK_Commander_EP1","TK_Soldier_MG_EP1","TK_Soldier_EP1","TK_Soldier_GL_EP1","TK_Soldier_AT_EP1","TK_Soldier_Sniper_EP1"];
        _max = count _allunits;

        _guard = createGroup (east);

        _spawns = _Allspawns select BIS_EVO_MissionProgress;
        _pos2 = GetMarkerPos (_spawns select (round random 2));
        _ural = createVehicle ["V3S_TK_EP1", _pos2, _spawns, 0, "NONE"];[_ural] call EVO_Lock;_ural addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [_this select 0] execVM "data\scripts\bury.sqf"}];
        Sleep 0.2;
        _unit = _guard createUnit [(_allunits select round random (_max - 1)), _pos2, [], 0, "NONE"];_unit setSkill 2+(random 3);[_unit] join _guard;_unit assignAsDriver _ural;_unit moveInDriver _ural;
        Sleep 0.2;
        _unit = _guard createUnit [(_allunits select round random (_max - 1)), _pos2, [], 0, "NONE"];_unit setSkill 2+(random 3);[_unit] join _guard;_unit assignAsCargo _ural;_unit moveInCargo _ural;
        Sleep 0.2;
        _unit = _guard createUnit [(_allunits select round random (_max - 1)), _pos2, [], 0, "NONE"];_unit setSkill 2+(random 3);[_unit] join _guard;_unit assignAsCargo _ural;_unit moveInCargo _ural;
        Sleep 0.2;
        _unit = _guard createUnit [(_allunits select round random (_max - 1)), _pos2, [], 0, "NONE"];_unit setSkill 2+(random 3);[_unit] join _guard;_unit assignAsCargo _ural;_unit moveInCargo _ural;
        Sleep 0.2;
        _unit = _guard createUnit [(_allunits select round random (_max - 1)), _pos2, [], 0, "NONE"];_unit setSkill 2+(random 3);[_unit] join _guard;_unit assignAsCargo _ural;_unit moveInCargo _ural;
        Sleep 0.2;
        _unit = _guard createUnit [(_allunits select round random (_max - 1)), _pos2, [], 0, "NONE"];_unit setSkill 2+(random 3);[_unit] join _guard;_unit assignAsCargo _ural;_unit moveInCargo _ural;
        Sleep 0.2;

        [position _alist,_guard,_radio,_alist] call BIS_EVO_Erefway;
        [_guard, 1] setWaypointType "GETOUT";
        {_x addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [_this select 0,"INF"] execVM "data\scripts\mobjbury.sqf"}]} forEach (units _guard);    
        _recy = [objnull,_guard] execVM "data\scripts\grecycle.sqf";
        _guard setFormation "COLUMN";            

BIS_EVO_MI17support =

        _pos = objNull;
        _unit = objNull;
        _vec = objNull;
        _heli = objnull;
        _max = objnull;
        _allunits2 = ["TK_Soldier_SL_EP1","TK_Soldier_HAT_EP1","TK_Soldier_GL_EP1","TK_Soldier_AR_AP1","TK_Soldier_Spotter_EP1","TK_Soldier_SniperH_EP1"];
        _max = count _allunits2;

        _pos = position _radio;
        _posback = getmarkerpos "EnemyAir03";

        _pilot = createGroup (east);

        "TK_Soldier_Pilot_EP1" createUnit [getmarkerpos "centerp", _pilot];Sleep BIS_EVO_GlobalSleep;
        "TK_Soldier_Pilot_EP1" createUnit [getmarkerpos "centerp", _pilot];Sleep BIS_EVO_GlobalSleep;
        _pos1 = [(_pos select 0)-1000 -(random 2000),(_pos select 1)+2000 -(random 3000),(200 + random 100)];
        _pos2 = [(_pos select 0)+1000 +(random 2000),(_pos select 1)+2000 -(random 3000),(200 + random 100)];
        if(floor (random 2) == 1) then 
            _heli = createVehicle ["Mi17_TK_EP1",_pos1, [], 500, "FLY"];Sleep BIS_EVO_GlobalSleep
            _heli = createVehicle ["Mi17_TK_EP1",_pos2, [], 500, "FLY"];Sleep BIS_EVO_GlobalSleep
        _heli setpos [getpos _heli select 0, getpos _heli select 1, 200];
        _heli setdir (random 359);
        _heli engineon true;
        (units _pilot select 0) assignAsDriver _heli;
        (units _pilot select 1) assignAsGunner _heli;
        (units _pilot select 0) moveInDriver _heli;
        (units _pilot select 1) moveInGunner _heli;
        _sumark = [_heli] execVM "data\scripts\sumarker.sqf";
        _wp = _pilot addWaypoint [_pos, 10];
        _wp2 = _pilot addWaypoint [_posback, 10];
        {_x setBehaviour "careless"} forEach (units _pilot);

