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Alt 29.12.2009, 11:56   #17 (permalink)
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Da M-E nichts mehr postet, habe ich mir mal schnell die Skripte zusammen gesucht

scriptName "fn_pip.sqf";
	File: pip.sqf
	Author: Karel Moricky

	Picture In Picture

		_this: Picture or Array of pictures

private ["_input","_inputtype","_layer","_display","_pip","_file1","_file2","_layer1","_layer2"];
_input = _this select 0;
_inputtype = typename _input;

//--- Single picture
if (_inputtype == typename "") then {
	if (_input != "") then {
		_layer = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {100011};
		_display = uinamespace getvariable "str_pip";
		if (isnil "_display") then {
			100011 cutrsc ["PIP","plain"];
			_display = uinamespace getvariable "str_pip";		
		if (isnull _display) then {
			100011 cutrsc ["PIP","plain"];
			_display = uinamespace getvariable "str_pip";
		_pip = _display displayctrl _layer;
		_pip ctrlsettext _input;
		_pip ctrlcommit 0;
		rah1 setObjectTexture [1,_input];
		rah1 animate ["map_repos",0.6];
	} else {
		100011 cuttext ["","plain"];
		rah1 animate ["map_repos",1];

//--- Multiple pictures
if (_inputtype == typename []) then {
	_count = (count _input - 1);

	for "_i" from 0 to _count do {
		_file = _input select _i;
		_layer = 100011 + _i;
		[_file,_layer] call bis_ew_fnc_pip;
	sleep 1;
	_display = uinamespace getvariable "str_pip";
	_load = _display displayctrl 100099;
	_load ctrlsetfade 1;
	_load ctrlcommit 0;
	for "_i" from 0 to _count do {
		_layer = 100011 + _count - _i;
		_pip = _display displayctrl _layer;
		_pip ctrlsetfade 1;
		_pip ctrlcommit 0.2;
		sleep 1;

	[""] call bis_ew_fnc_pip;

Und Screen Effekte:
scriptname "EW screen.sqf";
	File: screen.sqf
	Author: Karel Moricky

	Screen Effects

	_this select 0: Intensity (0-1)
	_this select 1: (Optional) Dirt

_int = _this select 0;
_dirt = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {false};

if (isnil {uinamespace getvariable "str_screen"}) then {uinamespace setvariable ["str_screen",displaynull]};
if (isnull (uinamespace getvariable "str_screen")) then {1918 cutrsc ["screen","plain"]};
_display = uinamespace getvariable "str_screen";

if (!_dirt) then {

	//--- Select free layer
	_control = controlnull;
	for "_i" from 1001 to 1006 do {
		_c = _display displayctrl _i;
		_f = ctrlfade _c;
		_p = ctrlposition _c;
		if ((_p select 3) == 0) then {_f = 1};
		if (_f == 1) exitwith {_control = _c};
	if (isnull _control) exitwith {debuglog ["Log::::::FAIL"]};

	//--- Select position
	_w = safezoneW * _int;
	_h = _w / 0.75;
	_pos = [
		((safezoneX - _w/2) + random (safezoneW)),
		((safezoneY - _h/2) + random (safezoneH)),

	//--- Fade out (0s)
	_control ctrlsetposition _pos;
	_control ctrlsetfade 1;
	_control ctrlcommit 0;

	//--- Fade in (0.1s)
	_control ctrlsetfade 0;
	_control ctrlcommit 0.1;
	waituntil {ctrlcommitted _control};

	sleep 3;

	//--- Fade out (random 5-15s)
	_control ctrlsetfade 1;
	_control ctrlcommit (5 + random 10);
	waituntil {ctrlcommitted _control};

	//--- Reset
	if (ctrlfade _control == 0) then {
		_control ctrlsetposition [0,0,0,0];
		_control ctrlcommit 0;

} else {
	_control = _display displayctrl 1000;
	_pos = [safezoneX,safezoneY,safezoneW,safezoneH];

	//--- Fade out (0s)
	_control ctrlsetposition _pos;
	_control ctrlsetfade 1;
	_control ctrlcommit 0;

	//--- Fade in (0.2s)
	_control ctrlsetfade 0;
	_control ctrlcommit 0.2;
	waituntil {ctrlcommitted _control};

	sleep 3;

	//--- Fade out (random 5-10s)
	_control ctrlsetfade 1;
	_control ctrlcommit (5 + random 5);
	waituntil {ctrlcommitted _control};

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