        (driver _heli) commandMove _pos;
        (driver _heli) doMove _pos;
        _heli flyInHeight 150;

        waitUntil {(_heli distance _pos) < (random 200) or not (canmove _heli)};

        if (canmove _heli) then 
            _para = createGroup (east);
            _count = 6;
            _i = 0;
            while {_i <= _count} do                //create falschirmspringer
                _pos = position _heli;
                _unit = _para createUnit [_allunits2 select (round random (_max-1)), [0,0,0], [], 300, "NONE"];
                _unit setSkill 2+(random 3);
                _unit addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [_this select 0,"INF"] execVM "data\scripts\mobjbury.sqf"}];
                [_unit] join _para;
                _vec = createVehicle ["ParachuteEast", _pos, [], 20, 'NONE'];
                _vec setpos [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2)- 12];
                _unit MoveInDriver _vec;
                sleep 0.7;
                _i = _i + 1;

            {_x setBehaviour "combat"} forEach (units _para);
            [position _alist,_para,_radio,_alist] call BIS_EVO_Erefway;

            sleep 90;
            {deleteVehicle _x} forEach ([_heli] + crew _heli);
            if (!isNull _unit) then {deleteVehicle _unit};
            deleteGroup _pilot;
        else        //edit psycho   --  curtowninf löschen die nie kreiert wurde
        (BIS_EVO_Infantry select BIS_EVO_MissionProgress) set [0, _curtownInf-6];

    if(_curtownMec <= (_basetownMec) and alive _radio) then
        _unit = objNull;
        _guard = grpNull;
        _pos = objNull;
        _vec = objNull;
        _maxo = 0;
        _spawns = _Allspawns select BIS_EVO_MissionProgress;
        _pos = GetMarkerPos (_spawns select (round random 2));
        _tag = "MEC";
        _allvec = ["BMP2_TK_EP1","M113_TK_EP1","BTR60_TK_EP1","BRDM2_TK_EP1","BRDM2_ATGM_TK_EP1","T72_TK_EP1","T55_TK_GUE_EP1","BTR40_MG_TK_GUE_EP1","LandRover_MG_TK_EP1","UAZ_AGS30_TK_EP1"];
        _maxo = (count _allvec)-1;    
        _rds = [];
        _rds = (_pos nearRoads 10);
        waitUntil{count _rds > 0};
        _cardir = (getdir (_rds select 0));
        _degrees = [_pos,position _alist] call BIS_EVO_GetRelDir;
        _dirdif = (_cardir-_degrees);
        if((_dirdif > 89) or (_dirdif < -89)) then{_cardir=_cardir-180};    
        _pos = position (_rds select 0);
        _array = [_allvec select (round random _maxo),_pos,(east),0,_cardir,20] call BIS_EVO_CreateVehicle;
        _guard = _array select 0;
        _vec = _array select 1;
        (BIS_EVO_Mechanized select BIS_EVO_MissionProgress) set [0, _curtownMec+(count units _guard)];
        [position _alist,_guard,_radio,_alist] call BIS_EVO_Erefway;
        [_guard, 1] setWaypointCombatMode "RED";        
        {_x addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [_this select 0,"MEC"] execVM "data\scripts\mobjbury.sqf"}]} forEach (units _guard);
        _guard setFormation "COLUMN";        

    sleep 3;
    _realcurtownInf = "man" countType (list BIS_EVO_DetectEast);
    _curtownInf = _realcurtownInf;
    hint format ["realcurt: %1", _realcurtownInf];

    if(_curtownInf <= (_basetownInf) and alive _radio) then 

            _tag = "INF";    
            sleep 0.2;
            [] call BIS_EVO_mKamazOpen;
            [] call BIS_EVO_MI17support;
            (BIS_EVO_Infantry select BIS_EVO_MissionProgress) set [0, _curtownInf+12];

sleep _wtime;    
dann brauchst du das:
// Deletes dead Enemy
_unit = _this select 0;
_tag = _this select 1;

switch (_tag) do //who died where?
    case "INF":
        _curtownInf = (BIS_EVO_Infantry select BIS_EVO_MissionProgress) select 0;
        (BIS_EVO_Infantry select BIS_EVO_MissionProgress) set [0, _curtownInf-1];
     case "MEC":
        _curtownMec = (BIS_EVO_Mechanized select BIS_EVO_MissionProgress) select 0;
        (BIS_EVO_Mechanized select BIS_EVO_MissionProgress) set [0, _curtownMec-1];
if (not (_unit isKindOf "Man")) then
    {_x setpos position _unit} forEach crew _unit;
    sleep 300.0;
    deletevehicle _unit;
if (_unit isKindOf "Man") then
    if(not ((vehicle _unit) isKindOf "Man")) then {_unit setpos (position vehicle _unit)} ;
    sleep 310.0;
    hideBody _unit;
    sleep 4;
    deleteVehicle _unit;

und einen initialisator...
// City Setup
_radio = objNull;                                                    //edit psycho
_radio = BIS_EVO_radios select BIS_EVO_MissionProgress;                //edit psycho
_mkr = (BIS_EVO_MissionTowns select BIS_EVO_MissionProgress);
_pos = getMarkerPos _mkr;
BIS_EVO_DetectEast = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", _pos];
BIS_EVO_DetectEast setTriggerActivation ["EAST", "PRESENT", true];
BIS_EVO_DetectEast setTriggerArea [500, 500, 0, true];
BIS_EVO_DetectEast setTriggerTimeout [2, 2, 2, true ];

BIS_EVO_DetectWest = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", _pos];
BIS_EVO_DetectWest setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", true];
BIS_EVO_DetectWest setTriggerArea [600, 600, 0, true];
BIS_EVO_DetectWest setTriggerTimeout [2, 2, 2, true ];
_count = (count BIS_EVO_MissionTowns);

Sleep 2.0;
while {BIS_EVO_MissionProgress < _count} do
     _mkr = (BIS_EVO_MissionTowns select BIS_EVO_MissionProgress);
     _pos = getMarkerPos _mkr;
    BIS_EVO_DetectEast setpos _pos;
    BIS_EVO_DetectWest setpos _pos;
    Sleep 2.0;
    _radio = BIS_EVO_radios select BIS_EVO_MissionProgress;
    [_mkr,BIS_EVO_DetectEast,BIS_EVO_DetectWest,BIS_EVO_MissionProgress] call BIS_EVO_Erec;
    Sleep 10.0;
    for [{_loop=0}, {_loop<1}, {_loop=_loop}] do
        if ("Man" countType list BIS_EVO_DetectEast <= 4) then
            if ("Tank" countType list BIS_EVO_DetectEast  == 0) then
                if("Car" countType list BIS_EVO_DetectEast == 0) then
                    if(not (alive _radio)) then    //edit psycho, because reinforce stop to work if town clear before radiotower destroyed
                        if ("Land" countType list BIS_EVO_DetectWest > 0) then{_loop=1};
        Sleep 4;
    {_handle = [_x] execVM "data\scripts\submit.sqf"} forEach list BIS_EVO_DetectEast;
    {_x addscore 10} forEach list BIS_EVO_DetectWest;
    BIS_EVO_MissionProgress = BIS_EVO_MissionProgress+1;
    publicVariable "BIS_EVO_MissionProgress";
    //player globalchat format ["debug info: BIS_EVO_MissionProgress: %1",BIS_EVO_MissionProgress];

noch was vergessen...?
diag_log format ["########################## %1 ################################", missionName];
enableSaving [false, false];

//_psy = [] execVM "showclass.sqf";
//_psy = [player] execVM "cb_mapswitch.sqf";

spawntype = param1;
EVOhour = paramsArray select 2;
grasslevel = paramsArray select 3;
if (grasslevel == 0) then {setTerrainGrid 50};
if (grasslevel == 1) then {setTerrainGrid 25};
if (grasslevel == 2) then {setTerrainGrid 1};
viewparam =  paramsArray select 4;
basebeam = paramsArray select 5;
lkwbeam = paramsArray select 6;
farpbeam = paramsArray select 7;
ranklock = paramsArray select 8;
diffparam = paramsArray select 9;
loadoutparam = paramsArray select 10;
townparam = paramsArray select 11;
performanceparam = paramsArray select 12;
EVO_weathersystem = paramsArray select 13;
EVO_contermeassures = paramsArray select 14;

// Respawn settings
publicVariable "spawntype"; 
if (spawntype == 0 or spawntype == 1) then {server execVM "revive_init.sqf"};
if (spawntype == 2) then {"Respawn_west" setMarkerPos [(getMarkerPos "base" select 0),(getMarkerPos "base" select 1)]};


if (performanceparam == 1) then {enableEnvironment true};
if (performanceparam == 2) then {enableEnvironment false};

[] execVM "Briefing.sqf";

// Score required to attain each rank.
BIS_EVO_rank1 = 10;
BIS_EVO_rank2 = 20;
BIS_EVO_rank3 = 40;
BIS_EVO_rank4 = 80;
BIS_EVO_rank5 = 125;
BIS_EVO_rank6 = 200;

BIS_EVO_GlobalSleep = 0.1; // Global sleep is used after spawning a unit.

if (townparam == 1) then { BIS_EVO_MissionProgress = 0;};
if (townparam == 2) then { BIS_EVO_MissionProgress = 1;};
if (townparam == 3) then { BIS_EVO_MissionProgress = 2;};
if (townparam == 4) then { BIS_EVO_MissionProgress = 3;};
if (townparam == 5) then { BIS_EVO_MissionProgress = 4;};
if (townparam == 6) then { BIS_EVO_MissionProgress = 5;};
if (townparam == 7) then { BIS_EVO_MissionProgress = 6;};
if (townparam == 8) then { BIS_EVO_MissionProgress = 7;};

// Sub mission conditions
BIS_EVO_radios = [parso1,somso1,cayso1,dolso1,ortso1,corso1,obrso1,bagso1]; // Each radio in each town
BIS_EVO_MissionTowns = ["mobj1","mobj2","mobj3","mobj4","mobj5","mobj6","mobj7","mobj8"];// Each mission objectives town marker.

// Set difficulty
// Easy
if (diffparam == 60) then 
    BIS_EVO_Infantry = [[3,6],[4,8],[5,10],[6,12],[7,14],[8,16],[9,18],[10,20]];//[Actual number of groups,Base number of groups]
    BIS_EVO_Mechanized = [[3,4],[4,5],[5,6],[6,7],[7,7],[7,8],[8,9],[8,10]];//[Actual number of groups,Base number of groups]
// Normal
if (diffparam == 30) then 
    BIS_EVO_Infantry = [[6,12],[8,16],[10,20],[12,24],[14,28],[16,32],[18,36],[20,40]];//[Actual number of groups,Base number of groups]//Razor
    BIS_EVO_Mechanized = [[4,5],[5,6],[6,8],[8,10],[10,12],[12,14],[15,16],[16,18]];//[Actual number of groups,Base number of groups]//Razor
// Hard
if (diffparam == 10) then 
    BIS_EVO_Infantry = [[10,20],[15,30],[20,40],[25,50],[30,60],[35,70],[40,80],[45,90]];//[Actual number of groups,Base number of groups];//[Actual number of groups,Base number of groups]
    BIS_EVO_Mechanized = [[8,10],[10,12],[12,14],[14,16],[16,18],[18,20],[20,22],[22,24]];//[Actual number of groups,Base number of groups]
// Extreme
if (diffparam == 5) then 
    BIS_EVO_Infantry = [[20,40],[25,50],[30,60],[35,70],[40,80],[45,90],[50,100],[55,110]];//[Actual number of groups,Base number of groups];//[Actual number of groups,Base number of groups]
    BIS_EVO_Mechanized = [[10,20],[12,24],[14,28],[16,32],[18,36],[20,40],[22,44],[24,48]];//[Actual number of groups,Base number of groups]

// The actual amount of infantry and mechanized enemy groups in a city.|When this number falls lower the the base amount, reinforcements are sent.
// The base amount of infantry and mechanized enemy groups in a city|If all of a group die the number is decremented.
BIS_EVO_CivCount = 0; // Number of civilians spawned

BIS_EVO_vdist=viewparam;                          // clients saved view distance
BIS_EVO_avdist=viewparam+1000;                   // clients saved air vehicle view distance
BIS_EVO_gdate = [2007,7,4,EVOhour,59];        // Current date and time
BIS_EVO_Playerlist = [];               // List of player names.
BIS_EVO_Playercount = 0;               // Amount of players in the game
BIS_EVO_lives=500;                   // Amount of deaths allowed in a game before it ends when paarm is active
BIS_EVO_PlayerSkill = 0.0;
BIS_EVO_allvar_packed = "";           // String transmitted to JIP clients containing all vars.
BIS_EVO_end=false;                    // Used to trigger the end of the game
BIS_EVO_sop=objNull;                // Sub objective player
BIS_EVO_sot=objNull;                // Sub objective target (radio or officer)
BIS_EVO_sor=0;                          // Sub objective reward

BIS_EVO_sup=objNull;               // Player calling support
CB_sup=objNull;                           // by psycho
BIS_EVO_sut="";                           // Type of support called

BIS_EVO_fattack=false;                // detects if the player was attacked by the enemy for medic rewards.
BIS_EVO_mpoint=objNull;               // Player eligible for a medic reward.
BIS_EVO_epoint=objNull;               // Player eligible for a repair reward.
BIS_EVO_dunit="none";                // Name of disconnection player.
BIS_EVO_runit=objNull;                // Player who requires an AI recruit
BIS_EVO_rtype="none";               // Type of AI to be delivered
BIS_EVO_tunit=objNull;                // Target player for a join group request 
BIS_EVO_junit = objNull;               // Player who wishes to join the group
BIS_EVO_jgroup=grpNull;                // group junit wants to join

BIS_EVO_lunit = objNull;                // Laser target near the bomb site for shared point laser designation
BIS_EVO_lpoint = 1;                     // Points the designator will receive.

BIS_EVO_punit=objNull;               // Player requesting submission.
BIS_EVO_prew=0;                      // reward score for mission.
BIS_EVO_aunit=objNull;                // Player who will be promoted
BIS_EVO_arank="NULL";                // New rank the player will get

BIS_EVO_EngZone = objNull;           //Engineer zone
BIS_EVO_elock = 0;                          // Remembers if the engineer has his truck locked
BIS_EVO_ltrk = objNull;                 // The truck that is locked
BIS_EVO_mtar=objNull;                // the target that the missile is attacking in AA warning
BIS_EVO_fmission=false;               // Limits support to one request at a time.
BIS_EVO_latk=objNull;                // Person attacking a radio tower
10 setRadioMsg "NULL";

BIS_EVO_Objective0 = taskNull; // Idol objective
BIS_EVO_Objective1 = taskNull; //City 1 to
BIS_EVO_Objective2 = taskNull;
BIS_EVO_Objective3 = taskNull;
BIS_EVO_Objective4 = taskNull;
BIS_EVO_Objective5 = taskNull;
BIS_EVO_Objective6 = taskNull;
BIS_EVO_Objective7 = taskNull;
BIS_EVO_Objective8 = taskNull; //City 8
BIS_EVO_Objective9 = taskNull; // 

// Common function to lock vehicles.
//BIS_EVO_Lock =
//    _vec = _this select 0;
//    if(Param1 == 7) then {_vec lock true} else {_vec lock false};

// Detects empty enemy vehicles and deletes them.
    _svec = _this select 0;
    for [{_loop=0}, {_loop<1}, {_loop=_loop}] do
        if(not alive _svec or count units _svec == 0) then {_loop=1};
        Sleep 4.0;
    sleep 2.0;
    if(not alive _svec) exitWith {};
    sleep 300;
    if(count units _svec == 0) then 
        {_x setpos position _svec} forEach crew _svec;
        sleep 1.0;
        deletevehicle _svec

BIS_EVO_aaweapons = ["M_Sidewinder_AA","M_R73_AA","M_Strela_AA","M_Stinger_AA"]; // All ammo that will set off a missile warning
BIS_EVO_pallammo = ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","Laserbatteries","MAAWS_HEAT","MAAWS_HEAT","MAAWS_HEAT","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","17Rnd_9x19_glock17"];// The players default load out
BIS_EVO_pweapons = ["SCAR_L_STD_HOLO","MAAWS","glock17_EP1","Binocular_Vector","Laserdesignator"]; // The players default load out
BIS_EVO_PlayerModel = "US_Soldier_EP1"; // The players default Model
"0" objstatus "Active";
"1" objstatus "Active";
"2" objstatus "Active";
"3" objstatus "Active";
"4" objstatus "Active";
"5" objstatus "Active";
"6" objstatus "Active";
"7" objstatus "Active";
"8" objstatus "Active";

setDate BIS_EVO_gdate;
_base = [] execVM "data\scripts\BIS_EVO_GetRelDir.sqf";
_spawnv = [] execVM "data\scripts\BIS_EVO_CreateVehicle.sqf";
if (isServer) then 
    {_x addEventHandler ["hit", {if((_this select 1) != BIS_EVO_latk) then {(_this select 0) setdamage 0}}]} forEach BIS_EVO_radios;
    onplayerconnected "[server] exec ""data\scripts\update.sqf"";if(BIS_EVO_dunit == _name) then {BIS_EVO_dunit = ""none""}";
    onPlayerDisconnected "
    BIS_EVO_dunit = _name;
    _mark = format[""%1mash"",BIS_EVO_dunit];
    deleteMarker _mark;
    _mark = format[""%1farp"",BIS_EVO_dunit];
    deleteMarker _mark;
    [] execVM ""data\scripts\noplayermove.sqf"";

execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf";

XGreyText = {"<t color='#f0bfbfbf'>" + _this + "</t>"};
XRedText = {"<t color='#f0ff0000'>" + _this + "</t>"};
XBlueText = {"<t color='#f07f7f00'>" + _this + "</t>"};

if (isServer and not (local player)) exitWith {}; 

// Large marker seen over occupied cites
BIS_EVO_MainObjective = createMarkerLocal ["MainObj", getMarkerPos "mobj1"];
BIS_EVO_MainObjective setMarkerColorLocal "ColorBlack";
BIS_EVO_MainObjective setMarkerShapeLocal "ELLIPSE";
BIS_EVO_MainObjective setMarkerSizeLocal [500, 500];

// For jip, client waits for server to run update.sqf
waitUntil {BIS_EVO_allvar_packed != ""};

_temp = compile BIS_EVO_allvar_packed;
_vars = call _temp;
BIS_EVO_end = _vars select 0;
BIS_EVO_MissionProgress = _vars select 1;
BIS_EVO_lives = _vars select 2;

mando_hitch_no_check_for_drop = true;
mando_hitch_types = ["Landvehicle", "ReammoBox", "StaticWeapon"];
[12] execVM "mando_hitch\mando_hitch.sqf";
[["CH_47F_EP1","UH60M_EP1","UH60M_MEV_EP1"]] execVM "mando_hitch\mando_add_hitch.sqf";

//          ----------below this line edit by psycho----------

setfire = true;
//CB_uav_ready = true;
conter_hint = false;
publicVariable "conter_hint";

titleCut ["","black faded", 0];

//code original from doolitle - matched by psycho
if (local player) then
    _myIn = 
        private ["_return"];
        _return = false;
            if (_x == _this select 0) exitWith {_return = true};
        forEach (_this select 1);
    _cfg = configFile/"CfgPatches";
    for [{_i = 0}, {_i < count _cfg}, {_i = _i + 1}] do 
        if (isClass (_cfg select _i) and [configName (_cfg select _i), ["ACE_Main"]] call _myIn) then 
            diag_log format ["Initialisation for %1 stoped! ---- Reason: ACE-Mod is not allowed in this Mission. Please disable this Mod for playing %1. --------------------------", missionName];
            _trg = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [0,0]];
            _trg setTriggerStatements ["true", "", ""];
            _trg setTriggerType "END6";
    Mod_Check_done = true;
waitUntil {not isNil "Mod_check_done"};
if (local player) then {[] spawn {sleep 10; hintSilent "Modcheck Succeeded --- all your Mods are allowed...";}};

...wenn du wiedermal ein script benötigst, melde dich einfach wieder. lol
Niemand hat die Absicht eine Tüte zu bauen!
___<<<A3 Wounding System>>>___
Pfandgiraffe ist offline